believe it or not 查看更多



Believe it or not,Levy’s sister suddenly            tears when we were eating.

  1. A.
    burst out
  2. B.
    burst into
  3. C.
    burst in
  4. D.
    burst on


Believe it or not, optical illusion(错觉) can cut highway crashes.

Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion. But stripes, called chevrons(人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.

Now the American Automobile Association Foundation(基金会) for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan’s success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.

Excessive (too great) speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards (danger) are the greatest curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges.

Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars.

Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.

1. The passage mainly discusses ________.

A. a new way of highway speed control

B. a new pattern for painting highways

C. a new way of training drivers

D. a new type of optical illusion

2. On roads painted with chevrons, drivers tend to feel that ________.

A. they should avoid speed-related hazards

B. they are driving in the wrong lane

C. they should slow down their speed

D. they are coming near to the speed limit

3. The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former ________.

A. can keep drivers awake     B. can cut road accidents in half

C. will look more attractive   D. will have a longer effect on drivers

4. The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to ________.

A. try out the Japanese method in certain areas

B. change the road signs across the country

C. replace straight, horizontal bars with chevrons

D. repeat the Japanese road patterns

5. What does the author say about straight, horizontal bars painted across roads?

A. They are suitable only on broad roads.   

B. They are falling out of use in the United States.

C. They are ignored in a long period of time.

D. They cannot be used successfully to traffic circles.


Believe it or not, there are good reasons for wearing a school uniform. It makes you   1__  proud of your school. It builds a common spirit of unity (整体) among students and   2   them of the values and history of their school. But for most students, school uniforms are not something to be proud of   3  .

“Why   4   the school uniform just one day a week? Always wearing the same clothes makes me feel boring,” a senior student from a high school complained (抱怨). “I don’t like the big English letters of the name of our school on the back,” said a junior student “They could be   __5  .” The main student complaints about school uniforms are: simple colors, boring designs and bad   6  . And a teacher at a middle school in Guangzhou said that   7   a teacher and a mother, she eagerly   8   the quality of school uniforms will be improved soon.

What has caused all these problems? Chen Hong, a uniform designer in Shenzhen, pointed out that problems   9   because the whole society doesn’t see the   10   of the school uniform.

“Most designers are  11   to stick to the same old fashion,  12 _ there are no professionals (专业人员)   13   work for students,” Chen said.

His company   14   most of the awards in the first national competition for school uniforms last month in Nanning, Guangxi.

“Besides, high quality calls for a high price,” said Chen. “But in some schools, the annual (一年一度) expense for each student’s uniform is only 50 to 60 yuan. How can we produce high quality clothes with so   15   money?”

Even with these problems, efforts have been made   16   the situation, according to Zhai Shiliang,   17   of the School Uniform Administration and Service Center in Beijing. A school clothes competition was held in April in Beijing. Thirty-seven uniforms,   18   in schools next spring, were selected from 570. “We will offer the samples (样品) for schools to choose,” Zhai said.

“The perfect uniform should remind the students of the school’s honor and cause them to be proud of it   19   they are,” Chen said. Zhai added, “During the 2008 Olympic Games, the whole world will see the new appearance of our   20   century young generation with new school uniforms.”

1. A. take                    B. feel                  C. to take             D. to feel

2. A. remains               B. remember          C. reminds           D. recalls

3. A. at all                   B. in all                C. for all              D. after all

4. A. not to wear           B. to wear            C. not wear          D. wear

5. A. large                   B. larger               C. small               D. smaller

6. A. quantity               B. amount            C. quality             D. unit

7. A. as                       B. like                  C. for                  D. with

8. A. wishes                       B. needs               C. wants              D. hopes

9. A. come through      B. come up          C. come in           D. come on

10. A. importance        B. important         C. design             D. possibility

11. A. like                    B. possibly           C. unlikely            D. likely

12. A. if                      B. although           C. because           D. because of

13. A. what                 B. which              C. that                 D. ×

14. A. won                  B. has won           C. wins                D. had won

15. A. few                   B. little          C. much              D. many

16. A. improve             B. develop            C. change            D. to change

17. A. a head               B. the head           C. Head               D. head

18. A. being seen                B. to be seen        C. to see              D. will be seen

19. A. whenever and wherever                  B. when and where 

C. what and who                                     D. whatever and whoever

20. A. 19th                  B. 20th                       C. 21st                       D. 22nd


Believe it or not,Levy’s sister suddenly             tears when we were eating.

A.burst out

B.burst into

C.burst in

D.burst on


Believe it or not, optical illusion(错觉) can cut highway crashes.

Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion. But stripes, called chevrons(人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.

Now the American Automobile Association Foundation(基金会) for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan’s success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.

Excessive (too great) speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards (danger) are the greatest curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges.

Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars.

Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.

The passage mainly discusses ________.

A. a new way of highway speed control

B. a new pattern for painting highways

C. a new way of training drivers

D. a new type of optical illusion

On roads painted with chevrons, drivers tend to feel that ________.

A. they should avoid speed-related hazards

B. they are driving in the wrong lane

C. they should slow down their speed

D. they are coming near to the speed limit

The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former ________.

A. can keep drivers awake     B. can cut road accidents in half

C. will look more attractive   D. will have a longer effect on drivers

The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to ________.

A. try out the Japanese method in certain areas

B. change the road signs across the country

C. replace straight, horizontal bars with chevrons

D. repeat the Japanese road patterns

What does the author say about straight, horizontal bars painted across roads?

A. They are suitable only on broad roads.   

B. They are falling out of use in the United States.

C. They are ignored in a long period of time.

D. They cannot be used successfully to traffic circles.

