pick out 挑出,辨别出,使显眼 I can pick out my sister in the crowd. 我能在人群中认出我妹妹. The houses in the painting were picked out in white. 画中的房子在白色衬托下愈发突出. [注意]与pick搭配的词组有:pick up 拿起.拾起.恢 复,pick over 检查 [考点1]含“介词at + + 名词短语 ① at the head of 在--最前头 ② at midnight 在半夜 ③ at present 现在.目前 ④ at once 立刻.马上 ⑤ at breakfast 早餐时 ⑥ at first 起先.首先 ⑦ at school 在学校.在上学 ⑧ at home 在家 ⑨ at night 在晚上 ⑩ at the moment 此刻 ⑩ at the end of 在--结尾.到--尽头 ⑩ at the same time 同时 ⑩ at times 有时.偶尔 ⑩ at all 一点也不 ⑩ at last 最后.起码 ⑩ at sea 在海上.茫然.奠名其妙 ⑥ at the age of 在--岁数时 ⑩ at the beginning of... 起初.开始 ⑩ at (the) most 至多 ④ at a time 每次 ① at one time 过去有段时间.曾经 ◎ at work 在工作 ④ at a loss 茫然 ⑨ at hospital 住院 ④ at (the) least 至少 [例句] A policeman drove at the head of the procession. 一名警察在游行的队伍前开着车. At first he was a little shy in class, but now he acts more naturally. 起初在班里他有点害羞.但是现在自然 多了. If you find anything not to your liking you will tell me at once? 如果你发现你不喜欢的东西.马上告诉我好吗? At one time 1 used to play a lot of sport, but I seem to have lost interest now. 我曾经喜爱运动.但是现在好像 失去了兴趣. I feel a little nervous at times. 有时我的确感到有些紧 张. The meal came to an end at last, and Mr. Li rose. 这顿 饭终于吃完了.李先生站了起来. I don't understand politics: I'm at sea when people talk about the government. 我不懂政治.当人们谈论政府 时.我就茫然了. [考例l] Don't all speak at once! please. A. Each at one time B. One by one time C. One for each time D. One at a time [考查目标]此题主要考查time短语的用法. [答案与解析]D at a time 每次,one at time 每次一 个,“一个接一个 应该用one by one, 不可以在后面加 lime,at one time过去有段时间.曾经.本句话意思是 “不要都同时讲话.一个一个的说! [考点2]与“数量 有关的短语 ① a few 一些.几个 ② a series of 一连串的.一系列 ③ a bit (of) 少量的.一点.也不 ④ a pairr of 一对.一双 ⑤ a bottle of 一瓶 ⑥ a glass of 一杯 ⑦ a piece of 一件 ⑧ a kind of 一种 ⑨ a little 一点 ⑩ a lot of / lots of 许多 ⑥ plenty of 许多.大量的 ⑥ a number of 许多 ⑩ the number of... -的数量 ⑩ a great deal of 许多.大量 ⑩ a basin of 一盆 ⑩ a bowl of 一碗 ⑥ a basket of 一篮 ⑩ a bucket of 一桶 ⑩ a handful of 一把 ⑩ a mouthful of 一口 [例句] A series of rainy days spoiled our vacation. 一连 串的阴雨天破坏了我们的假期. There lay a pair of glasses on the desk. 在课桌上放着一 副眼镜. There was plenty of work for girls of her age. 对于她这 个年龄的女孩来说.有很多工作. A great number of civilians were murdered in the war. 大量的平民在战争中被杀害. She thought that her friend must have been through a great deal of trouble. 她想她的朋友肯定经历了许多麻 烦事. [考例2] The number of people invited fifty.but a number of them absent for different reasons. A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were [考查目标] 此题主要考查主谓一致. [答案与解析]C “the number of + 复数名词 作主语 时.谓语动词用单数形式,“a number of + 复数名词 作 主语时.谓语动词用复数形式. [牛刀小试2] 根据所给汉语句子的意思完成英语句子.每空只填一 个词. 查看更多


