Reform is China's second revolution. 改革是中国的第二次革命. 查看更多






 2. 自己感到遗憾的方面;

 3. 课改对学生的益处;

 4. 给高一学生的建议;

 5. 学校在课改中应注意之处。

注意: 1 次数100左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,并不计入总词数。

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文流畅。

3. 参考词汇:the Curriculum Reform课改

Dear Editor,

  I am Li Ping, a senior three student in our school. Recently I have learned that the Curriculum Reform is being carried out in Senior One of our school,

Wish the Curriculum Reform a success!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ping


One of the political issues that is heard a lot about in the States lately is campaign(竞选)finance reform(改革). The people who are  36  for reform usually want the  37  to pay for campaigns and/or limit the amount of money that candidates(候选人)and their  38  can spend.

One reason that reform is called for is that it costs so much to  39  for political office. Candidates have to spend a great deal of time and effort  40  money. The incumbents (those already in office) have less time to do chief jobs since they must  41  so many money raising events.

Another  42  is the fear that candidates will be owned or  43  by the “special interest groups” that give money to their campaigns. Sometimes this certainly seems to be the  44 .

On the  45  side are those who say that it doesn’t mean it’s really  46  just because you call something “reform”. They argue that the right to freedom of speech is  47  if the government can limit anyone’s ability to get his or her message out to the people.

If one person or a group of people want to tell the  48  what they think about an issue or candidate, they have to buy  49  on TV, radio, and in newspapers and magazines. They might want to put up advertisements along highways and on websites. All this costs a lot of  50 .

Those against laws that control or limit spending say that you don’t really have freedom of  51  or freedom of the press if you can’t get your message out. They say the government should never be able to control  52  discussions. They believe that this is most important when the voters are about to make  53 .

What do you think about this  54 ? Listen to what the candidates for national office have to say. Which candidates  55  the most sense to you?

36.A.waiting                   B.calling                    C.standing                  D.preparing

37.A.government            B.president                 C.candidates               D.citizens

38.A.leaders                   B.bosses                     C.supporters               D.states                        B.compete                  C.wait             

40.A.raising                    B.earning                             D.getting

41.A.notice                                C.guard                            D.attend

42.A.event                      B.cost                        C.reason          

43.A.encouraged             B.forced                    C.controlled               D.ordered

44.A.joke                       B.purpose                                D.example

45.A.other                      B.same                      C.another                   D.different

46.A.worse                     B.better                            C.easier                            D.harder

47.A.meaningless            B.unimportant            C.unnecessary             D.impossible

48.A.reporters                 B.truth                       C.story                      D.public

49.A.time                       B.copies                     C.rights                            D.advertising                    B.effort                            C.time             

51.A.argument                B.opinion                   C.speech                    D.election

52.A.common                 B.political                  C.general                   D.special

53.A.profit                            B.trouble                   C.plans                      D.decisions

54.A.quarrel                   B.problem                  C.issue                       D.affair

55.A.find                       B.make                      C.create                     D.produce


While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states — at least in getting people off welfare. It’s estimated that more than 2 million people have left the rolls(名册) since 1994.
  In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens Country have been cut in half. But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $6 an hour. The result: The Athens Country poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent — twice the national average.
  For advocates(代言人)for the poor, that’s an indication much more needs to be done.
  “More people are getting jobs, but it’s not making their lives any better,” says Kathy Lairn, a  policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.
  A center analysis of US Census data nationwide found that between 1995 and 1996, a greater percentage of single, female-headed households were earning money on their own, but that average income for these households actually went down.
  But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.
  “Welfare was a poison. It was a toxin(毒素)that was poisoning the family,” says
Robert Rector, a welfare-reform policy analyst. “The reform is changing the moral climate in low-income communities. It’s beginning to rebuild the work ethic(道德观), which is much more important.”
  Mr. Rector and others argued that once “the habit of dependency is cracked,” then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.
45. From the passage, it can be seen that the author _______.
  A. believes the reform has reduced the government’s burden
  B. insists that welfare reform is doing little good for the poor
  C. is overenthusiastic about the success of welfare reform
  D. considers welfare reform to be basically successful
46. Why aren’t people enjoying better lives when they have jobs?
  A. Because many families are divorced.
  B. Because government aid is now rare.
  C. Because their wages are low.
  D. Because the cost of living is rising.
47. From the passage we know that welfare reform aims at _______.
  A. saving welfare funds
  B. rebuilding the work ethic
  C. providing more jobs
  D. cutting government expenses
48. According to the passage before the welfare reform was carried out, _______.
  A. the poverty rate was lower
  B. average living standards were higher
  C. the average worker was paid higher wages
  D. the poor used to rely on government aid


Perhaps you do not know your school principal (校长) well. But you might be wise to take him or her seriously. Beijing University will enroll (招收) students recommended by high school principals this year. If the students recommended pass a round of interviews by Peking University, they will have an extra 30 extra points added to their national college entrance exam scores if they apply to the university.

Beijing University said the reason behind the move was a desire to give students with comprehensive (综合的) or special abilities a chance to stand out.

However, a survey, showed 10,046 out of 14,227 people are against the measure. Some experts agree with the criticism. Liu Daoyu, former president of Wuhan University is one strong opponent(反对者). “There are so many high schools across the country. But only 39 schools are qualified to recommend students. Is it fair to the rest of the schools? Besides, most of the 39 schools are located in big cities, which is unfair to other regions,”

   The reform is also unfair to other students, some say. According to Liu, in the competitive exam, one extra point can put a student ahead of a large numbers of others – never mind 30.

 “Principals do not know students well. How can they guarantee the recommendation will be fair?” asked Wang Xuming, former spokesman of the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Education said the move is a good experiment in college admission reforms and the public should support it even if it is not yet mature (成熟的). It said Beijing University promised a series of supervision (监督) measures to avoid cheating. For example, the information of schools and principals that recommend students, and the recommended students will be put online for a week for public supervision.

The best title of the passage could be         .

       A.Beijing University Will Enroll More Students

       B.Beijing University’s Reform Causes a Debate

       C.People Are Against Beijing University’s Reform

       D.The Government Supports Peking University’s Reform

The following are the reasons why Liu Daoyu is against Beijing University’s reform except that          .

       A.there will be a lot of cheating is unfair to the other regions is unfair to other schools

       D.30 points cause a huge gap among students

We can learn from the passage that          .

       A.the Ministry of Education supports the reform

       B.the reform has started to work in college admissions

       C.all the recommended students will be accepted more than 70% of the people are against the reform

If a student passes the interview by Beijing University, he or she         .

       A.can also apply to other universities

       B.will be admitted into Beijing University

       C.will have comprehensive and special abilities

       D.needn’t accept the public supervision


One of the political issues that is heard a lot about in the States lately is campaign(竞选)finance reform(改革). The people who are  36  for reform usually want the  37  to pay for campaigns and/or limit the amount of money that candidates(候选人)and their  38  can spend.

One reason that reform is called for is that it costs so much to  39  for political office. Candidates have to spend a great deal of time and effort  40  money. The incumbents (those already in office) have less time to do chief jobs since they must  41  so many money raising events.

Another  42  is the fear that candidates will be owned or  43  by the “special interest groups” that give money to their campaigns. Sometimes this certainly seems to be the  44 .

On the  45  side are those who say that it doesn’t mean it’s really  46  just because you call something “reform”. They argue that the right to freedom of speech is  47  if the government can limit anyone’s ability to get his or her message out to the people.

If one person or a group of people want to tell the  48  what they think about an issue or candidate, they have to buy  49  on TV, radio, and in newspapers and magazines. They might want to put up advertisements along highways and on websites. All this costs a lot of  50 .

Those against laws that control or limit spending say that you don’t really have freedom of  51  or freedom of the press if you can’t get your message out. They say the government should never be able to control  52  discussions. They believe that this is most important when the voters are about to make  53 .

What do you think about this  54 ? Listen to what the candidates for national office have to say. Which candidates  55  the most sense to you?

36.A.waiting                   B.calling                    C.standing                  D.preparing

37.A.government            B.president                 C.candidates               D.citizens

38.A.leaders                   B.bosses                     C.supporters               D.states                        B.compete                  C.wait             

40.A.raising                    B.earning                             D.getting

41.A.notice                                C.guard                            D.attend

42.A.event                      B.cost                        C.reason          

43.A.encouraged             B.forced                    C.controlled               D.ordered

44.A.joke                       B.purpose                                D.example

45.A.other                      B.same                      C.another                   D.different

46.A.worse                     B.better                            C.easier                     D.harder

47.A.meaningless            B.unimportant            C.unnecessary             D.impossible

48.A.reporters                 B.truth                       C.story                      D.public

49.A.time                       B.copies                     C.rights                            D.advertising                    B.effort                            C.time             

51.A.argument                B.opinion                   C.speech                    D.election

52.A.common                 B.political                  C.general                   D.special

53.A.profit                            B.trouble                   C.plans                      D.decisions

54.A.quarrel                   B.problem                  C.issue                       D.affair

55.A.find                       B.make                      C.create                     D.produce

