jommey, voyage, tour, travel, trip (1) journey n. “旅行.旅程 .指陆地的远程旅行. At first I was afraid the long joumey was too much for her. I wish you a good journey. 祝你一路平安. (2) tour n. 常指观光.考察等的环游旅行. They fire on a wedding tour. 他们正在新婚旅行. (3) trip n. “旅行 .指来往有定的短距离旅行. I enjoy our trip to the seaside. I can't afford a trip to Korea. (4) voyage n.“旅行 .指距离较长的漫长旅行.也可 指空中旅行. He made a long voyage t0 Africa. (5) travel泛指旅行各地.表示“旅行的路途远.时问 长 . He came home after years 0f foreign travel. 多年在旧外旅行之后他回来r. 查看更多


