wisdom n. 智慧,学识 查看更多



第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
It was 4 o’clock in the morning on June 9, 2003 when I received the phone call. “This is the emergency room calling and your son was just  21  in with severe burns on his face, neck and arms. We have called for a(n)  22  and are going to fly him to the burn unit in Seattle.” Seattle was 350 miles from his college, so we knew immediately this was  23  .
The doctor described the  24  , which caused the burns. At 6 am, our son and his friends decided to barbecue hamburgers in the courtyard of their apartment. When they  25  the charcoal(木炭), it burst into flames because they had sprayed too much petrol. The flames  26  my son’s shirt tail and shot from his waist to well over his head.
27  , one of the boys was quick-minded, grasped my son, and  28  him on the grass. While it saved his life, it was not in  29  to save him from severe burns and the terrible scars.
After he  30  from the treatments, the doctors told him they would not do plastic surgery(整容) for 6 months  31  it takes that long for the skin to stop shrinking and wrinkling. So he had to return to college with scars typical of severe burns.
When I was a child, my mother told my sister, who had a 10-inch, very  32  scar on her arm, “Nancy, if you ignore the scar, other people will ignore it. It does not mean they will not  33  it, but it means it will not matter to them if it doesn’t matter to you.”
I  34  this wisdom on to my son. He kept my advice in  35  and returned to school with his head held high--glad he was alive.
By the end of the six-month waiting period, he decided that the scars didn’t  36  , so he made the  37  to give up any plastic surgery.
We all have “scars” that we believe  38  people to keep away from us. And we spend a lot of time thinking that if only we looked differently, or dressed differently, people would like us better.
But you see, people will only judge you by your looks, or your clothes, if you are judging yourself by these same  39  standards. Put your imperfections(缺点;瑕疵) out of your mind and concentrate on what you value  40  yourself, and your beauty will shine through.
21. A. brought             B. given                  C. turned                       D. showed
22. A. doctor             B. hospital                C. aircraft                    D. ambulance
23. A. serious               B. terrible                C. dangerous                D. important 
24. A. event                 B. process                C. reason                       D. accident
25. A. got                   B. lit                       C. burned                     D. moved
26. A. took               B. held                 C. caught                        D. attracted
27. A Fortunately         B. Surprisingly        C. Happily                     D. Slowly
28. A. pushed              B. threw                C. dropped                   D. rolled
29. A. shape              B. place                   C. fact                            D. time
30. A. benefited           B. recovered          C. suffered                     D. relaxed
31. A. if                    B. while                   C. because                      D. although
32. A. normal              B. violent              C. obvious                  D. popular
33. A. mention            B. notice                C. laugh                         D. hide
34. A. sent                   B. kept                    C. handed                       D. passed
35. A. mind                B. life                   C. practice                   D. heart
36. A. grow          B. matter                 C. exist                        D. appear
37. A. mistake             B. effort                C. decision                     D. request 
38. A. invite              B. cause                  C. allow                        D. remind
39. A. false                 B strict                     C. moral                        D. general 
40. A. by                 B. over                  C. beyond                       D. within



The first day of college I met a little old lady. I was __36__. “Why are you here at such a young age?” I asked.

“To meet a rich husband, __37__, have children, and then retire and travel!” she replied __38__.

I laughed, but we became close friends. For the whole __39__ we would leave class together and __40__ nonstop. I was always listening as she __41__ her wisdom and experience.

At the end of the term Rose was invited to make a __42__. I’ll never forget her words. “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old __43__ because we stop playing. The only __44__ of staying young is being happy and achieving success. You have to find humor and __45__. You’ve got to have a(n) __46__. When you lose dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are __47__ and don’t even know it! Growing older doesn’t __48__ growing up. Anybody can grow older doing __49__. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. My idea is that one grows up by always finding __50__ in life. Have no regrets. The elderly don’t have regrets for what we did, __51__ for things we didn’t do. The only people who fear death are those with __52__.”

The college year ended. Rose got her __53__ but passed away one week after graduation. Many students attended the funeral (葬礼) of the __54__ woman who taught by __55__: never too late to be all you can possibly be.

A. happy                    B. sorry                        C. active                       D. curious

A. make money        B. get married               C. earn a degree            D. find work

A. briefly                   B. happily                    C. jokingly                   D. seriously

A. term                    B. month                      C. week                        D. day

A. talk                         B. work                        C. race                         D. smile

A. shared                 B. enjoyed                    C. admired                   D. imagined

A. decision               B. speech                      C. wish                        D. bet

A. slightly                B. possibly                   C. hardly                      D. simply

A. skill                    B. secret                       C. plan                         D. style

A. stop                     B. rest                          C. wonder                    D. laugh

A. try                      B. chance                            C. dream                      D. education

A. weak                   B. dead                        C. old                          D. ill

A. include                B. need                        C. mean                       D. escape

A. nothing                     B. anything                   C. something                D. everything

A. solutions              B. faults                       C. secrets                      D. opportunities

A. but rather           B. in turn                            C. and yet                     D. if not

A. talents                 B. abilities                    C. regrets                            D. dreams

A. respect               B. degree                      C. fame                        D. disease

A. attractive             B. funny                       C. easy-going                D. impressive

A. direction              B. promise                    C. example                   D. theory


请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。
The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don’t come with an instruction handbook. And each child is different. So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration, not knowing what to do. But in raising children---as in all of life---what we do is influenced by our culture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American values.
To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own two feet. From infancy, each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they gain more freedom to make their own choices. Teenagers choose their own forms of entertainment, as well as the friends to share them with. When they reach young adulthood, they choose their own careers and marriage partners. Of course, many young adults still seek their parents’ advice and approval for the choices they make. But once they "leave the nest" at around 18 to 21 years old, they want to be on their own, not "tied to their mother’s apron strings."
The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal. American parents try to treat their children as individuals ─ not as extensions of themselves. They allow them to fulfill their own dreams. Americans praise and encourage their children to give them the confidence to succeed. When children become adults, their relationship with their parents becomes more like a friendship among equals. But contrary to popular belief, most adult Americans don’t make their parents pay for room and board when they come to visit. Even as adults, they respect and honor their parents.
Most young couples with children struggle with the issue of childcare. Mothers have traditionally stayed home with their children. In recent years, though, a growing trend is to put preschoolers in a day care center so Mom can work. Many Americans have strong feelings about which type of arrangement is best. Some argue that attending a day care center can be a positive experience for children. Others insist that mothers are the best caregivers for children. A number of women are now leaving the workforce to become full-time homemakers.
Disciplining children is another area that American parents have different opinions about. Many parents feel that an old-fashioned spanking(一顿打) helps youngsters learn what "No!" means. Others prefer alternate forms of discipline. For example, "time outs" have become popular in recent years. Children in "time out" have to sit in a corner or by a wall. They can get up only when they are ready to act nicely. Older children and teenagers who break the rules may be grounded, or not allowed to go out with friends. Some of their privileges at home like TV or telephone use may also be taken away for a while. Although discipline isn’t fun for parents or children, it’s a necessary part of training.
Being a parent is a tall order. It takes patience, love, wisdom, courage and a good sense of humor to raise children. Some people are just deciding not to have children at all, since they’re not sure it’s worth it. But raising children means training the next generation and preserving our culture. What could be worth more than that?
Title: The Job of Raising Children

Paragraph outline
Supporting details
It is no easy task to bring up children. Parents sometimes feel very 1  , not knowing what to do.
The goal of parents
They help children to be 2   instead of depending on parents.
The relationship between parents and children
An informal relationship exists between American parents and children.
● Children are praised and 3   to realize their dreams.
● Children are treated 4  more like friends.
The issue of childcare
Most young couple struggle with this issue. 
● 5  , mothers stayed home with kids.
● Recently, a day care center is where preschoolers are put.
● There is a(n) 6   over whether attending a day care center is a positive experience for children.
Ways to 7  children
American parents have different opinions.
● "Time outs" have become 8   in recent years.
● 9   away some privileges is a way to punish  some older children and teenagers.
Raising children takes patience, love, wisdom, courage etc., but it is 10   .


第二节:完形填空(共20小题, 每小题 1分, 满分20分)
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从16—35各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Nancy had got a secretary’s job in a big company to work in the sales department. Monday was the first day that she went to work, so she was very   16    . She got up very early and arrived at the   17  at twenty to eight. She   18   the door open and found nobody there. “I am the   19   to arrive.” She thought and came to her desk. She was surprised to 20  a large bunch of flowers on it. They were fresh. She   21   the flowers from the desk and smelled them. “Oh,how lovely!” Nancy  22   joyfully. She then looked round for a   23   to put them in. “Somebody has sent me flowers the   24   first day!” She thought happily. “But who could it be?” She began to wonder.
The day passed very   25   and Nancy did everything with great interest and   26   . For the following days of the week, the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the flowers. And then she  27   herself in her work.
Then came another Monday. When she came near her desk she was overjoyed to see a (n) __28 _bunch of flowers there. She quickly put them in the vase, replacing the old ones.
The same thing happened again the next Monday. Nancy felt it   29   and this time she began to think of ways to find out the   30   On Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to   31   a plan to the general manager’s office. She had to stay for a while at his secretary’s desk waiting for his   32   . She happened to see on the desk a big note book   33 “Records of manager’s meetings”, and glanced at the   34   pages. Suddenly her eyes fell on these words: “In order to keep the secretaries   35  , the company has decided that every Monday morning a bunch of fresh flowers should be sent to each secretary’s desk.”
Later, she was told that their manager was a business management psychologist.
16. A. depressed        B. encouraged     C. excited           D. surprised
17. A. office             B. workshop          C. classroom         D. bookshop
18. A. forced                  B. pushed              C. turned               D. knocked
19. A. last                B. second                     C. third                 D. first
20. A. uncover                 B. smell                C. find                  D. pick
21. A. packed up       B. threw away        C. stared at            D. took up
22. A. cried                  B. laughed             C. wept             D. replied
23. A. jar                            B. box                   C. bottle                  D. vase
24. A. happy                 B. very                 C. funny            D. quite
25. A. slowly                B. normally       C. quickly         D. hardly
26. A. wisdom             B. bravery            C. sadness          D. enthusiasm
27. A. buried                B. dressed              C. devoted             D. seated
28. A. old                     B. red                   C. blue              D. new
29. A. special                B. angry                C. strange              D. difficult
30. A. sender                B. receiver             C. manager            D. waiter
31. A. send for                     B. hand out            C. try out              D. hand in
32. A. orders                B. instructions        C. gifts                  D. receipts
33. A. marked               B. written             C. printed                 D. signed
34. A. closed                B. damaged           C. pinned                 D. half-opened
35. A. at home                     B. on time             C. in high spirits    D. in low spirits


It was 4 o'clock in the morning, when I received the phone call.
“This is the emergency room calling and your son was just   36  in with severe burns on his face, neck and arms. We have called for a(n)  37  and are going to fly him to the burn unit in Seattle.” Seattle was 350 miles from his college, so we knew immediately this was  38  . The doctor described the  39 , which caused the burns. At 6 am, our son and his friends decided to barbecue hamburgers in the courtyard of their apartment. When they   40  the charcoal(木炭),it burst into flames because they had sprayed too much gasoline(petrol).The flames  41  my son’s shirt tail and shot from his waist to well over his head.
  42 , one of the boys was quick-minded, grasped my son, and  43  him on the grass. While it saved his life, it was not in  44   to save him from severe burns and the terrible scars(伤疤).
After he  45  from the treatments, the doctors told him they would not do plastic surgery(整容)for 6 months  46  it takes that long for the skin to stop shrinking and wrinkling. So, he had to return to college with scars typical of severe burns.
When I was a child, my mother told my sister, who had a 10-inch very  47  scar on her arm, “Nancy, if you ignore the scar, other people will ignore it. It does not mean they will not   48  it, but it means it will not matter to them if it doesn’t matter to you.”
I   49   this wisdom on to my son. He took my advice to  50   and returned to school with his head held high--glad he was alive.
By the end of the six-month waiting period, he decided that the scars did not  51 . So he made the  52   to give up any plastic surgery. We all have “scars” that we believe  53  people to keep away from us. And we spend a lot of time thinking that if only we looked differently, or dressed differently, people would like us better.  
But you see, people will only judge you by your looks, or your clothes, if you are judging yourself by these same  54  standards. Put your imperfections out of your mind and concentrate on what you value  55   yourself, and your beauty will shine through.

A.gotB.litC.burned  D.moved
A.tookB.held  C.caught   D.attracted

