He plucked the burning cigarette up from the mat. 他把点着的香烟从席子上捡起来. 查看更多



Hans was an honest fellow with a funny round good-humored face. Living alone, every day he worked in his garden. In all the countryside there was no garden so lovely as his. All sorts of flowers grew there, blooming in their proper order as the months went by, one flower taking another flower’s place, so that there were always beautiful things to see, and pleasant odors to smell.

Hans had many friends, the most devoted being the Miller. So devoted was the rich Miller to Hans that he’d never go by his garden without plucking a large bunch of flowers or a handful of sweet herbs, or filling his pockets with fruits. The Miller used to talk about noble ideas, and Hans nodded and smiled, feeling proud of having such a friend.

The neighbors thought it strange that the rich Miller never gave Hans anything in return, though he had hundreds of sacks of flour, many cows and sheep, but Hans never troubled his head about these, and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to listen to all the wonderful things about the unselfishness of true friendship.

In spring, summer, and autumn Hans was very happy, but when winter came, and he had no fruit or flowers to sell, he suffered from cold and hunger. Though extremely lonely, the Miller never came to see him then.

“There’s no good in going to see Hans while the snow lasts.” The Miller said to his wife, “When people are in trouble they shouldn’t be bothered. So I’ll wait till the spring comes when he’s happy to give me flowers.”

“You’re certainly very thoughtful,” answered his wife, “It’s quite a treat to hear you talk about friendship.”

“Couldn’t we ask Hans up here?” said their son. “I’ll give him half my meal, and show him my white rabbits.”

“How silly you are!” cried the Miller. “I really don’t know what’s the use of sending you to school. If Hans came up here, and saw our warm fire, our good supper, and our red wine, he might get envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody’s nature. I am his best friend, and I’ll always watch over him, and see that he’s not led into any temptation. Besides, if Hans came here, he might ask me for some flour. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another, and they shouldn’t be confused. The words are spelt differently, and mean quite different things. Everybody can see that.” He looked seriously at his son, who felt so ashamed that he hung his head down, and grew quite scared, and began to cry into his tea.

Spring coming, the Miller went down to see Hans. Again he talked about friendship. “Hans, friendship never forgets. I’m afraid you don’t understand the poetry of life. See, how lovely your roses are!”

Hans said he wanted to sell them in the market to buy back his things which were sold during the hard time of the winter.

“I’ll give you many good things. I think being generous is the base of friendship.” said the Miller. “And now, as I’ll give you many good things, I’m sure you’d like to give me some flowers in return. Here’s the basket, and fill it quite full.”

Poor Hans was afraid to say anything. He ran and plucked all his pretty roses, and filled the Miller’s basket, imagining the many good things promised by the Miller.

The next day he heard the Miller calling: “Hans, would you mind carrying this sack of flour for me to market?”

“I’m sorry, but I am really very busy today.”

“Well,” said the Miller, “considering that I’m going to give you my things, it’s rather unfriendly of you to refuse. Upon my word, you mustn’t mind my speaking quite plainly to you.”

Poor Hans was driven by his friendship theory to work hard for his best friend, leaving his garden dry and wasted.

One evening Hans was sitting by fire when the Miller came.

“Hans,” cried the Miller, “My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself, and I’m going for the Doctor. But he lives so far away, and it’s such a bad windy night. It has just occurred to me that you can go instead of me. You know I’m going to give you my good things, so you should do something for me in return.”

“Certainly,” cried Hans. He struggled into the stormy night, and got the doctor to ride a horse to the Miller’s house in time to save the boy. However, Hans got lost in the darkness, and wandered off into a deep pool, drowned.

At Hans’ funeral, the Miller said, “I was his best friend. I should walk at the head of the procession.” Every now and then he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.

1.From the passage, we can learn that Hans ___________.

A.was extremely wise and noble

B.was highly valued by the Miller

C.admired the Miller very much

D.had a strong desire for fortune

2.“Flour is one thing, and friendship is another” can be understood as ___________.

A.“Different words may mean quite different things.”

B.“Interest is long-lasting while friendship is flexible.”

C.“I’m afraid you don’t understand the poetry of life.”

D.“I think being generous is the base of friendship.”

3.From the Miller’s talk at home, we can see he was ___________.

A.serious but kind

B.helpful and generous

C.caring but strict

D.selfish and cold-hearted

4.What’s the main cause of Hans’ tragedy?

A.True friendship between them.

B.A lack of formal education.

C.A sudden change of weather.

D.Blind devotion to a friend.

5.The author described the Miller’s behavior in order to ___________.

A.entertain the readers with an incredible joking tale

B.show the friendship between Hans and the Miller

C.warn the readers about the danger of a false friend

D.persuade people to be as intelligent as the Miller



Hans was an honest fellow with a funny round good-humored face. Living alone, every day he worked in his garden. In all the countryside there was no garden so lovely as his. All sorts of flowers grew there, blooming in their proper order as the months went by, one flower taking another flower’s place, so that there were always beautiful things to see, and pleasant odors to smell.
Hans had many friends, the most devoted being the Miller. So devoted was the rich Miller to Hans that he’d never go by his garden without plucking a large bunch of flowers or a handful of sweet herbs, or filling his pockets with fruits. The Miller used to talk about noble ideas, and Hans nodded and smiled, feeling proud of having such a friend.
The neighbors thought it strange that the rich Miller never gave Hans anything in return, though he had hundreds of sacks of flour, many cows and sheep, but Hans never troubled his head about these, and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to listen to all the wonderful things about the unselfishness of true friendship.
In spring, summer, and autumn Hans was very happy, but when winter came, and he had no fruit or flowers to sell, he suffered from cold and hunger. Though extremely lonely, the Miller never came to see him then.
“There’s no good in going to see Hans while the snow lasts.” The Miller said to his wife, “When people are in trouble they shouldn’t be bothered. So I’ll wait till the spring comes when he’s happy to give me flowers.”
“You’re certainly very thoughtful,” answered his wife, “It’s quite a treat to hear you talk about friendship.”
“Couldn’t we ask Hans up here?” said their son. “I’ll give him half my meal, and show him my white rabbits.”
“How silly you are!” cried the Miller. “I really don’t know what’s the use of sending you to school. If Hans came up here, and saw our warm fire, our good supper, and our red wine, he might get envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody’s nature. I am his best friend, and I’ll always watch over him, and see that he’s not led into any temptation. Besides, if Hans came here, he might ask me for some flour. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another, and they shouldn’t be confused. The words are spelt differently, and mean quite different things. Everybody can see that.” He looked seriously at his son, who felt so ashamed that he hung his head down, and grew quite scared, and began to cry into his tea.
Spring coming, the Miller went down to see Hans. Again he talked about friendship. “Hans, friendship never forgets. I’m afraid you don’t understand the poetry of life. See, how lovely your roses are!”
Hans said he wanted to sell them in the market to buy back his things which were sold during the hard time of the winter.
“I’ll give you many good things. I think being generous is the base of friendship.” said the Miller. “And now, as I’ll give you many good things, I’m sure you’d like to give me some flowers in return. Here’s the basket, and fill it quite full.”
Poor Hans was afraid to say anything. He ran and plucked all his pretty roses, and filled the Miller’s basket, imagining the many good things promised by the Miller.
The next day he heard the Miller calling: “Hans, would you mind carrying this sack of flour for me to market?”
“I’m sorry, but I am really very busy today.”
“Well,” said the Miller, “considering that I’m going to give you my things, it’s rather unfriendly of you to refuse. Upon my word, you mustn’t mind my speaking quite plainly to you.”
Poor Hans was driven by his friendship theory to work hard for his best friend, leaving his garden dry and wasted.
One evening Hans was sitting by fire when the Miller came.
“Hans,” cried the Miller, “My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself, and I’m going for the Doctor. But he lives so far away, and it’s such a bad windy night. It has just occurred to me that you can go instead of me. You know I’m going to give you my good things, so you should do something for me in return.”
“Certainly,” cried Hans. He struggled into the stormy night, and got the doctor to ride a horse to the Miller’s house in time to save the boy. However, Hans got lost in the darkness, and wandered off into a deep pool, drowned.
At Hans’ funeral, the Miller said, “I was his best friend. I should walk at the head of the procession.” Every now and then he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.
【小题1】From the passage, we can learn that Hans ___________.

A.was extremely wise and noble
B.was highly valued by the Miller
C.admired the Miller very much
D.had a strong desire for fortune
【小题2】“Flour is one thing, and friendship is another” can be understood as ___________.
A.“Different words may mean quite different things.”
B.“Interest is permanent while friendship is flexible.”
C.“I’m afraid you don’t understand the poetry of life.”
D.“I think being generous is the base of friendship.”
【小题3】 From the Miller’s talk at home, we can see he was ___________.
A.serious but kind
B.helpful and generous
C.caring but strict
D.selfish and cold-hearted
【小题4】What’s the main cause of Hans’ tragedy?
A.True friendship between them.
B.A lack of formal education.
C.A sudden change of weather.
D.Blind devotion to a friend.
【小题5】The author described the Miller’s behavior in order to ___________.
A.entertain the readers with an incredible joking tale
B.show the friendship between Hans and the Miller
C.warn the readers about the danger of a false friend
D.persuade people to be as intelligent as the Miller


Passage Twelve (We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy)
Here’s a familiar version of the boy-meets-girl situation. A young man has at last plucked up courage to invite a dazzling young lady out to dinner. She has accepted his invitation and he is overjoyed. He is determined to take her to the best restaurant in town, even if it means that he will have to live on memories and hopes during the month to come. When they get to the restaurant, he discovers that this ethereal creature is on a diet. She mustn’t eat this and she mustn’t that. Oh, but of course, she doesn’t want to spoil his enjoyment. Let him by all means eat as much fattening food as he wants: it’s the surest way to an early grave. They spend a truly memorable evening together and never see each other again.
What a miserable lot dieters are! You can always recognize them from the sour expression on their faces. They spend most of their time turning their noses up at food. They are forever consulting calorie charts; gazing at themselves in mirrors; and leaping on to weighing-machines in the bathroom. They spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, protruding tummies and double chins. Some wage all-out war on FAT. Mere dieting is not enough. They exhaust themselves doing exercises, sweating in sauna baths, being pummeled and massaged by weird machines. The really wealthy diet-mongers pay vast sums for ‘health cures’. For two weeks they can enter a nature clinic and be starved to death for a hundred guineas a week. Don’t think it’s only the middle-aged who go in for these fads either. Many of these bright young things you see are suffering from chronic malnutrition: they are living on nothing but air, water and the goodwill of God.
Dieters undertake to starve themselves of their own free will; so why are they so miserable? Well, for one thing, they’re always hungry. You can’t be hungry and happy at the same time. All the horrible concoctions they eat instead of food leave them permanently dissatisfied. Wonderfood is a complete food, the advertisement says. ‘Just dissolve a teaspoonful in water…’. A complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak. And, of course, they’re always miserable because they feel so guilty. Hunger just proves too much for them and in the end they lash out and devour five huge guilt-inducing cream cakes at a sitting. And who can blame them? At least three times a day they are exposed to temptation. What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you munch a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!
What’s all this self-inflicted torture for? Saintly people deprive themselves of food to attain a state of grace. Unsaintly people do so to attain a state of misery. It will be a great day when all the dieters in the world abandon their slimming courses; when they hold out their plates and demand second helpings!
1.The best title for this passage is
A.On Fat.
B.We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy.
C.Many Diseases Are Connected with Fat.
D.Diet Deprives People of Normal Life.
2.Why do they never see each other again?
A.Because it is a memorable evening.
B.Because she lets him eat as much fattening food as he wants.
C.Because she does not eat this and drink that.
D.Because eating fattening food is the surest way to an early grave.
3.Which of the following ways is NOT mentioned for diet?
A.Doing exercises.
B.Not eating sugar.
C.Not eating fat.
D.Taking sauna baths.
4.What is the author’s attitude toward diet?


Scott Langteau has this message for kidsspend less time playing video games.

It’s a message that many a mom and dad have tried to impress upon many a youngster (and some not?so?youngsters) who spend perhaps a bit too much time with game controllers in hand.

But the 40?year?old Langteau isn’t a parent.He’s a veteran (老手) of the video game industry—one who played producer on three “Medal of Honor” games and cofounded his own game development company.

Langteau has just published a children’s books called Sofa Boywhich tells the story of a kid who spends too much time sitting on the couch with controller clutched in hand and the rather terrible consequences that follow.

It’s a fairy tale plucked straight from Langteau’s own experiences as a lad with a fondness for video games and his own bouts with a bit of game addiction.But firstLangteau would like to make one thing clear“I’m not saying that you shouldn’t play video games.I think video games are great.I think they do great things for kids.”InsteadLangteau says his book is all about a little something called moderation (克制)

“It’s about being well rounded” he says.“Just like with anything elsewe all need to make sure that there’s a variety in what we do.”

Video gamers can be rather bad?tempered when it comes to accepting criticism about their favorite entertainment.And understandably so.After allmost people who go around talking about the dangers of playing video games tend to be outsiders—people who don’t play video games and certainly don’t understand that they can be a valuable and healthy form of entertainment.

But Langteau and Sofa Boy seem to be in a? unique position to deliver a message of gaming moderation that the young game masses might actually listen to.After allthis is a man who understands what it means to be a kid with a passion for games.His early experience has taught him a lesson.

1. Scott Langteau published Sofa Boy to________.

Ashare his great skills on games

Bwarn kids against game addiction

Ctell about his fairy tale as a kid

Ddeliver a message for video games

2. Which of the following is TRUE about Sofa Boy?

AThe book implies the writer’s own story.

BThe book describes a veteran of games.

CThe boy in the book wins a medal in games.

DThe boy in the book is not a video game addict.

3. We can learn from the passage that________.

ALangteau advises the young to play games within limits

BLangteau advises the young not to play games

Cplaying video games ruins the future of kids

Dplaying video games doesn’t benefit kids

4.By saying “It’s about being well rounded...” (in Para.6)Langteau means________.

Agames do great good to kids

Bgamers are usually fat and round

Cgames should be viewed from all sides

Dgamers are to blame for their behaviors



Scott Langteau has this message for kids: Spend less time playing video games.

It’s a message that many a mom and dad has tried to impress upon many a youngster (and some not-so-youngsters) who spends perhaps a bit too much time with game controllers in hand.

But the 40-year-old Langteau isn’t a parent.He’s experienced at video games — one who played producer on three “Medal of Honor” games and co-founded his own game development company.

Langteau has just published a children’s book called “Sofa Boy,” which tells the story of a kid who spends too much time sitting on the couch with controller held in hand and the rather terrible consequences that follow.

It’s a fairy tale plucked straight from Langteau's own experiences as a lad with a fondness for video games and his own bouts with a bit of game addiction.But first, Langteau would like to make one thing clear: “I’m not saying that you shouldn’t play video games.I think video games are great, I think they do great things for kids”.Instead, Langteau says his book is all about a little something called “moderation.(克制)”

 “It’s about being well rounded,” he says.“Just like with anything else, we all need to make sure that there’s a variety in what we do.”

Video gamers can be rather bad-tempered when it comes to accepting criticism about their favorite entertainment.And understandably so.After all, most people who go around talking about the dangers of playing video games tend to be outsiders — people who don’t play video games and certainly don’t understand that they can be a valuable and healthy form of entertainment.

But Langteau and “Sofa Boy” seem to be in a unique position to deliver a message of gaming moderation that the young game-savvy(有经验的) masses might actually listen to.After all, this is a man who understands what it means to be a kid with a passion for games.His early experience has taught him a lesson.

Scott Langteau published “Sofa Boy” to            

       A.share his great skills on games                    

       B.warn kids against game addiction

       C.tell about his fairy tale as a kid                    

       D.deliver a message for games

We can learn from the passage that           

      A.Langteau advises the young to play games within limits

      B.Langteau advises the young not to play games

      C.playing video games ruins the future of kids

      D.playing video games is of no benefit to kids

Why are the video gamers not accepted by the outsiders?

    A.Because they are bad-tempered.

    B.Because they are dangerous to others.

    C.Because they do nothing but play video games.

    D.Because the value of the video games is not understood.

By saying “It’s about being well rounded” Langteau thinks            .20090506

      A.games do great things for kids               

       B.gamers are usually fat and round

      C.games should be viewed from all sides 

       D.gamers are to blame for their behaviors

What topic will be discussed in the following paragraph?

      A.His idea to create “Sofa Boy”.

      B.His great achievement in games as a kid.

      C.His hard times to set up his game company.

      D.His enthusiasm for games when he was a small boy.

