--I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a ear cut in and knocked me down. --You can never be careful in the street. A.much B.very C.so D.too 查看更多





broadcast1/'brɔ:dkɑ:st||ˈbrɔdˌkæst/n[C] a programme on the radio or on television: a radio news broadcast | live broadcast ( = a programme that you see or hear at the same time as the events are happening)

broadcast2 v past tense and past participle, broadcast 1 [ I,T] to send out radio or television programmes: The interview was broadcast live across Europe. 2 [T] to tell something to a lot of people: There was no need to broadcast the fact that he lost his job.

broadcaster /ˈbrɔːdkɑːstə || ˈbrɔːdkæstər/ n [C]

curious/ ˈkjʊəriəs || 'kjur-/ adj 1 wanting to know about something: When I mentioned her name everyone was curious. | [ +about] I’m incurious about this book she's supposed to be writing. |curious to see/hear/know etc: Mandy was curious to hear what Peter had to say himself.—opposite INCURIOUS 2 strange or unusual: a curious noise coming from the cellar | curious that It's very curious that she left without saying goodbye.

   curl1 /kɜ:l|| kɚrl/ n 1[C] a small mass of hair

flask / flɑ:sk || flæsk/n [C] I BrE a special type of bottle that you use to keep liquids either hot or cold, for example when travelling 2 a flat bottle usually used to carry alcohol 3 a glass bottle with a narrow top, used in a LABORATORY

flat1/ flæt / adj flatter, flattest

1▶ SURFACE◀ smooth and level, without raised or hollow areas, and not sloping or curving: a flat-bottomed boat |a perfectly flat sandy beach | flat as a

pollute / pə'lu:t/ v  [T] 1 to make air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use: beaches polluted by raw sewage | industrial emissions that pollute the air 2 pollute sb’s mind to give someone immoral thoughts and spoil their character: fears that Lawrence's novels would pollute young minds--polluted adj: polluted rivers--polluter n [C]

pollution / pəˈlu:ʃn /n [U] 1 the process of making


1.The pronunciation of the word "broadcast" is ____ or/ˈbrɔdˌkæst /.

A. /'brɔ:dkɑ:st/     B. /'brəud'sɑ:st/      C. /bræd'kɔst/       D. /'bru:dkɑ:st/

2.The word"____ "can be used as an adjective (形容词).

A. pollute          B. pollution           C. curious            D. curiously

3.Which of the following is a flask?


 A.               B.                C.              D.


4. The word "pollute" means "______".

A. to tell something to a lot of people       B. wanting to know about something

C. a programme on the radio or on TV       D. to make air. water, soil, etc dirty

5.These texts are probably from ______.

A. a magazine        B. a dictionary

C. a newspaper        D. an advertisement



1. Tom is good at English. He has a good              /'mem[ri/.
2. Sandy              /plAnz/ everything well. She is a careful girl.
3. Suzy has poor              / aisait/ and can't see these words.
4. Don't shout, please. You will              /'fraitn/ the baby.
5. Please              /nRk/ at the door before you come in.
6. I never feel              /bR:d/ when I work with her.
7. He was very              /'n[: v[s/ and couldn't say a word.


1. Sun Haiping is Liu Xiang's ___________/ k?ut /.
2. My parents always ___________/  / me when I haven't got good marks.
3. Liu Xiang broke the world ___________/'rek:d / with a time of 12.88 seconds in 2006. Now he is
still the holder(保持者).
4. Every Chinese hopes Liu Xiang will get a new gold ___________/'medl / at the Beijing Olympics.
5. Jim was chosen to ___________/'ri:pri'zent / the students' union to attend the meeting.
6. We should go to bed and get up ___________ /'regju:l?li / every day.


1. Richey was glad to have a chance to ______ (采访) a few foreigners who attended "Join the Fun
    in Jinling" yesterday.
2. We can enjoy f______ air in the countryside.
3. We feel quite ______ /ri'lkst / when having a music class.
4. The astronauts ______ (描述) what they had seen in space.
5. The abacus was invented in the sixth ______ /senturi/ by the Chinese.
6. He r______ to go to the party so I had to go there instead.
7. It was cold,but the trip was ______. (令人愉快)   
8. We hope it will be sunny tomorrow, for our ______ /'piknik/.



broadcast1/'br?dkɑ: st||?br?d?k?st/n[C] a programme on the radio or on televisiona radio news broadcast | live broadcast(= a programme that you see or hear at the same time as the events are happening)

broadcast2 v past tense and past participle, broadcast 1 [ I, T] to send out radio or television programmesThe interview was broadcast live across Europe2 [T] to tell something to a lot of peopleThere was no need to broadcast the fact that he lost his job

broadcaster/?br??dkɑ?st? || ?br??dk?st?r/n [C]

curious/?kj??ri?s || 'kjur-/adj 1 wanting to know about somethingWhen I mentioned her name everyone was curious| [ +about] I'm incurious about this book she's supposed to be writing|curious to see/hear/know etcMandy was curious to hear what Peter had to say himself.-opposite INCURIOUS 2 strange or unusuala curious noise coming from the cellar | curious that It's very curious that she left without saying goodbye

curl1/k?l|| k?rl/n 1[C] a small mass of hair

flask/flɑsk || fl?sk/n [C] I BrE a special type of bottle that you use to keep liquids either hot or cold, for example when travelling 2 a flat bottle usually used to carry alcohol 3 a glass bottle with a narrow top, used in a LABORATORY

flat1/fl?t/adj flatter, flattest

1? SURFACE? smooth and level, without raised or hollow areas, and not sloping or curvinga flat-bottomed boat |a perfectly flat sandy beach | flat as a

pollute/p?'lut/v [T] 1 to make air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to usebeaches polluted by raw sewage | industrial emissions that pollute the air 2 pollute sb's mind to give someone immoral thoughts and spoil their characterfears that Lawrence's novels would pollute young minds-polluted adjpolluted rivers-polluter n [C]

pollution/p??lu?n/n [U] 1 the process of making



The pronunciation of the word "broadcast" is ________ or/?br?d?k?st/.

[  ]










The word" ________ "can be used as an adjective(形容词).

[  ]










Which of the following is a flask?

[  ]






The word "pollute" means " ________ ".

[  ]


to tell something to a lot of people


wanting to know about something


a programme on the radio or on TV


to make air.water, soil, etc dirty


These texts are probably from ________.

[  ]


a magazine


a dictionary


a newspaper


an advertisement

