He swore to revenge himself [to be revenged] on his enemy. 他发誓要向仇敌复仇. 查看更多



     Michelle Katz is a health-care saving expert with a master's degree in nursing,so when her husband
Martin had a heart attack right in front of her,she fought to save his life. Then,she fought the errors on his
medical bill and saved the
couple $ 7,000.
       Kaze was talking with her husband in June 2008 when she noticed his face tuming gray. "I looked
over and I said,Martin,are you OK?'"she told Good Morning America. "If I can describe death,that's
kind of what I was seeing.  And that's when I grabbed him.  And as I grabbed his hand,it was almost like
putting my hand in a vat (桶)  of ice cubes.It was that cold. He started stiffening up. "
      Terrified,Katz immediately gave her husband CPR.
       "I started pushing down on the compressions (压缩) and was just screaming and saying'Are you
OK? Are you still with me ? '"she said. "I just wanted him to know,even if he wasn't listening,that I was
not going to let someone die in my hands. And especially _____ "
        Later,X-rays showed that Katz had cracked her husband's ribs (肋骨)  with the force of her
compressions.  After 16 long minutes,an ambulance arrived and took Martin to the emergency room.
      When hospital took over,Katz,the author of two books about saving money on medical bills,started
paying attention. She swore to follow the advice she had given others in Healthcare for Less and 101
Health Insurance Tips.
         "I knew the dollar signs were going up, " Katz said. "That's when I started documenting things. "In
the days that followed,Katz found errors on the bills that,when correctedlsaved her and her husband $
1.  What's the main idea of the passage?  (Please answer within 15 words)
2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? In terror,Katz performed
    compressions on her husband without delay.
3.  Fill in the black in the fourth paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence. ( Please answer
     within 10 words)
4.  What are the two books mainly about?  (Please answer within 10 words)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  James was a famous writer. Once he wrote a play for a television about a family who came to England from Pakistan, and the problem they had was 1 down in England.

  The play was 2 and it was bought by an American TV company. And James was invited to go to New York to 3 the production. He lived in Oulwich, 4 is an hour’ s journey 5 Heathrow(an air port in London).The flight was to leave at 8:30 a.m., 6 he had to be a the airport about 7:30 in the morning.

  He ordered a taxi for 6:30, 7 his alarm clock for 5:45 and went to bed. 8 he forgot to wind the clock,and it stopped shortly after midnight. Also the taxi-driver had to work very late that night and overslept.

  James woke with the terrible feeling that 9 was wrong.He looked at his alarm clock.It. 10 there there silently with the hands 11 to ten past twelve.He turned on the radio and discovered 12 .He swore(咒骂)quietly and switched on the electric kettle(电壶).

  He was just 13 the boiling water into the teapot 14 the nine o’clock pips(报时声) sounded on the radio. The announcer began to read the news.“...reports are coming in o a crash(坠毁)near Heathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 left for New York crashed shortly after after taking 15 this morning. Flight number 2234...” James turned pale.

  “My flight.”he said out loud. “If I hadn’t overslept, I would have been on that plane.”

1.A.settling B. visiting C. getting D. moving

2.A. surprising success B. surprisingly successful

C. successfully surprising D. successful surprise

3.A. carry out B. help out C. bring out D. help with

4.A. that B. which C. it D. as

5.A. out of B. far from C. away from D. away off

6.A. for B. so C. because D. since

7.A. sets B. being set C. set D. setting

8.A. fortunately B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Happily

9.A. he B. it C. anything D. something

10.A. went B. stopped C. struck D. looked

11.A. pointing B. going C. set D. raised

12.A. that it was, in fact, ten o’ clock 

  B. it was in fact that ten o’ clock

   C. hat it was ,in fact ,ten to nine 

   D. in fact ,that was ten to nine

13.A. putting B. sending C. pouring D. entering

14.A. while B. as C. during D. when

15.A. off B. down C. away D. out



1.There was nothing but one ________(方形的)table and two benches in the house.

2.She seemed fairly ________(达观的)about the loss of her purse.

3.Seeing a book on the ground, she ________(弯腰)over to pick it up.

4.When I was walking toward the office, several students ________(朝……走过来)me asking for the examination result.

5.He ________(犹豫)before he answered because he didn’t know what to say.

6.On hearing the bang of the gun, the birds in the trees flew away in all ________(方向).

7.I have no ________(怀疑)that our country will lead the world in space exploration.

8.While watching the football match, I felt someone ________(轻拍)me on the shoulder, and I turned around, but found no familiar being.

9.Many types of animals have now ________(消失)from the earth.

10.Health is the most precious thing that we can ________(拥有)in the world.

11.Tired and hot, the dog ________(伸出)its tongue, breathing hard.

12.A ________(系列)of strange things happened to her recently.

13.All the students that work hard can ________(一定)pass the exam.

14.After he finished his exercise, he ________(放下)his pen and turned on the TV.

15.Maria has got ________(结婚)to a sailor against her parents’ willing.

16.How long can you stare without ________(眨眼睛)your eyes?

17.Jimmy was a ________(精巧的)worker in gold and silver.

18.After the ________(外星的)spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished.

19.He denied that he had done anything ________(邪恶的).

20.It was so cloudy that the top of the mountain was ________(看不见的).

21.Dangerous driving should be severely ________(惩罚).

12.Hamlet swore he would ________(报仇;复仇)his father’s death.

23.From the wet ________(小块)on the wall, I saw someone had just repaired the house.


  “I promise.” “ I swear to you it’ll never happen again.” “I give you my word.” “Honestly. Believe me.” Sure, I trust. Why not? I teach English composition at a private college. With a certain excitement and intensity, I read my students’ essays, hoping to find the person behind the pen. As each semester progresses, plagiarism(剽窃)appears. Not only is my intelligence insulted as one assumes I won’t detect a polished piece of prose from an otherwise-average writer, but I feel a sadness that a student has resorted to buying a paper from a peer. Writers have styles like fingerprints and after several assignments, I can match a student’s work with his or her name.

   Why is learning less important than a higher grade-point average(GPA)? When we’re threatened or sick, we make conditional promises. “If you let me pass math I will …” “Lord, if you get me over this before the big homecoming game I’ll…” Once the situation is behind us, so are the promises. Human nature? Perhaps, but we do use that cliché(陈词滥调)to get us out of uncomfortable bargains.

   Six years ago, I took a student before the dean. He had turned in an essay with the vocabulary and sentence structure of PhD thesis. Up until that time, both his out-of-class and in-class work were borderline passing.

  I questioned the person regarding his essay and he swore it that it was the consequence of his hardwork, but he had already had a given sheet of paper so he understood what was asked. He sat one hour, then turned in part of a page of unskilled writing and faulty logic. I confronted him with both the essays. “I promise…, I’m not lying. I swear to you that I wrote the essay. I’m just nervous today.”

   The head of the English department agreed with my finding, and the meeting with the dean had the boy’s parents present. After an hour of discussion, touching on eight of the boy’s previous essays and his grade-point average, which indicated he was already on academic probation(留校察看), the dean agreed that the student had plagiarized. His parents protested, “He’s only a child” and we instructors are wiser and should be compassionate. College people are not really children and most times would resent being labeled as such… except in this uncomfortable circumstance.

61.According to the author, students commit plagiarism mainly for_____.

  A. money                B. degree               C. higher GPA                D. reputation

62.The sentence “ Once the situation is behind us , so are the promises” implies    


A. students usually keep their promises       

B. some students tend to break their promises

C. the promises are always behind the situation

D. we cannot judge the situation in advance, as we do to the promises

63.The “borderline passing”(Line 3,Para.3)probably means____________.

   A. fairly good          B. extremely poor     C. above average      D. below average

64.The boy’s parents thought their son should be excused mainly  


   A. teachers should be compassionate         B. instructors were wiser

   C. he was only a child                     D. he was threatened

65.Which of the following might serve as the title of this passage?

   A. Human Nature                                 B. Conditional Promises

   C. How to Detect Cheating                      D. The Sadness of Plagiarism


Section D

Directions:Read the following passage and answer the questions. Write the answers on the answer sheet.

In 1817 one of the most well-known hauntings in American history took place in the small town of Adams, Tennessee. Known as the Bell Witch, the strange activity that caused fear in the small farming community has remained unexplained for nearly 200 years. Like many stories, certain details of who or what the Bell Witch was vary from version to version. The prevailing account is that it was the ghost of a woman named Kate Batts, a mean old neighbour of John Bell. Batts believed Bell cheated her in a land purchase and on her deathbed she swore that she would haunt John Bell and his family.

News of the Bell Witch spread quickly. When word of the haunting reached Nashville, one of its most citizens, General Andrew Jackson, decided to gather a group of friends and go to Adams to investigate. The future president wanted to come face to face with the phenomenon and either expose it as a trick or send the spirit away. According to one account, Jackson and his men were traveling over a smooth section of road when suddenly the wagon stopped. The men pushed and pushed, but the wagon could not be moved. The wheels were even removed and inspected. The came the sound of a voice from the bushes saying, “I will see you tonight.” The astonished men could not find the source of the voice. The horses then unexpectedly started walking on their own and the wagon moved along again. Jackson indeed encountered the witch that night and left early the next morning, claiming he would rather fight the British than the Bell Witch!

The haunting of the Bell house continued for several years, ending with ghost’s final act of revenge. On the morning of December 19, he failed to awake at his regular time. When the family noticed he was sleeping unnaturally, they attempted to rouse him. They discovered Bell couldn’t be completely awakened. John’s son went to the medicine cupboard to get his father’s medicine and noticed it was gone but a strange small bottle was in its place. No one claimed to have replaced the medicine with the bottle. John Bell died on December 20 and “Kate” was quiet until after the funeral.

A few explanations of the Bell Witch phenomena have been offered over the years. One is that the haunting was a trick created by Richard Powell, the schoolteacher of Betsy Bell and Joshua Gardner, the boy with whom Betsy was in love. It seemed Powell was deeply in love with Betsy and would do anything to destroy her relationship with Gardner. Through a variety of tricks, and with the help of several friends, it is believed that Powell created all of the ghostly effects to scare Gardner away. In fact, Gardner eventually did break up with Betsy and left area and Powell did come out winner. In the end, he married Betsy Bell.

81.John Well’s mean old neighbor haunted them because ______.


82.On Jackson’s way to investigate the ghost, the ghost ______ and later, Jackson encountered the witch and left early the next morning.


83.How did the haunting eventually end?


84.What was one explanation for the haunting given in the reading?


