thunder ['θʌndə] n. 雷电,雷声 vi. 打雷,轰隆地响,怒喝 vt. 大声喊出,轰隆地发出 词形变化 时 态:thun•dered, thun•der•ing, thun•ders 名 词:thun'der•er 常用短语 查看更多




P:Peter       J:Jimmy

Peter is talking with Jimmy about the just finished match between L.A Lakers and Miami Heats on Christmas Eve, in 2010

P: Hey, Jimmy, watched the game between Lakers and Heats?

J: Certainly. It was really an 1.a_____ fantastic game. My Heats beat L.A.

P: Your Heats? I remembered you were a fan of the Cavaliers.

J: To be exact, a fan of Lebron James. Since James joined the Heats, I also changed my range, which is undoubtedly logical. By the way, which team do you 2.p_____ will win the title of 3.c_____ this season?

P: I think the Lakers will do

J:I don’t 4.a_____ of you. I strongly believe the title must go to the Heats. As you can see, the present Heats possesses the super “BIG THREE”, James is good at scoring. Wade is an expert in penetration(带球突破) and Chris Bosh can 5.d______ backboard(篮板)

P:Maybe you are right. But I am afraid you 6.l_____ out the 7.e______ element(因素) in winning a basketball game---- team work. After all, basketball is not an 8.i_____ game.

J:Apart from the “BIG Three”, there are quantities of excellent bench players available such as Dampier, Arios Arroyo, Eddie House and so on. I see no reason why the Heats can’t 9.p_____ the NBA

P: I still have a preference for the Lakes. Compared to the Heats, the Lakers has a more mature(成熟的) play. And as long as there is Kobe, there is victory. On the other hand, we should not forget that other teams are making rapid progress like the Thunder led by Kelvin Durant,the Celtics and the Magics. They all have the 10.p____ to challenge our teams.



People who are hit by lightning and survive often have long-term effects. These may include memory loss, sleep disorders, muscle pain and depression.
Experts tell people to seek the safety of a building or a hard-top vehicle any time they hear thunder, even if it is not raining. They say lightning can strike as far as sixteen kilometers from any rainfall. Lightning can travel sideways. And at least ten percent of lightning happens without any clouds overhead that you can see.
People who are outdoors should make sure they are not the tallest thing around. Bend low to the ground, but do not lie down. And do not stand near tall object. Get away from water and anything made of metal. A car is safe, but don’t touch any metal inside.
Safety experts say people in buildings should stay away from anything with wires or pipes that lead to the outside. The National Weather Service says if you plan to disconnect any electronic equipment, do so before the storm arrives. Do not  use a wired telephone. Do not use water. All these can carry electricity.
Some people think a person struck by lightning carries an electrical charge afterward. Experts say this is not true. It is safe to begin emergency treatment
Each year about four hundred people in the United States are struck by lightning. Last year forty four people died. The average is close to seventy. The National Weather Service says that is more than the number of people killed by severe storms.
【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Lightning can happen even if there is no cloud.
B.Lightning can’t strike very far.
C.Lightning can’t travel sideways.
D.Don’t stay in a car when lightning happen.
【小题2】We can learn from the passage that________.’s better to turn off any electronic equipment before the storm arrives.
B.a wired telephone is not safe to use in rainy days.
C.a person struck by lightning is said to carry an electrical charge afterward.
D.severe storms kill more people than lightning does.
【小题3】The underlined word ”depression” probably means”_______”.
A.excitementB.a state of being forgettable
C.silenceD.a feeling of being sad
【小题4】The passage is mainly about______.
A.where people should stay in case of lightning
B.some common knowledge about lightning safety lightning travels
D.a report written by the National Weather Service



It happened when I was a little girl. I can remember neither the beginning nor the end, but whenever I   36   it, tears flow down my face.

When I was young, my family led a(n)  37  life in the country. As you can imagine, many country roads are difficult to walk on. One   38   we were visiting some relatives and the   39  was very bad. It began to   40   on our way back home. Dad carried me on his   41  . Mom gave her overcoat to my   42  . We walked together through the rain for more than an hour.

I was fat at that time and Dad must be   43   to hold me for such a long time. He almost   44   down many times. In hope of   45   my father’s burden, I tried to carry myself,   46   I achieved nothing since I was just a little kid.

When we arrived home, the inside of our house was   47   with rain water. The rain had come   48    our leaky(有裂缝的)roof and water was everywhere.

Mom put bowls all around the house to try to   49  the rain. Then she put me and my elder brother to   50  , carefully placing us on the remaining   51   place. I fell asleep soon. When I opened my eyes, I found Dad and Mom were   52   in chairs, both having caught bad colds.

    This is my very earliest   53  . Though the evening has long passed, and now we live a happy life, I won’t forget the rain we   54  together. The rain, that evening, and especially my parents’  55  , will stay in my mind forever. with      B.think of       C.lead to        D.suffer from

2.A.hard           B.unhappy        C.interesting

3.A.morning        B.noon           C.afternoon      D.evening           B.drink          C.traffic

5.A.blow           B.thunder        C.rain           D.snow

6.A.arm            B.back          B.sister        C.friend          D.relative

8.A.worried        B.tired         C.angry           D.lazy

9.A.fell           B.looked        C.turned          D.ran

10.A.taking        B.moving        C.lifting         D.reducing            B.and           C.but             D.instead

12.A.buried        B.covered       C.mixed           D.crowded

13.A.under         B.over              D.through

14.A.catch         B.welcome       C.greet           D.expect

15.A.ground        B.floor         C.bed             D.ceiling

16.A.dry           B.clean         C.beautiful       D.warm

17.A.quarreling  B.sleeping        C.laughing        D.eating

18.A.visit         B.excitement    C.experience      D.memory back away      C.went through    D.went by

20.A.wishes    B.words



We often hear the phrase:“You’ve a greater chance of being struck by lightning.” It is used to describe something that hasn’t got much chance of happening. However, the common saying undermines(掩盖) the very real dangers of lightning. Last Friday, at least 5 people were killed by lightning in Nepal. Lightning strikes are the second most common cause of deaths during natural disasters in the US. The first is floods. Around 400 people nationwide are struck by lightning each year, and of those73 people die. That means more people are killed by lightning than by tornadoes and hurricanes. Because lightning kills only one or two people at a time, its danger does not receive as much attention as other disasters.

So to raise awareness, the US has made June 22 to 28 National Lightning Safety Week. It aims to warn the public of the dangers of lightning and provide safety tips during thunderstorms. “If you hear thunder , you are in danger from lightning,” said Rocky Lopes, a disaster educator at the American Red Cross.“Thunder means that lightning is close enough to hit you at any minute, so you should move indoors immediately and stay there until after the storm has ended. The single most important thing to remember is to seek hiding place,”Lopes said.

Summer is the high time for lightning storms, so when lightning strikes across the sky, remember these safety tips:

Stop working, fishing, swimming or playing in open fields.

If you can count less than ten seconds between a thunder and a lightning flash, take cover inside the nearest building.

Do not stand under a tree.

Get off bicycles or motorcycles.

Crouch down(蹲下)if there is no hiding place.

Avoid open spaces, wire fences, metal objects and electrical objects such as hair driers.


1.The popular opinion about being struck by lightening is that    .

A. there is a greater chance for being killed by lightening than any other natural disaster

B. it is the most dangerous among all the natural disasters

C. the chance for a person to be struck by lightening is very small

D. it is impossible for people to be killed by lightening

2. The average death rate of being struck by lightening in US is about   .

A.18%       B.50%     C.30%    D.73%

3. Among all the safety tips, the most important one is that when you hear thunder in the open air,    .

A. just stand by your bicycles and motorcycles

B. quickly find a place to go inside

C. count ten seconds between a thunder and a lightening

D. don’t have a hair drier in your hand

4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. There are more people killed by tornadoes and hurricanes than by lightening in US each year.

B. There are on average 5 persons killed by lightening in Nepal each day.

C. The death rate of being stuck by lightening is much higher than by other natural disasters.

D. The National Lightening Safety Week is made to warn the public against lightening.




It takes more than just practice to become an Olympian. Gold medal performances require some serious nutrition. Have you ever wondered what these successful athletes eat to stay in peak shape?
Keri Glassman, a registered dietitian and founder of Nutritious Life Meals, appeared on “Good Morning America” today to give you a glimpse into the diets of some top athletes. Some of their meals could surprise you.
Crazy Calorie Count
Glassman said Olympians eat a lot of food- quantities that for ordinary people would constitute pigging out. One secret of swimmer Michael Phelps’ astonishing performance in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was consuming as many as 12,00 calories in one day.
Athletes can eat like this and not gain any weight because their workouts are intense. According to Glassman, Phelps’ workouts can burn 4,000 to 6,000 calories in a day, and those calories must be added in order to train the following day.
Snacking Secrets
Some athletes eat strange foods that improve their performance. Yohan Blake, the Jamaica sprinter and 100-meter world champion, has stolen champion sprinter Usain Bolt’s thunder on the track during the Olympic trials. Asked about how he gets his energy, Blake answered that he eats 16 bananas per day ,Glassman said.
Jonathan Horton, the lead gymnast on the Us team, has a blood sugar problem. His solution is honey. When he starts to feel shaky at the gym, he takes honey to boost his energy, Classman said.
Foods for Recovery
What are the best foods to help the body recover after harsh competition?
For Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte, the recovery meal is grilled chicken breasts with Alfredo sauce, whole-grain spaghetti and a salad with lemon juice and olive oil. Lochte, who recently cut out junk food, candy and soda, has undertaken a strength-training regimen(养生法)that involves flipping tractor tires, and tossing beer kegs, Glassman said.
【小题1】What’s the best title of this passage?

A.Good Diet Makes a True Olympian.
B.Olympians Have Olympic-size Appetites.
C.The Diet of Some Top Olympic Athletes.
D.Olympians’ Strange Eating Habits.
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence probably mean?
A.Ordinary people eat few pigs compared with Olympians.
B.Olympians eat a lot more food than ordinary people.
C.Olympians tend to eat a lot of high-quality food.
D.Olympians eat a large amount of food, just like pigs.
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Ryan Lochte quit eating junk food , candy and soda for his better recovery.
B.Yohan Blake finally beat Usain Bolt in the 100-meter track in the Olympics.
C.Michael Phelps’ astonishing performance was due to his eating lots of food.
D.Jonathan Horton has a blood sugar problem because of taking too much honey.
【小题4】The passage is most likely to be found in     .
A.a technical reportB.a fashion magazine education columnD.a sports newspaper

