[A][B][C] 7. [A][B][C] 8. [A][B][C] 9. [A][B][C] 10.[A][B][C] 查看更多



A young man rushes about a small room, hiding himself behind a chair, jumping on the desk, jabbing (刺) the air with his pencil. To an outsider there appears to be no __1__ for these strange acts. However, he is the __2__ of an experiment in hypnosis (催眠). Being hypnotized, the young man has __3__ the suggestion that there is a fierce dog in the room. So he acts as though there were.

According to the popular conception of hypnosis, a hypnotized person is in a __4__ like sleepwalking-seemingly awake yet out of touch with his or her normal __5__ awareness and self-control. There are, however, enormous __6__ between the sleepwalker and the hypnotized person. First, the sleepwalker, __7__ the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and doesn’t take instructions. Second, the sleepwalker doesn’t remember sleepwalking, while the hypnotized person __8__ everything that went on under hypnosis.

Obviously, sleep and hypnosis are different. But what exactly is hypnosis? Psychologists still don’t have a firm answer to this question. Although hypnosis has been already successfully __9__ to a large range of medical uses, there is little clear agreement as to how hypnosis works. Only when scientists can understand this, can the full potential (潜能) of hypnosis in medical treatment be __10__.

A. reason     B. purpose      C. doubt  D. evidence

A. species    B. target  C. subject       D. aim

A. received  B. accepted     C. admitted     D. believed

A. time B. course C. development      D. state

A. awake     B. waking       C. sleepy D. sleeping

A. influence B. relations     C. similarities D. differences

A. unlike     B. like     C. for      D. with

A. forgets    B. destroys     C. enjoys D. remembers

A. come       B. put     C. turned D. changed

A. exploited      B. saved  C. made  D. kept


A boy of 14 has become the youngest student to win a place at Cambridge University. Arran Fernandez, who was  16 at home by his father, Neil, will 17  a mathematics degree at Fitzwilliam College next month and he hopes to have a career as a research mathematician to 18  the Riemann hypothesis(黎曼猜想) that has confused the brightest minds. It will make him the youngest Cambridge student  19 14-year-old William Pitt the Younger studied there in 1773.
Last night the child genius said: “I am looking forward to going to the  20  . I have started the first-year books  21   and it is all right, not too  22  . I can understand it. I am excited about going to Cambridge,  23  I am used to making records about being the youngest in education. It isn’t the youngest moment that is so important to me--  24  I’m more interested in going to Cambridge than comparing   25  with other people who go there.”
But  26 his age he will not be able to    27  many of the alcohol-fuelled festivities(庆典) traditionally  28  to Freshers’ Week. “I don’t think I’m missing too much fun,” he insisted. “Even if I was 18, I wouldn’t want to go out  29 . ”
Arran,  30   plans to join the bird-watching society instead and go boating while at university, was five when he  31  the youngest person to be  32   a GCSE (General Certificated of Secondary Education), after passing maths. He was offered the   33  to learn at Cambridge in 2010, when he was 14, on the condition he gained an A-level in physics, which he  34  with an A+ grade. Arran had already gained an A grade in further maths last year.
Cambridge also asked him to attend three GCSEs in subjects which were not related to maths and physics to  35   his knowledge. He gained A+s in English literature and French and an A in English language this summer.

A.work outB.make outC.help outD.break out
A.because of B.instead of C.except forD.as for
A.pick outB.join inC.pick upD.join up


A few days ago, I was having a meeting in my company. After walking out, I 36  for my car keys in my pocket, only to discover they were not there. 37 , I gave myself a quick personal pat   38  my clothes, but they were not in 39  of my pockets. So, I went back to the meeting room and looked for them in every place where I had been. Suddenly it 40  to me that I must have left them in the car. Worried and frightened, I quickly 41  for the parking lot.
My wife, Diane, has 42  me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition(点火处). My theory is the ignition is the 43  place so that I won’t lose them. Her theory is that the car will be   44 . As I rushed out of my company, I came to a terrifying 45 . Her theory was right. The parking lot was 46 .
Without hesitation, I called the 47 . I gave them my location(位置)and  48  that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most 49  call of all.
“Honey,” I said in a low voice. I always call her “honey” in times like these. “I 50  my keys in the car, and it has been stolen.”
There was a period of 51 . I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard Diane’s  52 .
“Ken,” she shouted, “I dropped you off!”
Now it was my time to be silent. 53 , I said, “In that case, would you please come and  54  
your dear husband?”
Diane answered, “I will... just as soon as I can have this policeman  55  I didn’t steal your car.”

A.upB.down C.away D.off
A.policeB.gatekeeperC.driver D.guard
A.Excited B.EmbarrassedC.AngeredD.Interested
A.get backB.take backC.give awayD.pick up


A high school history teacher once told me, "If you make one close friend in school, you will be the most fortunate. A true friend is someone who stays with you for life."_36__ teaches that he was right. Good friendship is just not easily_37__.
It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a _38_ friendship to  39   . However, there can be   40   disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kind of friendship we want.
To most of us, friendships are considered very important, but we need to be clear in our __41_ the kinds of friendship we want. Are they to be close or _42 at arm's length? Do we want to   43  ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? For some people , many friendships on the surface are __44_ enough-- and that's all right. But on some points, we need to    45  that our expectations are the same as our friends' expectations. The sharing  46  experience   47  our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to deepen friendships. But it   48  be undertaken slowly and carried on only if there are   49  of interest and action in return.
What are some of the _50__ of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much time or too soon. Deep relationships  51    time. Another "major difficulty" is the selfishness to  think one "possesses" the other, including his time and attention. Similarly, friendships   52    actions in return . In   53  words, you must give as much as you take. Finally there is a question of taking care of . Unless you spend   54   time together , talking on the phone, writing letters, doing things together, friendships will die  55  .

A.design B.intendC.developD.appear
A.make sureB.rememberC.expectD.check out
A.includingB.to includeC.includesD.included
A.mustB.needC.will D.can
A.marks B.sights C.scenes D.signs
A.cost B.spend C.ask D.take
A.depend B.request C.require D.suggest
A.some B.many C.different D.other
A.less B.comfortable C.reasonableD.a lot
A.for B.away C.out D.from



A. turn  B. eagerly  C. concerned  D. anxiously  E. growing   F. changed G. produced H. international   I. popular   J. called


There have been a lot of changes in American eating habits in the last ten years. One is the __1.__ awareness of the nutritional value of food. Another is an increasing interest in a variety of __2.__ foods. Since about 1970, Americans have been more and more __3.__ about health. They have begun to notice the ingredients(配料) in what they eat.

When they select food in the supermarket, they __4.__ the package over to read the labels carefully. They prefer to eat food that is __5.__ without unnecessary chemicals and often choose fruits and vegetables grown without poisons used to kill insects. A small group of Americans, __6.__ vegetarians, has decided not to eat meat. They choose a complete diet from other kinds of food because they think that meat products are not good for health.

Also more and more Americans have become interested in food from other countries. They have been going out to international restaurants and __7.__ trying unfamiliar dishes. Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, and Greek cooking as well as many other recipes(食谱) are all __8.__ these days in the United States. People used to say that Americans ate uninteresting, unhealthy food, but this has __9.__ in the last ten years.


