be rich in 丰富 查看更多




人们认为蔬菜中维生素含量很丰富。(be rich in)



                                      Success Is Not a Destination(目的地)
     Should people stop once they have achieved something? No! In life, they are always trying to make
things better or have more of the same success.
     Athletes are constantly striving(努力) to shorten time for races, increase heights or distances.
The world of medicine has had its series of successes, too. Christian Barnard performed several
successful heart transplants. Other medical experts have achieved organ transplants. Throughout the ages, mankind has found treatments and cures for cancer and other diseases. A cure for AIDS might soon be
     Age does not seem to slow down achievers. Tina Tuner at 54 is still singing in abundance(丰富) and
attracting sell-out crowds wherever she goes.
     Comedian George Burns, in his 90s, wants to perform at Caesar's Palace when he turns 100.
     Success does not belong only to the rich and famous. It should be the goal of everyone. Many
successful people have had humble beginnings.
     Would you believe that actress Michelle Pfeifer of Cat was a supermarket checkout girl?
     At work, we strive for achievement, too. Success may mean organizing a conference more effectively
and efficiently each year. Sometimes, it is not a pat on the back or the promotion that makes it
      Often, it is the inner thrill(一阵激动) and satisfaction of achievement, no matter how small it may
      Aiming for success doesn't mean you are greedy or dissatisfied. It is all part of gaining new
experiences. It ultimately(最终) makes you a more interesting and useful person in society.
     The journey to success has its road blocks, discouragement and distractions. It takes great
resourcefulness and achievement to overcome obstacles and setbacks to move on successfully
1. If an athlete can shorten time in races, he/she        .
A. is a real success
B. will stop his/her steps forward
C. is always sure to win
D. is the best runner of all
2.The expression "a pat on the back" probably means "       ".
A. patting somebody on the back
B. something important
C. singing somebody's praises
D. anything important
3. Which statement below is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Man now can transplant organs.
B. Man now can cure AIDS.
C. Not all successful people have humble beginnings.
D. Michelle was once a supermarket checkout girl.
4.The writer of the passage agrees to all the ideas EXCEPT that       .
A. any small success will make us excited
B. organizing a conference is a success
C. aiming for success is to gain new experiences in life
D. the journey to success is not so smooth to make


                                                Success Is Not a Destination (目的地)
     Should people stop once they have achieved something? No! In life, they are always trying to make
things better or have more of the same success.
     Athletes are constantly striving (努力) to shorten time for races, increase heights or distances.
     The world of medicine has had its series of successes, too. Christian Barnard performed several
successful heart transplants. Other medical experts have achieved organ transplants. Throughout the
ages, mankind has found treatments and cures for cancer and other diseases. A cure for AIDS might
soon be discovered.
     Age does not seem to slow down achievers. Tina Tuner at 54 is still singing in abundance (丰富)
and attracting sell-out crowds wherever she goes.
     Comedian George Burns, in his 90s, wants to perform at Caesar's Palace when he turns 100.
     Success does not belong only to the rich and famous. It should be the goal of everyone. Many
successful people have had humble beginnings.
     Would you believe that actress Michelle Pfeifer of Cat was a supermarket checkout girl?
     At work, we strive for achievement, too. Success may mean organizing a conference more effectively
and efficiently each year. Sometimes, it is not a pat on the back or the promotion that makes it worthwhile.
     Often, it is the inner thrill (一阵激动) and satisfaction of achievement, no matter how small it may be.
     Aiming for success doesn't mean you are greedy or dissatisfied. It is all part of gaining new experiences.
It ultimately (最终) makes you a more interesting and useful person in society.
     The journey to success has its road blocks, discouragement and distractions. It takes great resourcefulness
and achievement to overcome obstacles and setbacks to move on successfully.
1. If an athlete can shorten time in races, he/she _____.
A. is a real success
B. will stop his/her steps forward
C. is always sure to win
D. is the best runner of all
2. The expression "a pat on the back" probably means "_____".
A. patting somebody on the back
B. something important
C. singing somebody's praises
D. anything important
3. Which statement below is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Man now can transplant organs.
B. Man now can cure AIDS.
C. Not all successful people have humble beginnings.
D. Michelle was once a supermarket checkout girl.
4. The writer of the passage agrees to all the ideas EXCEPT that _____.
A. any small success will make us excited
B. organizing a conference is a success
C. aiming for success is to gain new experiences in life
D. the journey to success is not so smooth to make




Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer {007}.

People talk about the problems with diet and dieting, and use them as excuses for ending, or for not beginning a weight-loss plan. The main problems are that most people don’t know how the body works or they are unwilling to change their lifestyles. When correctly solved, these problems will disappear and will finally be a regular part of your lifestyle.

One problem with diet and dieting is that people complain of feeling hungry. In fact, slimming doesn’t mean eating less. It just means eating differently. You should eat more foods rich in fiber(纤维) instead of foods high in fat. It is possible to be slim without ever feeling hungry. Eating more nutrient-rich (营养丰富的) foods also means you feel less hungry because your body is getting what it needs.

Another difficulty is the desire (欲望). Most people complain that they cannot eat their favorite foods based on weight-loss plans, which causes them to eat too much “ bad” foods. A slimming plan shouldn’t mean you can just eat “ bad” foods. While there are some foods that you should limit, there is no harm in treating yourself in small amounts now and then. Eating one chocolate bar once in a while is not going to end a healthy eating plan.

 Title: Problems with 53.______________

Theme      Your slimming problems will disappear when correctly 54.__________

Feeling      Slimming just means eating differently instead of 55. ______________

Hungry      ·Eating foods much in fiber and nutrients may stop you from feeling


            ·A slimming plan never means just eating “bad” foods.

56.__________   Eating limited foods 57._______________ now and then does not harm you.





Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer {zxxk007}.(5)

People talk about the problems with diet and dieting, and use them as excuses for ending, or for not beginning a weight-loss plan. The main problems are that most people don’t know how the body works or they are unwilling to change their lifestyles. When correctly solved, these problems will disappear and will finally be a regular part of your lifestyle.

One problem with diet and dieting is that people complain of feeling hungry. In fact, slimming doesn’t mean eating less. It just means eating differently. You should eat more foods rich in fiber(纤维) instead of foods high in fat. It is possible to be slim without ever feeling hungry. Eating more nutrient-rich (营养丰富的) foods also means you feel less hungry because your body is getting what it needs.

Another difficulty is the desire (欲望). Most people complain that they cannot eat their favorite foods based on weight-loss plans, which causes them to eat too much “ bad” foods. A slimming plan shouldn’t mean you can just eat “ bad” foods. While there are some foods that you should limit, there is no harm in treating yourself in small amounts now and then. Eating one chocolate bar once in a while is not going to end a healthy eating plan.

 Title: Problems with 53.______________

Theme      Your slimming problems will disappear when correctly 54.__________

Feeling      Slimming just means eating differently instead of 55. ______________

Hungry      ·Eating foods much in fiber and nutrients may stop you from feeling


            ·A slimming plan never means just eating “bad” foods.

56.__________   Eating limited foods 57._______________ now and then does not harm you.


