第二节(共12小题.每小题1.5分.满分18分) 听下面4段对话.每段对话后有几个小题.从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项.并标在试卷的相应位置.每段对话读两遍. 听下面一段材料.回答第6-8题. 6. What is the woman planning to do this evening? A. Have a talk with Bob. B. See some Americans off. C. Have dinner with some American friends. 7. What’s wrong with the man? A. He’s got a headache. B. He’s forgotten the date. C. He’s forgotten to take some medicine. 8. Who is the man going to write to? A. His friends. B. His parents. C. His brother. 听下面一段材料.回答第9-11题. 9. What does the man ask the woman to do on Sunday afternoon? A. Meet his friends. B. Watch a volleyball game. C. Come to a dinner party. 10. What will the woman do on Sunday afternoon? A. Invite some friends. B. Go to Mexico City. C. Pick up her brother-in-law. 11. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Come over after getting back from the airport. B. Bring something to eat. C. Order pizza for dinner. 听下面一段材料.回答第12-14题. 12. How did the woman know about the man’s wonderful performances? A. By watching TV. B. From the radio. C. By reading the newspaper. 13. What can we learn about the man? A. He has traveled a lot. B. He’s ill. C. He has a lot of money. 14. What is the man planning to do? A. Play with disabled children. B. Run a special school. C. Improve his playing skills. 听下面一段材料.回答第15-17题. 15. When does the conversation probably take place? A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon. 16. Where did the woman go first? A. The police station. B. A restaurant. C. A shop. 17. Who does the man suggest the woman phone? A. The woman’s friend. B. The manager of the shop. C. The manager of the restaurant. 查看更多





1.What does the woman mean?

A.She praises the boy.

B.She likes more cakes.

C.She will give another cake to the boy.

2.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Buy her a ring.

B.Ring her often.

C.Call her back.

3.How many students went to the Buckingham Palace?

A.All the students.

B.Ten students.

C.About six.

4.What do you think of the man?

A.He is the happiest man.

B.He is very rich.

C.He is poor.

5.What does the woman mean?

A.She has to type two more pages.

B.She finished her work long ago.

C.They’ll finish their work at about the same time.




6.What’s the man’s trouble?

A.He wonders whether his wife’s word is a promise or a threat.

B.He wonders when his wife will come back.

C.He wonders whether his wife will love him.

7.Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?

A.The man had a quarrel with his wife.

B.The man wants his mother-in-law to live with them.

C.The woman suggests the man should live in his mother-in-law’s home.


8.Where is the man living?

A.At 17 Mallett Street.

B.At 70 Mallett Street.

C.At 17 Marett Street.

9.Which house is on fire?


B.Number 18.

C.Number 20.

10.Why is there nobody in the house on fire?

A.They went shopping.

B.They went to work.

C.They went on holiday.


11.What are the speakers talking about?

A.American TV programmes.

B.American movies.

C.American newspapers.

12.What does the woman feel about the people she met?

A.They are not interesting.

B.They are violent.

C.They are kind.

13.Why doesn’t the woman like American TV programme?

A.Because it’s not interesting.

B.Because it’s full of violence.

C.Because it’s always about the West.


14.Why did the girl ask her dad for money?

A.Because she works for him.

B.Because she has no job.

C.Because she will go away from the home.

15.How much will the girl get?




16.How did the father manage to give the money?

A.He drew money from the bank.

B.He had enough money at hand.

C.He got the money from his secret jar.

17.Which is not the thing that the girl is going to do with the money?

A.Putting in the bank.

B.Giving some to her parents.

C.Buying some books.


18.How old is the Guinness Book of Records now?

A.Fifteen years old.

B.Fifty years old.

C.Fifty-five years old.

19.How many records do people try to break every year?

A.1,000 records.

B.10,000 records.

C.52,000 records.

20.How long is the world’s longest femal’s fingernail?

A.7.6 centimeters long.

B.6 meters long.

C.16 centimeters long.




1.What is the man probably doing?

A.Reading a novel.

B.Writing a letter.

C.Enjoying music.

2.What's wrong with the man?

A.He is sick.

B.He is behind other classmates.

C.He is out of work.

3.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman didn't expect it to be so warm at noon.

B.The weather turned cold all of a sudden.

C.The weather forecast was unreliable.

4.Waht does the woman say about Jane?

A.She was absent all week owing to sickness.

B.She was seriously injured in a car accident.

C.She had to be away from school to attend to her husband.

5.What is the woman doing?

A.Playing computer games.

B.Filling in a form.

C.Asking information for a job.




6.What is the man going to during the summer vacation?

A.Take a part-time job.

B.Find a full-time job.

C.Stay at home.

7.What did the woman do last summer?

A.Worked in a restaurant.

B.Worked as a shop assistant.

C.Stayed at home.


8.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.On the phone.

B.In the hotel.

C.On the street.

9.What is David Frank?

A.A driver.

B.A waiter.

C.A professor.

10.How will the man get to the hotel?

A.By bus.

B.By taxi.

C.On foot.


11.Who is the woman speaking with?

A.An officer.

B.A policeman.

C.A friend.

12.How much further must the woman go to find the store?

A.Walk two blocks.

B.Walk down a block to Granger.

C.Walk down a block to Forest.

13.Why couldn't the woman find the store at the beginning?

A.She walked one more block.

B.She didn't know where it was.

C.She went in the wrong direction.


14.What are students supposed to register through?


B.Touch-tongue-registration system.

C.Face-to-face talk.

15.What is the man's major?

A.Computer Science.

B.Comparative Literature.


16.Why can the man finally get into the class?

A.The woman knows him.

B.The registration is OK.

C.He is a student of the major.

17.What will the man do for the man at the beginning?

A.Put his name on the waiting list.

B.Get him registered.

C.Call him later.


18.Why did Miss Wyatt enjoy himself in Italy most of the time?

A.She didn't speak except when necessary.

B.She could find people who could understand her.

C.She had a guide who spoke good English.

19.Where did she have trouble in making herself understand?

A.In a little restaurant in a village in the south of Italy.

B.In a restaurant in an Italian city.

C.In the market place in a little village.

20.Why did the waiter bring her an umbrella?

A.It had started to rain.

B.He thought that she had said umbrella in Italian.

C.He thought that she had drawn one.




1.When will the two arrive in New York?

A.At 7∶05.

B.At 6∶55.

C.At 7∶10.

2.Where are the speakers?

A.In the zoo.

B.In a museum.

C.At a restaurant.

3.When is the man going to leave for New York?

A.In September.

B.In October.

C.In December.

4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?


B.A doctor

C.An advertisement

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Alex is going to go on vacation.

B.Alex is very busy recently.

C.They will have supper on Wednesday.




6.How long did the woman stay on New York?

A.For about 15 days.

B.For about 20 days.

C.For about 50 days.

7.What did the woman learn mostly?




8.What did the woman like particularly about the American classes?

A.Activities in class.

B.The teachers.

C.Students freedom in class.


9.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a hospital.

C.In an exhibition center.

10.On which floor is the Exhibition Center?

A.The ninth floor.

B.The third floor.

C.The second floor.

11.Why does the woman come to Hong Kong?

A.He is on holiday.

B.He comes to meet Peter Smith from Greece.

C.He comes for the computer exhibition.


12.What will the man do first this Saturday morning?

A.Go to a local museum.

B.Go swimming in the river

C.Take a boat trip down the river.

13.What will Betty bring probably?

A.A map.

B.A guide book.

C.Some food for lunch.

14.Who is very familiar with the place the two speakers will visit?

A.The man


C.The man's uncle.


15.What's the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Teacher and student.


C.Mother and son.

16.Why didn't the man come to the class?

A.He had been writing reports all day long.

B.He was too tired to go out.

C.He nearly lost his confidence.

17.What can we know about Tom?

A.He is probably from an English-speaking country.

B.He is interested in learning foreign languages.

C.He had not studied German before he came.


18.How old was Gaddafi when he died?




19.What was his rank after he seized power?




20.Which statement of Gaddafi is correct?

A.Graduated from Libya Military academy in 1965.

B.In order to seize the power, he pretended falling in love with the daughter of the General.

C.Gaddafi died in Tripoli, the capital of Libyan.




1.What's the weather like at the moment?




2.What's the woman's roommate like?

A.She's patient.

B.She's nice.

C.She's tidy.

3.Why has John moved out?

A.To be near the school.

B.To live in a quiet place.

C.To avoid the trouble.

4.What's the man's problem?

A.He can't see the sign clearly.

B.He has no ticket for the movie.

C.He's parked in the wrong place.

5.Which musical instrument does Bob have?


B.A guitar

C.A violin




6.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman has missed her flight.

B.The plane will take off tonight.

C.The airport is closed.

7.What does the woman want?

A.A room for herself alone.

B.A hotel close to the airport.

C.A room with bright light.


8.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She isn't familiar with the Internet.

B.She can't afford a camera.

C.She doesn't like MA-205.

9.What is the man probably going to do next?

A.Reduce the budget.

B.Change the model.

C.Order a camera.


10.What does the man show the woman?

A.A magazine

B.Hair care products

C.A bottle of red wine

11.How will the woman's hair look?




12.Why doesn't the woman want to change the color of her hair?

A.She thinks it's too expensive.

B.She's afraid it might damage her hair.

C.She doesn't like the suggested color.


13.How much pocket money Lily get a month?

A.About 20 pounds

B.About 15 pounds

C.About 5 pounds

14.Why does Lily want more pocket money?

A.To get as much as her friends

B.To pay for music lessons

C.To buy some clothes

15.When can Lily have more pocket money?

A.When she proves good at her school work.

B.When she no longer argues with her mum.

C.When she is mature in her mum' eyes.

16.What does David suggest Lily do?

A.Have a discussion with her mum.

B.Help her mum with housework.

C.Sit down and wait calmly.


17.Where is the speaker?

A.On a plane

B.In a bus

C.At a tourist site

18.Why is food or drink not allowed on the journey?

A.To avoid annoying others

B.To show respect for the guide

C.To guarantee passengers' safety.

19.How long can the tourists stay at the first destination?

A.15 to 30 minutes

B.About an hour

C.About two hours.

20.What is the second destination famous for?


B.The River Avon

C.The Roman Baths




1.How is the man feeling?




2.What did the woman probably do?

A.She helped the man solve some problems.

B.She asked the man some questions.

C.She sold something to the man.

3.What is the man doing?




4.When can the woman attend the party?

A.At noon

B.At 3:00

C.At night

5.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant

B.In an office

C.On a plane




6.How does the man feel about his operation?




7.Why are many patients upset with some doctors?

A.Because some doctors ask for much money.

B.Because some doctors are not good at operating.

C.Because some doctors are not strict with their patients.

8.How does the man know the North Wall Hospital?

A.From other patients.

B.From some doctors.

C.From the ads made by it.


9.Why didn't the woman sleep well last night?

A.Because she got very tired.

B.Because she was too excited for their climbing the mountain.

C.Because her stomach felt uncomfortable.

10.When does the man hope to reach the top of the mountain?

A.Before noon.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

11.Where are the two speakers now?

A.On the top of the mountain.

B.In the woman's house.

C.On the way to the top of the mountain.


12.How much does the man have to pay for his package to be insured?

A.Forty cents.

B.Thirty dollars.

C.Fifteen cents.

13.What does the man forget to do?

A.Write his own address on the package.

B.Put stamps on the package.

C.Take his receipt away.


14.What is the woman most worried about?

A.Her parents.

B.Her math.

C.Her grades for her to go to Cambridge University.

15.Which subject does the woman want to learn while in Cambridge University?




16.How will the woman get her exam results?

A.Through her parents.

B.By post.

C.By asking Cambridge herself.

17.What is the woman going to do if she fails to get into Cambridge?

A.Go to another university.

B.Prepare for next year's exams.

C.Go on to celebrate her graduation from the high school.


18.What is the speaker talking about?

A.A weekend job.

B.A job interview.

C.A calculator.

19.What made the speaker surprised?

A.The manager asked the speaker to add up the price of some drinks and food.

B.The speaker couldn't use a calculator.

C.The manager got angry with the speaker.

20.Where had the speaker worked before?

A.In a weekend club.

B.In a café.

C.In a restaurant.

