What’s the best title for this passage? A. Advice on how to choose which media to get news. B. Many people get their daily news on the Internet. C. TV remains top source of news even as online grows. D. Differences between the Internet and traditional media. C For a stay-at-home mom, a computer with an Internet connection can truly be a lifeline. When diapers and baby talk become just too much, adult talk is just a click away. But for some moms, the attraction of the online world becomes too strong to resist and instead of being an occasional thing, it becomes an addiction. Coleen Moore of the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery says she is seeing a growing number of young stay-at-home moms for whom blogs and social networking have become a passion, which will harm their real-world lives. At present, Internet addiction is not officially recognized as a mental disorder. But a recent survey showed 14 percent of Internet users find it hard to stay away from their computers for several days at a time, and that 8 percent use the Web to escape problems. Considering this, it is probably just a matter of time before it is. What drives a mom to the Internet is not different from what drives an alcoholic to drink: an empty place that needs filling. “In addiction treatment, we talk about the fact that there is a void, says Moore. “Whatever that void may be - whether it’s emotional, spiritual, physical-we’re trying to fill it. So, how can you find the void? A journal tracking when and why you go online and what you may be avoiding when you do so can be helpful in finding it out. But what makes Internet dependence special is the fact that usually it is not just a way to escape the tiring parenting or make a connection with others, but also a way to make a statement and be heard. 查看更多



We’re always being sent contributions(稿件) for our popular laughter, The Best Medicine Section. Some of the jokes are obvious winners. Some of the jokes are ancient,  which are unfit for public consumption or just don’t make the grade(符合要求). And then there are the rest: the jokes that get our editor scratching his chin and wondering, “Is this one good enough to print? ” Now you can help him choose. We’ve picked five jokes from the “Maybe” pile. Vote for the one you think is the best. The top-rated joke as of July 20, 2012 will be published in the magazine—and net its author $150.


A boy goes to a bookshop with his birthday money and chooses a book titled Advice to Young Mothers. “Why would you want this book? ” the assistant asks him.

“Because I collect moths(飞蛾). ” the boy explains.

Derek Blew, Lane Cove, NSW


Father: “So you want to be my son-in-law? ”

Young man: “Actually I don’t, but I want to marry your daughter and I don’t see how I can avoid it. ”

Kimberley McEwan, southland, NZ


How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb(灯泡)?

None. They only promised they would do it.

Lisa Bluthal, Umina Beach, NSW


A couple of country boys driving a semitrailer(半拖车) down the highway come to a bridge with a sign saying: “Clearance 3. 1 metres. ” They stop, take out a tape measure and find the truck is 3. 5 metres high. “I don’t see any police around, ” one says. “Let’s go for it. ”

Loretta Fonseca, Otago, NZ


There are only two people who really know how to run this country. Sadly, one is cutting hair and the other is driving a taxi.

James White, Belmont, NSW

Click here for Poll Archives(投票档案).

71. The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is to________ .

A. ask readers to judge which joke is the best

B. provide readers with some jokes for entertainment

C. collect contributions for a magazine

D. show us laughter is the best medicine

72. What do the underlined words (in the first paragraph) mean?

A. Jokes which are obvious winners.

B. Jokes which don’t make the grade.

C. Laughter and The Best Medicine Section.

D. Jokes that the editor isn’t sure of printing.

73. We can learn from the first joke that________ .

A. the book is very popular with readers

B. the assistant is very embarrassed

C. the boy misunderstands the title of the book

D. the boy wants to buy the book for his mother

74. What can we infer from the jokes?

A. The young man doesn’t want to marry the girl. (Joke 2)

B. Politicians seldom keep their promises. (Joke 3)

C. The boys often break traffic rules. (Joke 4)

D. People in that country live a happy life. (Joke 5)

75. The passage can most probably be found________ .

A. on the Internet                                                    B. in a newspaper

C. in a story book                                                    D. in a magazine


     Barefoot Traveler is a tour agent that specializes in diving holidays, tailor-made to your own needs. The
most popular destinations include Bonaire, Tobago, the Bahamas, Maldives,Oman, Seychelles and Thailand.
     Our friendly and knowledgeable staff, who are qualified divers (潜水员) themselves, will be able to advise
you on the best destinations for your requirements.
     Whether you want to learn to dive, further your diving qualifications, continue to discover the underwater
world, or simply relax on the beach, we are here' to help organize your holiday.
     We are happy to satisfy single travelers and offer special discounts (折扣).
     Group discounts are offered to groups of eight or more travelers and tailor-made packages are available for
Dive Clubs.
     We also offer a series of diving live aboard choices throughout the Caribbean. Indian Ocean and South East
Asia. Live aboards are very popular scuba (呼吸器) diving holidays for those who want to access the best
diving sites.
     Our barefoot luxury holiday brand is for those trying something a little more special, whether it's your
honeymoon, anniversary or simply for more discerning (有品位的) travelers. We have a selection of 4 and 5
star levels which are the best in luxury holidays.
1. What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?
A. To give some advice on diving.
B. To introduce the popular destinations.
C. To teach diving skills.
D. To attract tourists.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. It's impossible to be offered tailor-made packages when you join Dive Clubs.
B. Au staff are qualified divers with wide knowledge on the best diving.
C. Barefoot Traveler specializes in simple holidays.
D. Travelers can enjoy Winter Sun.
3. According to the passage, Barefoot Traveler _____.
A.is not a tour agent
B. has over 25 scuba diving liveaboard beats
C. makes the luxury holiday based on consumers' needs and desires
D. makes the luxury holiday you don't have in mind
4. The best title for this passage would be _____.
A. Welcome to Barefoot Traveler
B. A Wonderful Experience
C. Scuba Diving
D. How to Choose Destinations


Your chair is your enemy. That is the conclusion of several recent studies. Among people who sit in front of the television for more than three hours each day, those who exercise are as fat as those who don’t.

       So what’s wrong with sitting? The answer seems to have two parts. The first is that sitting is one of the most passive things you can do. Compared to sitting, standing in one place is hard work. To stand, you have to tense your leg muscles, and engage the muscles of your back and shoulders; while standing, you often shift from leg to leg. All of this burns energy.

       You may think you have no choice about how much you sit. But this isn’t true. Suppose you sleep for eight hours each day, and exercise for one. That still leaves 15 hours of activities. Even if you exercise, most of the energy you burn will be burnt during these 15 hours, so weight gain is often the cumulative(累积的) effect of a series of small decisions: Do you take the stairs or the elevator? Do you walk to the corner store, or drive?

       But it looks as though there’s a more sinister aspect to sitting. Some evidence suggests that when you spend long periods sitting, your body actually does things that are bad for you.

       Lipoprotein lipase(蛋白脂酶) is a molecule that plays a central role in how the body processes fats. Low levels of lipoprotein lipase are associated with a variety of health problems. Studies in rats show that leg muscles only produce this molecule when they are actively being moved. The result is that when you sit, an important part of your metabolism(新陈代谢) slows down. You may also have a higher risk of suffering from diabetes(糖尿病).

       Some people have advanced radical solutions to the sitting syndrome(综合症): replace your sit-down desk with a stand-up desk, or watch television in a rocking chair. But whatever you choose, know this. The data is clear; look out for your chair.

What would be the best title of this passage?

       A.Become an Athlete to Be Healthy.

       B.Choose a Better Chair for You.

       C.How to Speed Up Your Metabolism.

       D.Stand Up While You Read This.

Paragraphs 2 and 3 tell us that          .

       A.taking too much exercise harms people’s health

       B.sitting a lot reduces the benefits of taking exercise

       C.people needn’t depend on exercise to keep healthy

       D.healthy people are those who sit less and stand more

Which of the following is the best advice on how to control our weight?

       A.Exercising at least an hour a day.

       B.Standing as long as possible.

       C.Using our energy actively in daily life.

       D.watching TV in a rocking chair.

The author mentions lipoprotein lipase mainly to           .

       A.show that it plays a big part in keeping us healthy

       B.tell us that it isn’t produced while we are sitting

       C.suggest that we should take less exercise to be healthy

       D.prove sitting for long is bad for our body


Your chair is your enemy. That is the conclusion of several recent studies. Among people who sit in front of the television for more than three hours each day, those who exercise are as fat as those who don’t.

         So what’s wrong with sitting? The answer seems to have two parts. The first is that sitting is one of the most passive things you can do. Compared to sitting, standing in one place is hard work. To stand, you have to tense your leg muscles, and engage the muscles of your back and shoulders; while standing, you often shift from leg to leg. All of this burns energy.

         You may think you have no choice about how much you sit. But this isn’t true. Suppose you sleep for eight hours each day, and exercise for one. That still leaves 15 hours of activities. Even if you exercise, most of the energy you burn will be burnt during these 15 hours, so weight gain is often the cumulative(累积的) effect of a series of small decisions: Do you take the stairs or the elevator? Do you walk to the corner store, or drive?

         But it looks as though there’s a more sinister aspect to sitting. Some evidence suggests that when you spend long periods sitting, your body actually does things that are bad for you.

         Lipoprotein lipase(蛋白脂酶) is a molecule that plays a central role in how the body processes fats. Low levels of lipoprotein lipase are associated with a variety of health problems. Studies in rats show that leg muscles only produce this molecule when they are actively being moved. The result is that when you sit, an important part of your metabolism(新陈代谢) slows down. You may also have a higher risk of suffering from diabetes(糖尿病).

        Some people have advanced radical solutions to the sitting syndrome(综合症): replace your sit-down desk with a stand-up desk, or watch television in a rocking chair. But whatever you choose, know this. The data is clear; look out for your chair.

1.What would be the best title of this passage?

         A.Become an Athlete to Be Healthy.

         B.Choose a Better Chair for You.

         C.How to Speed Up Your Metabolism.

         D.Stand Up While You Read This.

2.Paragraphs 2 and 3 tell us that          .

         A.taking too much exercise harms people’s health

         B.sitting a lot reduces the benefits of taking exercise

         C.people needn’t depend on exercise to keep healthy

         D.healthy people are those who sit less and stand more

3.Which of the following is the best advice on how to control our weight?

         A.Exercising at least an hour a day.

         B.Standing as long as possible.

         C.Using our energy actively in daily life.

         D.watching TV in a rocking chair.

4.The author mentions lipoprotein lipase mainly to           .

         A.show that it plays a big part in keeping us healthy

         B.tell us that it isn’t produced while we are sitting

         C.suggest that we should take less exercise to be healthy

         D.prove sitting for long is bad for our body



Statistically, air travel is by far the safest way to travel, and you can make flying even safer, just by following these simple rules. As your chances of being involved in an air accident are practically nil (零), many of these tips concern what you should and shouldn't do to make your journey safer when you are airborne (升空的).

Fly on non-stop routes

Most accidents occur during the takeoff, climb, descent and landing phases of a flight, so flying non-stop reduces your exposure to these complex procedures.

Choose larger aircraft. www.7caiedu.cn

   Although small aircrafts have very good safety records, those with more than 30 passenger seats are designed to comply (遵守) with much stricter regulations and are tested more regularly to make sure they still comply. Also, in the unlikely event of a serious accident, larger aircraft provide a better opportunity for passenger survival.

Pay attention to the pre-flight safety briefing

The information may seem repetitious (重复的), but it's worth listening to the flight attendants. And even if you've flown before, it doesn't mean you know everything about the aircraft you're on, such as the location of the closest emergency exit.

Store things safely

Never put very heavy articles in the overhead storage bins. They may fall out when someone opens the bin and cause injury. Also, the bin may not be able to hold heavier objects during turbulence (气流).

Keep our seat belt fastened while you are seated

Cabin crew always tell you this, but it's important. You would be seriously injured if the plane hits unexpected turbulence. Always fasten your seat belt if you are told to. The general rule of flying is this: If you are told to do something, do it first and ask questions later.

Let the flight attendant pour your hot drinks

Flight attendants are trained to handle hot drinks like coffee or tea in a crowded aisle on a moving aircraft, so allow them to pour the drink and hand it to you. Never ask to take a coffee pot from one of them.

1.What is the overall reason for these air safety tips?

A. What to do in the event of a crash.

B. How to avoid turbulence.

C. How to improve safety while you are flying.

D. How to avoid injury.

2. The underlined word "those" in the second tip refers to _______.

A. smaller planes       B. passengers

C. larger aircraft   D. safety records

3.The underlined phrase "The general rule" in the fifth tip refers to _______.

A. anything the flight staff tell you to do       B. general safety advice

C. walking around the plane                 D. pouring hot drinks

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Larger planes have more safety checks and are safer in an accident.

B. Take-offs are safer on non-stop flights than landings.

C. Every aircraft is different, so the safety procedures may be different.

D. Seat belts should be worn to protect against turbulence.

5.The best title of the passage should be _______.

A. The Safest Way to Travel        B. Air Safety Tips

C. Non-stop Routes               D. How to Fly a Plane


