lung [lʌŋ] n. 肺,肺脏,空地 常用短语 查看更多



     Nowadays, almost everyone has been   1   (意识到)that smoking               
does     2   to people's health. Sometimes it can even cause fire.                       
      In China, about 36% of the people smoke. Every year, they s   3                 
millions of packets of   4    . It's bad news for the health of the nation.         
      It's known that smoking can l   5    to different kinds of disease.                   
Every year, many people die of these illnesses, such as lung and throat cancers.
 It also    6   (使失去) the government large sums of money to attend              
these sick people. As  7    , smoking is harmful to those people                        
   8   don't smoke, especially to children and women.                                      
     In a   9    , smoking bring people no good. If you want to smoke,            
just think of those s  10    from diseases and the fires that destroy               
 people's lives and properties.

