A. young B. old C. happy D. true 查看更多



Anthony Horowitz was miserable (痛苦的) as a child. He was, as he puts it, “not very bright” and couldn’t win the attention of his very wealthy parents, who preferred his “clever” older brother. At age 8, Horowitz was sent away to an abusive (虐待的) boarding school in his native England, even though he screamed and pleaded (恳求) with his parents year after year not to send him. “The thought was, ‘It’ll be good for him’,” Horowitz recalls (回忆).
It was not. Horowitz did badly in his studies, had few friends and was bullied (欺负) for five years. “My teachers couldn’t have had a lower opinion of me,” he said. “I wasn’t even smart enough to rebel (反抗). The one thing I remember from the very earliest age was this desire to write. When I was 10 years old, I remember asking my parents to get me a typewriter for my birthday because I wanted to be a writer.”
Now, at 55, Horowitz is one of the world’s most successful children’s book authors. His Alex Rider series has sold more than 5 million copies, and the eighth book featuring the young spy, Crocodile Tears, came out this month.
The Alex Rider books tell the adventures of 14-year-old Alex Rider, an agent for the British intelligence agency MI6.
Horowitz said he doesn’t try to write for kids; it just comes out that way. “I have a feeling it’s to do with purity and simplicity. I give as little information as is necessary to describe the room, the character in the room, and get on with the action,” he said.
That style has also made Horowitz a successful writer of television shows for adults in Britain because, he says, writing books for kids is a lot like writing television for grown-ups: In both cases, it’s all about entertaining people with a good story.
Now, Horowitz couldn’t be happier with his life. He sums up his success: “…you can be anything you want to be if you just believe in yourself. I do believe it completely.”
61. The text is mainly about _____.
A. Horowitz’s popular book – Alex Rider       B. Horowitz’s miserable childhood
C. Horowitz, a successful children’s writer        D. Horowitz’s special writing style
62 In his childhood, Anthony Horowitz _____.
A. was more intelligent than his brother       
B. was paid more attention by his parents
C. couldn’t understand why he was sent to the boarding school
D. led a miserable life because of poverty
63.In the boarding school, Horowitz’s teachers ______.
A. showed great concern for him                B. often abused and bullied him
C. taught him how to write stories               D. thought little of his ability
64. Which of the following is true of Anthony Horowitz?
A. He was the beloved child of his family.       
B. He benefited a lot from boarding school.
C. He emphasizes the plot rather than character in stories.
D. Although he is successful, he isn’t very happy.
65. What advice does Horowitz have for readers?
A. Confidence is the key to success.           B. Hardship teaches valuable lessons.
C. Interest is the best teacher.                D. Diligence is the parent of success.



     Anthony Horowitz was miserable (痛苦的) as a child. He was, as he puts it, “not very bright” and couldn’t win the attention of his very wealthy parents, who preferred his “clever” older brother. At age 8, Horowitz was sent away to an abusive (虐待的) boarding school in his native England, even though he screamed and pleaded (恳求) with his parents year after year not to send him. “The thought was, ‘It’ll be good for him’,” Horowitz recalls (回忆).

      It was not. Horowitz did badly in his studies, had few friends and was bullied (欺负) for five years. “My teachers couldn’t have had a lower opinion of me,” he said. “I wasn’t even smart enough to rebel (反抗). The one thing I remember from the very earliest age was this desire to write. When I was 10 years old, I remember asking my parents to get me a typewriter for my birthday because I wanted to be a writer.”

      Now, at 55, Horowitz is one of the world’s most successful children’s book authors. His Alex Rider series has sold more than 5 million copies, and the eighth book featuring the young spy, Crocodile Tears, came out this month.

      The Alex Rider books tell the adventures of 14-year-old Alex Rider, an agent for the British intelligence agency MI6.

      Horowitz said he doesn’t try to write for kids; it just comes out that way. “I have a feeling it’s to do with purity and simplicity. I give as little information as is necessary to describe the room, the character in the room, and get on with the action,” he said.

      That style has also made Horowitz a successful writer of television shows for adults in Britain because, he says, writing books for kids is a lot like writing television for grown-ups: In both cases, it’s all about entertaining people with a good story.

      Now, Horowitz couldn’t be happier with his life. He sums up his success: “…you can be anything you want to be if you just believe in yourself. I do believe it completely.”

61. The text is mainly about _____.

   A. Horowitz’s popular book – Alex Rider        B. Horowitz’s miserable childhood

   C. Horowitz, a successful children’s writer         D. Horowitz’s special writing style

62 In his childhood, Anthony Horowitz _____.

   A. was more intelligent than his brother       

   B. was paid more attention by his parents

   C. couldn’t understand why he was sent to the boarding school

   D. led a miserable life because of poverty

63.In the boarding school, Horowitz’s teachers ______.

   A. showed great concern for him                 B. often abused and bullied him

   C. taught him how to write stories                D. thought little of his ability

64. Which of the following is true of Anthony Horowitz?

   A. He was the beloved child of his family.        

   B. He benefited a lot from boarding school.

   C. He emphasizes the plot rather than character in stories.

   D. Although he is successful, he isn’t very happy.

65. What advice does Horowitz have for readers?

   A. Confidence is the key to success.           B. Hardship teaches valuable lessons.

   C. Interest is the best teacher.                D. Diligence is the parent of success.


When a very young squirrel(松鼠)fell off a tree, he didn’t know that would start a most unusual friendship.

Linda found the squirrel and his sister lying on the ground. They had fallen about 40 feet out of their nest(窝). The sister was dead. The other survived because he landed on his sister. Linda thought their mother, who was found nearby, died from being poisoned. Many people put out mouse poison and squirrels ate it. Linda decided to care for the newly-born squirrel. She named him Finnegan.

But Linda worried that her dog Giselle might hurt Finnegan. “I didn’t know if she wanted the squirrel for breakfast, or if she wanted it as a toy.” However, to her surprise, Giselle liked Finnegan and she took care of Finnegan, too. And they played, ate, and slept together. After a short time, Giselle and Finnegan bonded.

Linda tried to teach Finnegan how to eat nuts, and taught him to find food himself. She said squirrels shouldn’t be kept as pets. When Finnegan was 8 weeks old, Linda started letting him outside. At first, he ran around but would stay in Linda’s yard. Every night, he would scratch(用指甲挠)at the back door or at one of Linda’s windows to be let in. Linda refused. Then one day, he didn’t come back. Two weeks later, he returned with four squirrels, and then disappeared again and returned one more time – on Thanksgiving Day. “He came close, but he wouldn’t let me touch him. He just wanted me to know he was OK. He’s wild, free and happy and doing exactly what he’s supposed to be doing. ”Linda smiled with tears.

1.What does the underlined word “bonded” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Met each other.                                    B.Became honest with each other.

                               C.Kept away from each other.                   D.Developed a friendly relationship.

2.According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Linda had kept Finnegan for about 3 months.

                               B.People didn’t like squirrels and wanted to kill them.

                               C.Finnegan once thought Linda’s house was his own home.

                               D.Finnegan returned to the wild and lived alone.

3.Which diagram can show the structure of the passage?

4.Linda probably felt         when she refused to let Finnegan in.

A.sad but hopeful   B.happy and interested C.afraid and helpless D.excited but lonely

5.Which book is the story most probably from?

A.Jokes and Fun  B.Animal Life      C.Science Weekly       D.Man and Nature


FOR many young people, having to attend school with a parent would be their worst nightmare. However, Senior 1 student Li Qinmei is happy taking her father with her as long as she can go to classes. He is disabled and unable to take care of himself.
The 16-year-old country girl in Zhucheng, Shandong Province has experienced one disaster after another in her short life. Li lost her mother at three. Four years later, her father became paralyzed after a tractor accident. At 12, her misfortune returned with the death of her grandma. Since then she has been forced to shoulder all the responsibility for her broken family.
Li learnt to cook and managed to live a life with an allowance of only 24 yuan per month. The most difficult thing she had to deal with was helping her father bathe, dress and use the toilet as he could hardly move.
"I felt embarrassed, and so did my dad. It was really hard at the beginning," she recalled.
During most of her junior school years, Li went to classes only once a month as her father was seriously ill at the time. "I taught myself at home and asked teachers for help on my school days," she explained. Li's hard work paid off this fall. She was admitted by Zhucheng No 1 High School, a local key school, based on her good performance in the entrance exams. The school offered Li and her father a room on campus to live in so she could look after him during breaks.
Once in a while, Li felt sad when she saw her classmates going shopping or hanging out with friends. "I envy them sometimes because they have both mum and dad to look after them. However, I soon feel relieved as I still have my dear dad with me," she said.
Li admitted that the difficulties in life had taught her to be strong. "I believe I will go on and continue my studies at a good university," she said, in a confident tone.
Her teacher Mr. Wang has the same belief. Li made great progress in the recent monthly exams. "She works hard and is always eager to excel (好强的). It's not easy for her never to be late for school, but she has managed to make it work," Wang said.
56. Li Qinmei has to shoulder the family because ________.
A. her father was badly injured in a car accident  
B. her grandma died when she was 12
C. her mother passed away when she was 3  
D. misfortune in her life forced her to do so
57. From the passage we can infer that _________.
A. Li Qinmei doesn’t like others talking about her father
B. many young students hate going to school with their parents
C. Li Qinmei has made great progress in her study
D. Li Qinmei has lost three relatives and has to take care of her father
58. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “hanging out” in the passage?_________.
A. playing outside    B. working hard    
C. exchanging ideas    D. talking happily
59. According to the passage, which statement is Not True? __________.
A. Li Qinmei was admitted to a local key school because of his good scores in the exams
B. Li Qinmei is very embarrassed when she helps her father bathe
C. Li Qinmei often goes to attend her father after class
D. Li Qinmei is able to go to class on time though she has to attend her father


FOR many young people, having to attend school with a parent would be their worst nightmare. However, Senior 1 student Li Qinmei is happy taking her father with her as long as she can go to classes. He is disabled and unable to take care of himself.
The 16-year-old country girl in Zhucheng, Shandong Province has experienced one disaster after another in her short life. Li lost her mother at three. Four years later, her father became paralyzed after a tractor accident. At 12, her misfortune returned with the death of her grandma. Since then she has been forced to shoulder all the responsibility for her broken family.
Li learnt to cook and managed to live a life with an allowance of only 24 yuan per month. The most difficult thing she had to deal with was helping her father bathe, dress and use the toilet as he could hardly move.
"I felt embarrassed, and so did my dad. It was really hard at the beginning," she recalled.
During most of her junior school years, Li went to classes only once a month as her father was seriously ill at the time.
"I taught myself at home and asked teachers for help on my school days," she explained.
Li's hard work paid off this fall. She was admitted by Zhucheng No 1 High School, a local key school, based on her good performance in the entrance exams.
The school offered Li and her father a room on campus to live in so she could look after him during breaks.
Once in a while, Li felt sad when she saw her classmates going shopping or hanging out with friends.
"I envy them sometimes because they have both mum and dad to look after them. However, I soon feel relieved as I still have my dad with me," she said.
Li admitted that the difficulties in life had taught her to be strong.
"I believe I will go on and continue my studies at a good university," she said, in a confident tone.
Her teacher Mr. Wang has the same belief. Li made great progress in the recent monthly exams. "She works hard and is always eager to excel . It's not easy for her never to be late for school, but she has managed to make it work," Wang said.
【小题1】Li Qinmei has to shoulder the family because ________.

A.her father was badly injured in a car accident
B.her mother passed away when she was 3
C.her grandma died when she was 12
D.misfortune in her life forced her to do so
【小题2】From the passage we can infer that _________.
A.Li Qinmei doesn’t like others talking about her father
B.many young students hate going to school with their parents
C.Li Qinmei has made great progress in her study
D.Li Qinmei has lost three relatives and has to take care of her father
【小题3】What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “hanging out” in the passage?_________.
A.playing outside B.working hard C.exchanging ideas D.talking happily
【小题4】According to the passage, which statement is Not True? __________.
A.Li Qinmei was admitted to a local key school because of his good scores in the exams
B.Li Qinmei is very embarrassed when she helps her father bathe
C.Li Qinmei often goes to attend her father after class
D.Li Qinmei is able to go to class on time though she has to attend her father
【小题5】What’s the best title of the story?________.
A.Difficulties make strongB.A touching story
C.A strong-minded girl-Li QinmeiD.Li Qinmei’s successful study life

