选B.it can’t be worse 相当于 It’s the worst thing I ever knew. 查看更多



选词填空。从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的选项,并将其填入短文后相应题号的横线上。 (其中有两个选项是多余的)(10分)

A. necessary     B. comes       C. well       D. up         E. hold        F. habits
G. parents’      H. dressed      I. forget      J. nothing      K. how        L.from
   Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If they go on with the habit, their children won’t know the money   1  from hard work.
Some parents like to   2  birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, their children will think it   3  for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe they will forget their   4  birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits.
Many parents don’t let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and do   5   in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will only learn to open their mouths to be fed and stretch out (伸出) their arms to be   6  every day. When the children grow   7  , they will be able to do   8 , and they won’t even find a job. Parents should teach the children   9  to do housework because it can help them start good    10  of working by themselves.


选词填空。从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的选项,并将其填入短文后相应题号的横线上。 (其中有两个选项是多余的)(10分)

A. necessary     B. comes       C. well       D. up         E. hold        F. habits

G. parents’       H. dressed      I. forget      J. nothing      K. how        L.from

    Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If they go on with the habit, their children won’t know the money   1   from hard work.

Some parents like to   2   birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, their children will think it   3   for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe they will forget their   4   birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits.

Many parents don’t let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and do   5    in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will only learn to open their mouths to be fed and stretch out (伸出) their arms to be   6   every day. When the children grow   7   , they will be able to do   8  , and they won’t even find a job. Parents should teach the children   9   to do housework because it can help them start good    10   of working by themselves.



Jeff Green can not look after(照看) his things. Look, this is his room. He doesn’t put his things away(收好) every day. Look at his desk. Many things are on it. They are notebooks, CDs, video tapes, pens, pencils. He doesn’t put his pens and pencils in his pencil case. Look, some of his sports collections are on the desk and chairs.
It’s eight o’clock in the morning, and Jeff is in bed. It’s Sunday. He doesn’t go to school. Oh, what’s under the bed? A football. He likes playing football. He can not play volleyball well. His backpack is under the bed. Why is his backpack under the bed? We don’t know. What’s that under the sofa? It is one of his socks. Where is the other(另外的) one? Sorry, we can not see it. Jeff needs to ask his parents to find it, I think.
【小题1】 根据His backpack is under the bed.可知答C
【小题2】根据A football. He likes playing football. 可知答A
【小题3】根据What’s that under the sofa? It is one of his socks. Where is the other(另外的) one? Sorry, we can not see it.可知选C
【小题4】根据It’s eight o’clock in the morning, 可知选A
【小题6】 Where is Jeff’s backpack?

A.It is on his desk.B.It is under his school things.
C.It is under his bed.D.It’s on the sofa.
【小题7】 What sport does Jeff like?
A.Football. B.Basketball.C.VolleyballD.Baseball.
【小题8】 Where are Jeff’s socks?
A.They are on his sofa.
B.They are under his bed.
C.One of his socks is under the sofa, but we can not see the other one.
D.They are under the desk.
【小题9】 What time is it now?
A.It’s 8 am.B.It’s 8 pm.
C.It’s time for bed.D.It’s time for breakfast.
【小题10】Does Jeff put his things away every day?
A.No, he doesn’t.B.Yes, he does.
C.Sorry, I don’t know.D.He puts his school things away.


配对阅读  左栏是五位病人的健康问题,右栏是七位专科医生的简介。请根据五位病人的健康问题为他们选出最合适的专科医生诊病,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

1.Bob is often late for school because he always gets up late. This makes his teacher mad. He needs to buy something to wake him up in the morning.

2.Tim likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers(顾客)every day. He wants to buy something that can help him.

3.Summer has come. Tony is fat and he can’t sleep well on such hot days. This troubles him a lot. He’d like to buy something to make him feel cool.

4.Alice often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She is going to buy something that can dry her hair in a short time.

5.Susan is a housewife. She has to do the washing for her family every day. She gets tired of it. She is in need of a product to do it for her.

       A.This electric product can make you cool during the hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the humidity(湿度) of your room.

B.You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and so on. You can also listen to the music with it when you want to relax.

C.This electric product is useful to all of us. People often have one at home. It is often put up on the wall. If you want to know the time, just take a look at it.

D. This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. What you need to do is to return it on and later hang the clothes on the line. With this electric product, life will be a lot easier for you.

E. Each family needs this product. You can use it to store meat, vegetables, fruits, drinks and medicine. It can keep them cool and fresh so that they will not go bad easily on hot days.

F. It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up with a piece of music any time you want, but you have to set the time first.

G. When you wash your hair, you need this product. It can make your wet hair dry in a minute. It can also be used for drying your wet clothes or some other wet things.




1.Paul: I don’t think I can talk fluently(流利) because it’s difficult for me to remember all the words.

2.Billy: When I come face to face with the audience, where should my eyes fall upon? Do I have to look front, or look around from time to time?

3.Amy: When I am talking, I can’t help waving my hands, for I think it can help me express what I want to say better. But my classmates say I look funny and foolish by doing this.

4.Betty: I know that it’s not right to speak fast. But I am afraid that I can’t finish my talk in the given time if I speak slowly.

5.Tony: Should I talk in American English or British English?

A.Looking at and talking to one person in the audience helps keep you natural, but it feels foolish talking to only one person. Speak to that person as long as 15 seconds and then change another one.

B.The audience have a hard time understanding what they hear. They need your help. Slow down, pause(停顿) and guide the audience through your talk. Remember that you should help the audience understand what you are saying.

C.Make your voice a little lower than normal. Listeners like to listen to a relatively(相对) deep voice.

D.When you talk, try to be as natural as possible. Don’t try to memorize your words and read or recite them to your audience. You can use short notes to help you remember the important points.

E. You should know you and most of the people you talk to are different in many ways. Some of them may not know what you are talking about. Then speak to them on their terms and in their languages.

F. Concentrate on what you want to say. If you are always paying attention to gestures(手势),you will feel uncomfortable.

G. It’s true that there are some differences between American English and British English, but they’ll not cause much difficulty for listeners, so just speak the way you’re used to.


