Great changes have been taken place in the way people communicate with each other. In the past people write letters to share informations and later they talked with each other in the telephone. Now more and more people use our own mobile phones to communicating. And instead writing on the paper, they e-mail to each other on the computer. As a result, people find that quicker and easier to communicate, and at the same time some people feel that they become poorer in writing. They worry about whether people can be as closely as before. 七 书面表达 假期将至.据一份网上调查.显示出了教师.学生.家长对于补课的不同观点.请你根据下列提示写一篇英语短文. 假期补课调查表 学生 观点 60%不同意 40%同意[ 理由 疲惫,应给予时间 空间放松.调节 能多学点东西 家长 观点 同意但收费过高 理由 有人看着安全.补了总比不补好. 多少学点 要求:1.字数:120词左右,2.必须谈出自己的看法. 参考词汇:extra lessons n.补课 relax v.放松 56-60ADCFB 四单词拼写: 61 Resources,62 educated,63 published,64 traditional,65formal, 66 solution,67 connected, 68 breakthrough,69 personal, 70 performance 五英汉互译1.calm down 2 go through 3 even if/though familiar with 5 lose heart 6信不信由你 7 过去常常 8 而不是,与其 9寻找10 形成,产生 查看更多



Great changes have been taken place in the way people communicate with each other. In the past people write letters to share informations and later they talked with each other in the telephone. Now more and more people use our own mobile phones to communicating. And instead writing on the paper, they e-mail to each other on the computer. As a result, people find that quicker and easier to communicate, and at the same time some people feel that they become poorer in writing. They worry about whether people can be as closely as before


Great changes have been taken place in the way people communicate with each other. In the past people write letters to share informations and later they talked with each other in the telephone. Now more and more people use our own mobile phones to communicating. And instead writing on the paper, they e-mail to each other on the computer. As a result, people find that quicker and easier to communicate, and at the same time some people feel that they become poorer in writing. They worry about whether people can be as closely as before




Great changes have been taken place in the way people communicate with each other. In the past people write letters to share informations and later they talked with each other in the telephone. Now more and more people use our own mobile phones to communicating. And instead writing on the paper, they e-mail to each other on the computer. As a result, people find that quicker and easier to communicate, and at the same time some people feel that they become poorer in writing. They worry about whether people can be as closely as before.



Great changes have been taken place in the way people communicate with each other.In the past people write letters to share informations and later they talked with each other in the telephone.Now more and more people use our own mobile phones to communicating.And instead writing on the paper, they e-mail to each other on the computer.As a result, people find that quicker and easier to communicate, and at the same time some people feel that they become poorer in writing.They worry about whether people can be as closely as before.








Great changes have been taken place in the way people communicate with each other. In the

past people write letters to share informations and later they talked with each other in the telephone

Now more and more people use our own mobile phones to communicating. And instead writing on

the paper, they e-mail to each other on the computer. As a result, people find that quicker and easier

to communicate, and at the same time some people feel that they become poorer in writing. They

worry about whether people can be as closely as before.

