A swelling or rounded protuberance. 突出物肿起或拱起的结节 查看更多



. When he fell over his own feet, his left ankle was sprained, his right hand became ______ and his nose______.

A. swelling; bleeding                B. swollen; bled

C. swelling; bled                   D. swollen; bleeding



A bee has stung my hand and it is          now.    
[     ]
A. swelling up    
B. swelling with    
C. swelling on    
D. swelling down


Golden Week Holidays to Continue

  China would continue the Golden Week holidays the National Tourism Administration said in a response to an earlier proposal by a CPPCC member calling for the cancellation of the weeklong holidays.

  Li Xiaosong, a member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, submitted a proposal earlier this year amid increasing calls for the reform of the Golden Week holidays.

  According to the proposal, the holidays were losing their charm for more and more Chinese people while reaping huge sums of money for the country's tourism industry, the best “harvest” since China introduced Golden Week holidays in 2000.The Golden Weeks put unprecedented pressure on the country's transport system and service industry.

  The National Tourism Administration said advantages of retaining the weeklong holidays outweighed the disadvantages.The holidays provided people with time to relax and created opportunities for people to spend money.

  The bureau said China had a swelling population and the holidays were not the root of traffic jams, crowded hotels and restaurants.

  It said the country would improve the system to ease the problems.

  China had been urged to enact a system with flexible paid holidays since the end of last year.

  Some experts argued that the Golden Weeks did not ensure long term commercial prosperity, as a “consumption rush” during the holidays often resulted in a consumption slump afterward.

话题导入:What's your opinion on the proposal of canceling the “Golden Week” long holidays in China?

An economic analyst:It is the pressure caused by the 'Golden Week' since it was launched seven years ago that boosted the rapid development of such industries as transportation, civil aviation, catering and hotel.The seven-day holiday week has become a virtual opportunity for the development China's tourism market.

A government official:Although China has boasted an annual tourist sum of more than one hundred million, the goal for the Chinese government in setting up the “Golden Week” system is to make all the 1.3 billion people of the country to enjoy a holiday, including consumers in towns and rural areas.But now the holidays were losing their charm for more and more Chinese people because of the overcrowded groups of tourists and the inconvenience, so I think we should do something to change the present situation.

A average tourist:I am an office worker, and I only have time to go traveling with my wife and daughter during the long time holidays.In the last two years, I traveled to Zhangjiajie and Beijing with my families in the May holidays and the National holidays.Oh, they were terrible experiences, we wasted a lot of time waiting for buses, trains, and all the ticket prices went up.Worst of all, sometimes we had to squeeze our way in many places of interest.Anyway, I will never go out traveling during the so-called “Golden Week” holidays, and I hope it will be reformed.

Your view:________________________________


. When he fell over his own feet, his left ankle was sprained, his right hand became ______ and his nose______.

  1. A.
    swelling; bleeding
  2. B.
    swollen; bled
  3. C.
    swelling; bled
  4. D.
    swollen; bleeding





  Lipitor is a prescription medicine.Along with diet and exercise,it lowers “bad,’

cholesterol(胆固醇)in your blood.It can also raise “good'’ cholesterol·

  Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors,

including family history of early heart disease,high blood pressure,age and smoking·


Who can take LIPITOR:

.People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise

·Adults and children over l0

 Who should NOT take LIPITOR:

.Women who are pregnant,may be pregnant,or may become pregnant. Lipitor may harm

  your unborn baby.

.women who are breast-feeding.Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm

  your baby.

·  People with liver(肝脏)problems


 Serious side effects in a small number of people:

.Muscle(肌肉)problems that can lead to kidney(肾脏)problems,including kidney failure

.Liver problems.Your doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start

  Lipitor and while you are taking it.

Call your doctor right away if you have:

.Unexplained muscle pain or weakness,especially if you have a fever or feel very tired

.Swelling of the face,lips,tongue,and/or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or


· Stomach pain

 Some common side effects of LIPITOR are:

· Muscle pain

· Upset stomach

· Changes in some blood tests




· Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor.

· Try to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor.

· Take Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food.

· If you miss a dose(一剂),take it as soon as you remember.But if it has been more than

  12 hours since your missed dose,wait.Take the next dose at your regular time.


· Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor.

· Do not stal-t new medicines before talking to your doctor.


1.What is a major function of Lipitor?

A. To help quit smoking.                                B. To control blood pressure.

C. To improve unhealthy diet.                      D. To lower "bad" cholesterol.

2.Taking Lipitor is helpful for              .

A. breast-feeding women                    B. women who are pregnant

C. adults having heart disease                      D. teenagers with liver problems

3.If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should         .

A.change the amount of your next dose   

B.eat more when taking your next dose

C. have a dose as soon as you remember

D. take the next dose at your regular time

4.Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor?

A. Face swelling.        B. Upset stomach.

C. Kidney failure.       D. Muscle weakness.

5.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To teach patients ways for quick recovery.

B. To present a report on a scientific research.

C. To show the importance of a good lifestyle.

D. To give information about a kind of medicine


