2.从中文到英文 第17回“后院墙下忽开一隙.得泉一脉.开沟仅尺许.灌入墙内.绕阶缘屋至前院.盘旋竹下而出. 我们看这句里的中文.第一小句8个字.中间小句4.5.4个字.结尾7.6个字.流水句.节奏感好.情景清新明快.画面感强.是典型的优美的中文. 我们看看英文翻译: “A stream gushed through an opening at the foot of the garden wall into a channel barely a foot wide which ran to the foot of the rear terrace and thence round the side of the house to the front. where it meandered through the bamboos of the forecourt before finally disappearing through another opening in the surrounding wall. 我突出句中的逗号.是为了让大家看清楚这是英文的一个大长句.这个英文长句.很气派.前半句竟然有40个词.后半句有19个词.蔚为大观.就像一列火车.呼啦啦拽起了那么多的车厢.轰然前行.中文习惯于短句子.读写听说.我们都会有这样的感觉.短句子会让我们更加便利.更加舒服.如果说英文是一列长长的火车.那么中文呢.就像个手推车.一人一车.翻山越岭.细步款款. 【