doubt n. 怀疑 vt. 怀疑 [拓展] doubtful adj. 令人生疑的 I don' t doubt that he'll come. There is no doubt that you'll succeed. [搭配] without (a) doubt 毫无疑问地.确实地 in doubt 感到怀疑 no doubt 无疑,很可能 [考点5]doubt 的用法 ▲构词: ① doubtful adj. 怀疑的.疑心的,不能确定的.可疑的 ②doubtfully adv. 怀疑地.含糊地 ③ doubtless adj. 无疑的.确定的 adv. 无疑地.确定地 ▲ 搭配: ① beyond / past (all) doubt 毫无疑问 ② cast / throw doubt on... 对-产生怀疑.使人对-产 生怀疑 ③ hang in doubt 悬而未决.还不能确定 ④ in doubt 感到怀疑.拿不准,被怀疑.悬而未决 ⑤ no doubt 无疑地.很可能 ⑥ without (a) doubt 无疑地 ⑦ be / feel doubtful of / about... / that-clause怀疑 ▲友情提示:doubt常表示“怀疑 .其后接名词从句时. 主句为疑问句和否定句时.从旬常用连词that, but that.主句为旨定句从句一般用连接词whether, if what, when 等.如主句为肯定句而从句用连词that. 则往往表示“非常怀疑.不相信 . [考例5]Some researchers believe that there is no doubt a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whether [考查目标] doubt 的用法. [答案与解析]B no doubt后为同位语从句.that作为 引导词.不充当句子成分. 查看更多


