Gram is a metric unit of mass. 克是米制质量单位. 查看更多





  Every animals is a living radiator (散热器)--heat formed in its cells and given off through its skin. Warm blooded animals keep a normal temperature by continuously replacing lost surface heat: smaller animals, which have more skin for every ounce of body weight, must produce heat faster than bigger ones. Because smaller animals burn fuels faster, scientists say they live faster. The speed at which an animal lives is determined by measuring the rate at which it uses oxygen. A chicken, for example, uses one-half cubic centimeters of oxygen every hour for each gram it weighs. The tiny shrew-mouse used four cubic centimeters of oxygen every hour for each gram it weighs. Because it uses oxygen eight times as fast, it is said that the shrew-mouse is living eight times as fast as the chicken. The smallest of the warm-blooded animals, the humming-bird, lives a hundred times as fast as an elephant. There is a limit to how small a warm-blooded animal can be. A mammal or bird that weighs only two and a half grams would starve to death. It would burn up its food too rapidly and would not he able to eat fast enough to supply itself more fuel.

1.The passage says that every animal is a living radiator because it _____.

[  ]

A.produces heat in its body cells

B.burns fuel to produce heat

C.sends out heat through its skin

D.takes in oxygen for burning fuel

2.Small animals are said to live faster than big ones because they _____.

[  ]

A.have more skin for their weight

B.replace lost heat faster

C.burn fuel faster than big ones

D.keep a higher body temperature

3.The amount of oxygen an animal uses depends on _____.

[  ]

A.the heat the body produces

B.the food it eats

C.its size and shape

D.the length of time it lives

4.According to the passage, which of the following inferences is possibly right?

[  ]

A.There is no limit as to how large a warm-blooded animal can be.

B.The humming-bird lives faster than any other warm-blooded animals.

C.Small animals have less skin for their body weight than large ones.

D.The humming-bird is the smallest of the warm-blooded animals.


Some people don’t mind being fat. Other people can keep slim (苗条) without any effort. But a lot of people do put on too much weight and don’t like it. The question is, what can thy do about it?

Some believe exercise can be helpful. But the trouble is that it only makes you want to eat more. You might sweat out a couple of pounds playing tennis or climbing a mountain, but you put it all back on again with a big steak or bread and jam.

A helpful way is food choosing. But what sort of food should you choose? Some believe that the less they eat, the slimmer they will be. They don’t eat anything until they become weak with hunger. Some stick to milk and bananas. You’ll find you need a lot of bananas, and unless you live where they grow, they aren’t cheap. Another says that if you eat things like hard-boiled eggs, and apples with their skins on which are hard for your stomach to digest (消化), the more you eat, the thinner you get. This is because you use up the fat in your body to get the energy to digest the food.

For most of us these methods are too extreme (极端的). The simplest way is just to cut down on the carbohydrates (糖类) that means not eating bread, potatoes, cakes, sugar, rice, and so on and eating anything else you like. It’s straight forward and often quite effective.

Still others like to be more scientific. They are calorie countries. They get a table, which tells them that, for example, 100 grams of roast let of lamb gives you 330 calories and a 50 gram helping of Yokshire pudding gives you 130 calories.


. According to the passage, the best way to keep slim is ______.

A. exercising       B. hunger       C. food-choosing        D. eating milk and bananas


 There seems nothing wrong with exercise except that ______.

A. it makes you sweat                   B. it’s hard work 

C. it tires you out                         D. it makes you eat more


. The practical method suggested here means ______.

A. sticking to bananas                  B. not eating many carbohydrates

C. eating as little as possible             D. eating things that are hard to digest


. Which of the following do you think is the best title for the passage?

A. Don’t Eat Too Much              B. Various Ways of Losing Weight

C. Ways to Keep Fit                     D. Food and Health



Dear Abby,

This is my first letter to you, although I have been reading your column for many years. I need an outside opinion.

I am a grandmother in my 70s and have just returned from visiting my daughter, her husband and their three dearly loved children--all under the age of 5--and I'm upset with some of their parenting ways.

For example: They lock the doors to their children's bedrooms at night because the children might get out of their beds and wander around the house, and we may not hear them."

 If one child should get punishment, all three are punished, and if one child says a naughty

word, all three are given hot sauce (辣酱汁) in the mouth. I know these parents love their children very much, but are these ways of disciplining them wise? Please understand, it is not my aim to interfere (干涉).

--- Gram


Dear Gram,

Children's bedroom doors should not be locked. Should a flash fire break out, it would be a nightmare (噩梦).Punishing all the children when only one has earned the punishment is a good way to make them grow up to hate each other. Children who use "naughty" words should not be punished with hot sauce in the mouth-they should be taught the proper and acceptable word to use instead of the "naughty" word. 


1.Gram's daughter _____________.

A. is very strict with her children            B. does not love her three children

C. always punishes her children at night      D. often gives her children hot sauce

2. Gram writes the letter in order to ____________.

A. disclose her daughter's ways as a mother     

B. criticize her daughter's ways as a mother

C. express her anger about her daughter s ways as a mom

D. get others' opinion about her daughter's ways as a mom

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Gram seems to care for her grand children very much.

B. Gram is against some of her daughter's ways as a mom.

C. Abby is for only one of Gram's daughter's ways as a mom.

D. Abby agrees with Gram about her daughter's ways as a mom.




A cheap drug that can stop bleeding in people recently injured in an accident could potentially save the lives of tens of thousands worldwide, a new study says.

Researchers studied the effects of tranexamic acid (凝血酸), or TXA, in more than 10,000 injured people in 40 countries who received the drug within 8 hours of being injured. The study was published in the medical journal Lancet. Doctors found that patients who got TXA had a 15percent lower chance of dying from hemorrhage than those who didn’t get it . They also had a 10 percent lower chance of dying from any other cause, including organ failure and a head injury. The study was paid for by the British government.

The drug is commonly used in wealthy countries during elective surgeries(外科手术) to stop bleeding , but isn’t used for accident victims. TXA is off-patent and made by many companies. It costs about $4.5 per gram, and a typical dose is two grams. It is usually given via an injection(注射) and would be relatively easy to introduce, even in poor countries, experts said.

Previous tests of the drug regarded its use in elective surgeries, such as heart operations, but this was the first study to test the drug on accident victims. Doctors were worried it might increase side effects such as blood clots (凝块)in the heart and lungs, strokes, or heart attacks. There was no evidence of that in the Lancet study, though the authors said it was possible they might have missed some of these incidents.

For people between 5 and 45, accidents are the second leading cause of death worldwide after AIDS, and about 600,000 injured patients bleed to death every year. Experts estimated that if TXA were readily available, between 70,000 and 100,000 lives a year could be saved. Though the drug wasn’t tested on children , experts said it would almost certainly work with them as well.

1.The underlined word” hemorrhage” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________

A.serious illness

B.heart disease

C.heavy bleeding

D.lack of drug

2.What can we learn about TXA from the passage?

A.It can only be made in England

B.It was only used in operations before

C.It is a patented drug

D.It is mainly used in poor countries

3.Doctors were worried about using TXA because ________

A.a lot of patients died unexpectedly after using it has no treatment effect on patients can cause blood clots or stroke

D.they hadn’t used it on accident victims before

4. What do we know from the last paragraph?

A.It is a pity that TXA wasn’t widely used on injured patients before

B.Tests have proved that TXA can be used on children

C.People between 5 and 45 should be injected with TXA every year

D.Accidents are the first leading cause of death worldwide.



A cheap drug that can stop bleeding in people recently injured in an accident could potentially save the lives of tens of thousands worldwide, a new study says.

  Researchers studied the effects of tranexamic acid (凝血酸), or TXA, in more than 10,000 injured people in 40 countries who received the drug within 8 hours of being injured. The study was published in the medical journal Lancet. Doctors found that patients who got TXA had a 15percent lower chance of dying from hemorrhage than those who didn’t get it . They also had a 10 percent lower chance of dying from any other cause, including organ failure and a head injury. The study was paid for by the British government.

  The drug is commonly used in wealthy countries during elective surgeries(外科手术) to stop bleeding , but isn’t used for accident victims. TXA is off-patent and made by many companies. It costs about $4.5 per gram, and a typical dose is two grams. It is usually given via an injection(注射) and would be relatively easy to introduce, even in poor countries, experts said.

  Previous tests of the drug regarded its use in elective surgeries, such as heart operations, but this was the first study to test the drug on accident victims. Doctors were worried it might increase side effects such as blood clots (凝块)in the heart and lungs, strokes, or heart attacks. There was no evidence of that in the Lancet study, though the authors said it was possible they might have missed some of these incidents.

  For people between 5 and 45, accidents are the second leading cause of death worldwide after AIDS, and about 600,000 injured patients bleed to death every year. Experts estimated that if TXA were readily available, between 70,000 and 100,000 lives a year could be saved. Though the drug wasn’t tested on children , experts said it would almost certainly work with them as well.

The underlined word” hemorrhage” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________

 A. serious illness    B. heart disease     C. heavy bleeding   D. lack of drug

What can we learn about TXA from the passage?

 A. It can only be made in England     B. It was only used in operations before

 C. It is a patented drug              D. It is mainly used in poor countries

Doctors were worried about using TXA because ________

 A. a lot of patients died unexpectedly after using it

 B. it has no treatment effect on patients

 C. it can cause blood clots or stroke

 D. they hadn’t used it on accident victims before

What do we know from the last paragraph?

 A. It is a pity that TXA wasn’t widely used on injured patients before

 B. Tests have proved that TXA can be used on children

 C. People between 5 and 45 should be injected with TXA every year

 D. Accidents are the first leading cause of death worldwide.

