What are his fans worried about? His fans worried that they will not see him in the flesh. Task2 Deal with Listening on page62 and listening task on page66. Step Ⅲ Speaking This task is to let the students practice making appointments. Ask Ss read instructions of Exercise 3 on page 32 and work in pairs and role-play the situation. Sample dialogue: S1: Hello. I’d like to speak to Li Feizhou. I’m the photographer ringing him to make an appointment for some photographs for “cool scene magazine. Is it possible to meet him tomorrow? S2: Hello. Perhaps I can help. I am Li Feizhou’s secretary. I’m afraid he can only meet you tomorrow afternoon as he had a haircut in the morning. Is that OK? S1: Oh dear. I was hoping he would be free in the morning as I have another appointment then. It should only take two hours. Maybe we could meet before or after his appointment. S2: Yes. That might be possible. But he’s busy between 9:00 and 10:30 and then between 11:30 and 1:00 but he might be free for an hour between 10:30 and 11:30. S1: I don’t think that’s long enough. Could he change his other appointment to another day? S2: I don’t think so. S1: Then could he be free at 10:00? We could do the photographs and I would still be on time for my next appointment. S2: That sounds quite possible. I’ll ask him. What would he need to wear? S1: Some comfortable clothes would be best. S2: Fine. I’ll talk to him and call you again very soon. Where would it be best to meet? S1: At the studio if that is OK with you. Thank you very much. S2: My pleasure. Step Ⅳ Listening The students will hear a conversation between Susan and Greg. They are asked to do the exercise according to the tape. T: Many people think that making a radio or TV interview is fun and interesting. But there can be problems. What will be problems? Listen to the tape and try to finish the exercise. Listen to the tape again and check the answers with the whole class. Students answer the questions in pairs. One asks the questions and the other answers. StepⅤ Listening Task Put students into pairs. Ask them to think of as many practical situations as they can, where being “on the spot is very important to understanding what is happening. Discuss why an eyewitness would help in each situation. Listen to the tape for the first time. Ask students to write down the gist of the listening passage in one sentence. Go through the task and listen again and do the exercise. Check the answers. Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework In this period we’ve done some listening practice and practiced how to make appointments. After class, please listen to the recording repeatedly and pay attention to the pronunciation as well as functional sentences of how to make appointments. 查看更多





L = Lucy   J = Jim

L : Oh, I’ve just had a (76) t        day today.        76.     

J : What (77) h         ?                 77.     

L : Well, I overslept in the morning. I didn’t hear the       

   (78) a        clock.                    78.     

J : Oh, everyone does that once in a (79) w          79.     

L : I was late for class, so I drove a little (80) f       . Guess who saw me?


J : A policeman? You got a ticket?

L : Yeah. He didn’t care that I was late. Anyway, I got to class,

   (81) b        I had brought the wrong book. The teacher wasn’t     81.     

   (82) h         .                  82.     

J : That’s really had.

L : What’s (83) w        , I have a paper due tomorrow. It’s on a 83.     

Hard drive (硬盘). I went to the computer lab and I couldn’t

(84) f          my file. I forgot to save the information.       84.     

J : Oh, not!

L : And now I need to go home. And you know (85) w       ?       85.     

   My car keys are missing.




第一节 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


L =" Lucy  " J = Jim

L : Oh, I’ve just had a (76) t        day today.        76.     

J : What (77) h         ?                 77.     

L : Well, I overslept in the morning. I didn’t hear the       

(78) a        clock.                    78.     

J : Oh, everyone does that once in a (79) w         79.     

L : I was late for class, so I drove a little (80) f       . Guess who saw me?


J : A policeman? You got a ticket?

L : Yeah. He didn’t care that I was late. Anyway, I got to class,

(81) b        I had brought the wrong book. The teacher wasn’t     81.     

(82) h         .                  82.     

J : That’s really had.

L : What’s (83) w        , I have a paper due tomorrow. It’s on a        83.     

Hard drive (硬盘). I went to the computer lab and I couldn’t

(84) f          my file. I forgot to save the information.       84.     

J : Oh, not!

L : And now I need to go home. And you know (85) w       ?      85.     

My car keys are missing.





W:Hello, Jim. Where are you going?

M:To the cinema. What about  (76) c_______ with me?

W:No, thanks. I’m going home. My friend’s expecting me.

M:What a (77) p_____! I believe it’s a very good film.

W:Do you go to the cinema a lot?

M:(78) O___ a week. Most nights I sit at home and watch TV.

W:Oh, I see. (79) B__ the way, where are you going for your holidays this year?

M:I don’t know yet. My wife’s going to her mother’s for a

(80) c_____ of weeks. She lives by the sea, you know.

W:Oh, does she? That’s convenient.

M:Yes, but I want to go to the (81) c________.

W:Don’t you like the sea?

M:Yes, very much. But I need (82) p_____ and quiet when I’m on holiday. What are you going to do?

W:I’m going to (83) s_____  at home.

M:Aren’t you going to (84) h____ a holiday abroad this year?

W:No, I want to buy a car, and that’s going to take

(85) e_______ penny I’ve got.













Dear Nicolaus Copernicus,

I am a s______1. studying astronomy and I would very much like to read your new theory about the solar s_____2.

I hope you will p______3.it for several reasons.

I understand the problems with the present theory. The way the plants move is not what you would expect if the earth was the center of the u_______4.. It is also odd that the brightness of some s____5.seems to change. So I agree with you that we need a new theory.

I know your observations have been very carefully c_____6.out over many years. Now you must have the courage to publish them. S______ 7.can never advance unless people have the courage of their beliefs. I know you worry about what will h_____8. if you publish your new theory. No m_______ 9.how people oppose it, time will show w_____10.your ideas are right or wrong.

So I hope you will feel you can publish your new theory.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



   Alex London Research Laboratory (ALRL) is part of Alex Co., Ltd., a major Australian medicine-making company. Opened in 1992, ALRL specialises in the development of new medicines for the treatment of heart diseases.

    A position is now open for a Research Operations Manager(ROM) to support our growing research team at the new laboratories in Hatfield,due to open in the autumn of 2010.

    Reporting to the Director,you will help set up and run the technical and scientific support services of our new laboratories now under construction.You will be expected to provide expert knowledge about and be in charge of all areas of ALRL’S Health and Safety,and to communicate (沟通)with support employees at ALRL’S laboratories based at University College London.Working closely with scientists and other operations and technical employees,you will manage a small number of research support employees providing services to help with the research activities to be carried out at the new laboratories.

    Candidates(申请人) will have experience of both management and research support/technical services.Knowledge of research operations and excellent communication skills are necessary. Education to degree level is also desirable.

    If you are interested in this position,please send your CV(简历)to Alex London Research

 Laboratory,University College London,Hatfield,London,W1E 6B7 or by email to ALRL@alex.co.uk.

   For more Information.please visit www.alex.co.uk.

1.What can be learnt about the new laboratories from the text?

    A.They have not yet been set up.

    B.They are in Hatfield,Australia. 

    C.They belong to University College London.

    D.They are new workplaces for Australian researchers only.

2.What are the duties of a ROM,according to the text?

a.to carry out research activities  

b.to be in charge of ALRL’s H ealth and Safety

c.to help run the technical and scientific support services

d.to manage a small number of research support employees

A.a,b,c.    B.a,b,d.   C.b,c,d.    D.a,c,d.

3.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The technical skills of a would—be ROM.

B.The practical experience of a would—be ROM.

C.The personal information of a would—be ROM.

D.The necessary requirements for a would—be ROM.

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To describe the job of a ROM.

B.To provide information about ALRL.

C.To announce an open position at ALRL.

D.To make known the opening of the new laboratories.

