The maker guarantees this hair dye to stay on three weeks. 制造商保证染发剂使用后的有效期间为三星期. 查看更多



Jonathan James looks like just another kid about to graduate from high school. But this 19-year-old Swede is anything but ordinary, from the computer in his parents’ home he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) find out the world’s most wanted cyber criminals(网络犯罪分子).

Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede, Fredrik Bjoerck, found out the maker of the “Melissa” virus(病毒) in March 1999. He came to the aid of the FBI again on May 7, finding out the suspected(嫌疑的) sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus. The suspect was caught in Manila on May 8.

Jonathan’s special skills are in hot demand as officials around the world express alarm at the “virtual” crimewave. In between studying for final exams, hanging out with friends and refereeing his younger brother’s football matches, the quiet, gentle teenager also gives lessons on e-security(电子安全) to large companies. He reads a lot and exchanges information with other computer experts to know much about the latest tricks of the hacker (黑客) trade.

Many companies have already tried to employ him, but he is not interested at the moment. Instead, he plans to begin law school in the autumn at Sweden’s Uppsala University and start up his own e-security company.

Although he works with the FBI now, his family insists he’s just “a regular kid”. “Jonathan is a great kid, he has his friends and he does a lot more than just play with the computer,” his little sister Tessa said, adding that he helps the FBI because “he likes to help”, not because he’s looking for fame and recognition.

When the world was hit by the “Love Bug” virus, Jonathan was too busy preparing a speech on e-security to look into the problem. “Finally on May 7, I had some free time, so I began looking.” Within a few hours, he had found the suspect and e-mailed his method and results to the FBI. He said his work on the “Melissa” virus, which took three weeks to solve, was a big help in finding the suspect so quickly.

“This time I knew exactly where to start, I knew what to disregard and what to look at.”

The passage mainly wants to tell us that______.

A. Swedish kid helps FBI find out the most wanted cyber criminals

B. Jonathan is really a quiet, gentle and ordinary boy

C. many companies want the young computer expert to join in

D. any cyber criminals will surely be found out wherever they are

The public started to know something about Jonathan just from____.

A. his helping the US FBI to find out the sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus

B. his work together with Fredrik Bjoerck to find out the maker of the “Melissa” virus

C. his little sister’s talk about his good qualities as a regular kid and a good programmer

D. his speech on e-security to many computer companies after his fight against hackers

From Jonathan’s success in finding out the sender of the dangerous ‘Love Bug” virus we can infer that ___.

A. where there’s a will, there’s a way   B. experience is knowledge

C. hard work leads to success               D. failure is the mother of success

What do we know about Jonathan?

A. He is a good fame hunter with various abilities.

B. He is such a brave fighter that any criminal will feel afraid.

C. He is an expert on security, not interested in running a company.

D. He is a regular kid but does something unusual.



If this computer does not give complete satisfaction, please return it to the maker stating when and where it was ________.







Jonathan James looks like just another kid about to graduate from high school. But this 19-year-old Swede is anything but ordinary, from the computer in his parents’ home he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) find out the world’s most wanted cyber criminals .
Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede, Fredrik Bjoerck, found out the maker of the “Melissa” virus in March 1999. He came to the aid of the FBI again on May 7, finding out the suspected sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus. The suspect was caught in Manila on May 8.
Jonathan’s special skills are in hot demand as officials around the world express alarm at the “virtual” crimewave. In between studying for final exams, hanging out with friends and refereeing his younger brother’s football matches, the quiet, gentle teenager also gives lessons on e-security (电子安全) to large companies. He reads a lot and exchanges information with other computer experts to know much about the latest tricks of the hacker trade.
Many companies have already tried to employ him, but he is not interested at the moment. Instead, he plans to begin law school in the autumn at Sweden’s Uppsala University and start up his own e-security company.
Although he works with the FBI now, his family insists he’s just “a regular kid”. “Jonathan is a great kid, he has his friends and he does a lot more than just play with the computer,” his little sister Tessa said, adding that he helps the FBI because “he likes to help”, not because he’s looking for fame and recognition.
When the world was hit by the “Love Bug” virus, Jonathan was too busy preparing a speech on e-security to look into the problem. “Finally on May 7, I had some free time, so I began looking.” Within a few hours, he had found the suspect and e-mailed his method and results to the FBI. He said his work on the “Melissa” virus, which took three weeks to solve, was a big help in finding the suspect so quickly.
“This time I knew exactly where to start, I knew what to disregard and what to look at.”
【小题1】The passage mainly wants to tell us that ___________.

A.Swedish kid helps FBI find out the most wanted cyber criminals
B.Jonathan is really a quiet, gentle and ordinary boy
C.many companies want the young computer expert to join in
D.any cyber criminals will surely be found out wherever they are
【小题2】The public started to know something about Jonathan just from _________.
A.his helping the US FBI to find out the sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus
B.his work together with Fredrik Bjoerck to find out the maker of the “Melissa” virus
C.his little sister’s talk about his good qualities as a regular kid and a good programmer
D.his speech on e-security to many computer companies after his fight against hackers
【小题3】 From Jonathan’s success in finding out the sender of the dangerous ‘Love Bug” virus we can infer that _________.
A.where there’s a will, there’s a wayB.experience is knowledge
C.hard work leads to successD.failure is the mother of success
【小题4】What do we know about Jonathan?
A.He is a good fame hunter with various abilities.
B.He is such a brave fighter that any criminal will feel afraid.
C.He is an expert on security, not interested in running a company.
D.He is a regular kid but does something unusual.


“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”  

“Two full inches in the first three days!”  

These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters of products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way to beauty or desirability.  

Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoter. The re they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.   

To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary? Understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA(Food Drug Administration)can require proof (证明)under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that safe and effective before it is put on the market . But if the product is a device, FDA. has no author to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the marker danger to health, FDA. can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the a voluntarily, or it can take legal action ,including seizure (查封) of the product.   

One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the ## through contact pads. FDA. took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the ## the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.   

Olwionsly, most of the devices on the maker never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼),and new devices appear continually, Before buying, it is up to the consumer to the safety or effectiveness of such items.   

61.It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are ______.   

A. objective          B. costly         C. unreliable          D. illegal   

62.Which of the following is true according to the text?  

A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous product.   

B. New products are more likely to be questionable.   

C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.   

D. The promoters usually just care about profits.   

63. FDA. can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product ________.   

A. if it is a drug  

B. if it is a device  

C. if its consumers make complaints  

D. if its distributors challenge FDA’s authority  

64. The Relaxacisor is mentioned as_______.   

A. a product which was designed to produce electricity  

B. a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case  

C. a successful advertisement of a beauty product  

D. an example of a quality beauty product  

65. The author intends to __________  

A. make consumers aware of the promoters’ false promises

B. show the weakness of the law on product safety  

C. give advice on how to keep young and beautiful  

D. introduce the organization of FDA.  


Jonathan James looks like just another kid about to graduate from high school. But this 19-year-old Swede is anything but ordinary, from the computer in his parents’ home he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) find out the world’s most wanted cyber criminals(网络犯罪分子).

Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede, Fredrik Bjoerck, found out the maker of the “Melissa” virus(病毒) in March 1999. He came to the aid of the FBI again on May 7, finding out the suspected(嫌疑的) sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus. The suspect was caught in Manila on May 8.

Jonathan’s special skills are in hot demand as officials around the world express alarm at the “virtual” crimewave. In between studying for final exams, hanging out with friends and refereeing his younger brother’s football matches, the quiet, gentle teenager also gives lessons on e-security(电子安全) to large companies. He reads a lot and exchanges information with other computer experts to know much about the latest tricks of the hacker (黑客) trade.

Many companies have already tried to employ him, but he is not interested at the moment. Instead, he plans to begin law school in the autumn at Sweden’s Uppsala University and start up his own e-security company.

Although he works with the FBI now, his family insists he’s just “a regular kid”. “Jonathan is a great kid, he has his friends and he does a lot more than just play with the computer,” his little sister Tessa said, adding that he helps the FBI because “he likes to help”, not because he’s looking for fame and recognition.

When the world was hit by the “Love Bug” virus, Jonathan was too busy preparing a speech on e-security to look into the problem. “Finally on May 7, I had some free time, so I began looking.” Within a few hours, he had found the suspect and e-mailed his method and results to the FBI. He said his work on the “Melissa” virus, which took three weeks to solve, was a big help in finding the suspect so quickly.

“This time I knew exactly where to start, I knew what to disregard and what to look at.”

1. The passage mainly wants to tell us that______.

A. Swedish kid helps FBI find out the most wanted cyber criminals

B. Jonathan is really a quiet, gentle and ordinary boy

C. many companies want the young computer expert to join in

D. any cyber criminals will surely be found out wherever they are

2. The public started to know something about Jonathan just from____.

A. his helping the US FBI to find out the sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus

B. his work together with Fredrik Bjoerck to find out the maker of the “Melissa” virus

C. his little sister’s talk about his good qualities as a regular kid and a good programmer

D. his speech on e-security to many computer companies after his fight against hackers

3. From Jonathan’s success in finding out the sender of the dangerous ‘Love Bug” virus we can infer that ___.

A. where there’s a will, there’s a way   B. experience is knowledge

C. hard work leads to success               D. failure is the mother of success

4. What do we know about Jonathan?

A. He is a good fame hunter with various abilities.

B. He is such a brave fighter that any criminal will feel afraid.

C. He is an expert on security, not interested in running a company.

D. He is a regular kid but does something unusual.

