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Ticket tax fuels Indian cinema strike

Cinemas in Mumbai, Bollywood’s homeland are striking against high taxes on ticket sales.

Owners of Mumbai’s single-screen theatres will keep their shutters (百叶窗) down until Friday to protest about taxes, which they say are driving them out of business.

More than a third of single-screen cinemas in the state of Maharashtra have closed down in the last five years. According to the Cinema and Exhibitors Association of India, just 700 are still in operation. The association blames the closing down on Maharashtra’s high rate of entertainment tax. Its president, R V Vidhani, says that cinemas must pay a tax for every ticket sold, which is 45%, and this makes it hard to break even. It’s the highest of all states across India. The majority of the states in India pay zero entertainment tax. Mr Vidhani says his members had decided to go ahead with a one-week closure after getting no response from the state government on the matter.

It is not just a high tax rate contributing to the shrinking(收缩)number of traditional cinemas, however. Large costs and declining box office takings also make times tougher.

Mr Vidhani has run the New Excelsior Theatre in South Mumbai since 1974. Last week a screening of Bollywood movie Tanu Weds Manu sold just 71 tickets despite a capacity of more than 1,000. Whether it’s a full house or an empty screening, running costs are more or less the same. “Air conditioning, regular business — every expenditure (支出) is the same, but the income has stopped.”

The cricket (板球) World Cup is not helping matters, according to Mr Vidhani. “The World Cup is creating the biggest problem,” he says. “These people are crazy so far as the cricket is concerned. When India is playing, occupancy in the theatre is just 15%.”

Mumbai’s city centre is dotted with empty cinemas.

So after remaining empty for six years, the Novelty theatre is perhaps more fortunate than its neighbours: it is to be reborn as a four-screen multiplex cinema.

Over the last decade the number of multiplexes in India has risen sharply. Despite higher ticket prices, with more choice on offer and typically newer facilities they pose fierce competition to the traditional single-screen theatres.

“Competition from the multiplexes is really tough,” Mr Vidhani says. “Then there is competition from the movie window being narrow. Movies are being released much quicker on television than they used to be so people can pretty much watch movies for free at home.

“With rising incomes, everyone’s going out and buying DVD players or VCD players. Content is available for the asking whether it is official or pirated(盗版).”

Unless single-screen theatres can become special destinations in their own right, while also offering up-to-date facilities, Jehil Thakkar thinks the decline is a trend that will continue, especially as multiplex cinemas spread to smaller towns.

“They are large corporate chains,” he says. “They have the ability to spend money on branding and advertising, so to a large extent the small cinema guys are fighting a losing battle.”


Ticket tax fuels Indian cinema strike


The current (1)     of cinema business in Mumbai

●  Many single-screen cinemas are (2)    .

The causes of the closing down of cinemas

l  Cinemas in Mumbai have to pay a tax (3)    than any other places in India.

l  It costs a lot to (4)    a cinema whether it’s a full house or an empty screening.

l  The occupancy is (5)    by people’s enthusiasm for cricket.

l  Single-screen cinemas are (6)     with competition from multiplex cinemas, which offer more choices and (7)    facilities.

l  A quicker release of movies on television is to (8)    .

l  People prefer to watch DVD or VCD rather than go to the cinema.

The (9)    of single-screen cinemas

l  The trend of decline will continue.

l  Single-screen cinemas are  certain to (10)    the battle.




V Reading

Ellas’ story

My name is Ellas .I am a poor black worker in South Africa .The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life .I was twelve years old . It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise black poor people on their problems .

I began school at six . The school where I studied only two years was three kilometers away. I had to leave, because my family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare .I could not read or write. After trying hard ,I got a job in a gold mine, This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. Sadly I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was worried about whether I would be out of work.

The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest days of my life .He told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg .I never forgot how kind he was and when he organized the ANC Youth League ,I joined it as soon as I could .He said:

“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.”

It was the truth .Black people has no vote and could not choose who ruled them .The parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people .They could not get jobs they wanted .The places there they were sent to live were the poorest areas in South Africa .No one could grow food there .In fact as  Nelson Mandela said:

“…we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important ,or fight the Government .We chose to attack the law .We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful ;when this was not allowed… only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.”

As a matter of fact, I do not like violence… but in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings .It was very dangerous because if I was caught I could be put in prison for years .But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.

1 Read the text and answer the following questions.

1) When and where was the writer born?

2) What difficulty did he meet when he worked in a gold mine in Johannesburg?      

3 )why did Mandela organize the ANC Youth League?      

4 )What position were the black in and what did they do



【小题1】The government is trying to raise public a___________ about the protection of cultural relics. zxxk
【小题2】What you said is not __________(切题的)to the matter in hand.  
【小题3】Her a____________ of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.
【小题4】Do you know when Britain d_______ war on Germany during the Second World War?
【小题5】Could you do me a f_________ and pick up Sam from school? I won’t be available this afternoon.
【小题6】The past few years have w__________ great changes throughout Eastern Europe.
【小题7】China will continue to _________(坚决,坚定)support the leading role of the United Nations in international affairs.
【小题8】Their action was completely v _______________ — nobody asked them to do so.
【小题9】Having _______(考虑)for several days, he decided not to go abroad for further study.
【小题10】Jason signed paperwork two years earlier to d_________ organs upon his death, and the act of concern has saved the lives of four people and helped dozens of others.



M:We had a(1)r________ interesting debate in the science class today.

W:Really? What was it(2)a________?

M:Space exploration.Should we continue to(3)r________ or spend the money on what’s important to human beings? We had a heated discussion.

W:Well, I think it’s important to find out about the rest of the universe which

is(4)u________ even for human beings.It is great and difficult work.

M:But are we wasting money that could be(5)s________ on medical research and saving lives? Medical research is very important.

W:I see what you are saying, but we need to(6)u________ the universe and how it works.I think much about it is(7)p________ to all of us.

M:But why? We live on the earth.As long as we know how earth works…

W:Let me ask you something.Wouldn’t you like to travel into space or(8)v________ the moon?

M:Oh, yes, it would be(9)w________!

W:Well, exactly.Maybe in the future it’ll be(10)p________ to do that.


单词拼写 (满分5分)

1.The restaurants offer a wide v______ of dishes , from Asian to western food.

2. Susan has had a strong a_______ for music since the age of 8.

3.The house is_______( 看不见的 ) from the road because of the tall trees surrounding it,

4. At weekends, the buses and underground trains are often c_____ with many people.

5.China has been trying to ______( 加强 ) its economic ties with European countries.

6. He never complains about anything. He’s always optimistic and p______.

7.The girl had a strong m_____ to learn crosstalk as a child ,but soon he quitted his dream.

8.Last month, an earthquake hit the area, c_______ great damage to it.

9.Having failed twice, the biologist was ____( 决心 ) to continue the experiment on wildlife.

10.The guest was put up in the hotel _______( 暂时地 ),and then stayed with his hostess.


