―What do you think of my composition? ―It well a few spelling mistakes. A. reads; except for B. read; besides C. is read; except for D. is read; besides 查看更多



―What do you think of my composition?

   ―It _______ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.

A. reads; except for                                   B. read; besides

C. is read; except for                          D. is read; besides


―What do you think of my composition?

    ―It _____ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.

A. reads; except for      B. read; besides

C. is read; except for    D. is read; besides


 ―What do you think of my composition?

   ―It _______ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.

A. reads; except for                                     B. read; besides

C. is read; except for                                    D. is read; besides


 ―What do you think of my composition?

   ―It _______ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.

A. reads; except for                                     B. read; besides

C. is read; except for                                    D. is read; besides


―What do you think of my composition?
   ―It _______ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.
A. reads; except for     B. read; besides
C. is read; except for    D. is read; besides

