--Jackie won't come to see you this afternoon. -- But he . 查看更多



第二卷(共35分) 非选择题 .




J =" Jackie  " L = Lisa

J: Warm day,isn’t it?

L: Yes, it's the (76) w      winter we have ever had.

J: In my childhood, we often had snow in winter, but these years, I (77) s                   ­see it

L: What do you think caused the (78) c      to change so much?

J: I think it is what we call green-house effect. Countries build factories to develop their economy, but they (79) p      a lot of waste gas into the air without being (80) t      .

L: And the cars also have (81) c      to the changes in the temperature all around the world

J: I couldn't agree more. If the temperature (82) c       to go up , the sea level would rise and some (83) c      cities would disappear.

L: Sounds terrible. We must do something about it.

J: (84)  L_____ , governments of many countries have realized that and are taking

(85) a      to prevent the pollution.

L: I am happy to hear that



第二卷(共35分) 非选择题 .




J = Jackie   L = Lisa

J: Warm day,isn’t it?

L: Yes, it's the (76) w       winter we have ever had.

J: In my childhood, we often had snow in winter, but these years, I (77) s                    ??see it

L: What do you think caused the (78) c       to change so much?

J: I think it is what we call green-house effect. Countries build factories to develop their economy, but they (79) p       a lot of waste gas into the air without being (80) t       .

L: And the cars also have (81) c       to the changes in the temperature all around the world

J: I couldn't agree more. If the temperature (82) c       to go up , the sea level would rise and some (83) c       cities would disappear.

L: Sounds terrible. We must do something about it.

J: (84)  L_____ , governments of many countries have realized that and are taking

(85) a       to prevent the pollution.

L: I am happy to hear that



J=Jackie    R=Ron

R:How was the driving test,Jackie?


R:Terrible? How(1)c________?    1.________

J:Well,Ron,the regular examiner was off sick,and I had this new guy Pete,and he made me(2)n________    2.________

R:He did?

J:Yeah.He kept giving me instructions in this loud voice.

R:So what(3)h________?       3.________

J:Well,first of all,as I was backing out of the parking lot,I(4)h ________a tree.                           4.________


J: Yes,I just didn’t see it.Then I scraped(刮,擦)the side of the car oil a garbage can.That made me so nervous and upset that I turned the(5)w _______way down a one-way street.                 5.________

R: oh,no! Was anything coming.the(6)o _________way?     6.________

J:No,luckily there.Wasn’t.But I almost ran over an old Woman(7)c ________the street. And then,when I got to the end                       7.________

of the street,a(8)p ________officer was waiting for me and   8.________

I got a ticket.

R:That’s too bad! I’m sure you(9)m ________be the first person 9.________

    who got a ticket before they,even got their license

J:That’s(10)w ___________the instructor said.    10.________





J = Jackie   L = Lisa

J: Warm day,isn’t it?

L: Yes, it's the (76) w       winter we have ever had.

J: In my childhood, we often had snow in winter, but these years, I (77) s                    -see it

L: What do you think caused the (78) c       to change so much?

J: I think it is what we call green-house effect. Countries built factories to develop their economy, but they (79) p       a lot of waste gas into the air without being (80) t       .

L: And the cars also have (81) c       to the changes in the temperature all around the world

J: I couldn't agree more. If the temperature (82) c       to go up, the sea level would rise and some (83) c       cities would disappear.

L: Sounds terrible. We must do something about it.

J: Luckily,governments of many countries have (84) r       that and are taking (85) m       to prevent the pollution.

L: I am happy to hear that













J = Jackie   L = Lisa

J:Warm day, isn’t it?

L:Yes, it's the (1) w ______winter we have ever had.

J:In my childhood, we often had snow in winter, but these years, I (2) s ______  see it

L:What do you think caused the (3) c ______to change so much?

J:I think it is what we call green-house effect.Countries built factories to develop their economy, but they (4) p ______a lot of waste gas into the air without being (5) t ______

L:And the cars also have (6) c______ to the changes in the temperature all around the world.

J:I couldn't agree more.If the temperature (7) c ______to go up, the sea level would rise and some (8) c ______cities would disappear.

L:Sounds terrible.We must do something about it.

J:Luckily, governments of many countries have (9) r ______that and are taking (10) m ______to prevent the pollution.

L:I am happy to hear that.

(1) ______

(2) ______

(3) ______

(4) ______

(5) ______

(6) ______

(7) ______

(8) ______

(9) ______

(10) ______

