[A][B][C][D] 57.[A][B][C][D] 58.[A][B][C][D] 59.[A][B][C][D] 60.[A][B][C][D] 查看更多












56. Wondering what’s on these days and what they are about? Thousands of wonderful video clips are just a few clicks away. The website offers you the opportunity to preview the latest films before you decide which to watch.

57. Finding it hard to look for a job nowadays? That’s probably because your personal information is not available on the Net, or it’s out of date so that it doesn’t attract attention. Put in your information in this website, and all you have to do is stay home to wait for interview calls!

58. In this website you are able to find a lot about famous singers and their songs, especially the new ones. You can also find out what they are doing. Some of them would even share their life stories!

59. This website tells you what to buy for different occasions, and how, at the least cost. There are so many special things here that you are sure to come back here again. It has almost everything―whatever comes into your mind!

60. These web pages help you to make good preparations for your travel and, above all, to travel at a reasonable cost! You can also expect to read some special suggestions to make your travel perfect.

















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56.Annie is a both lively and creative German girl who is good at the language arts, and in her spare time she likes to write short stories. Drawing is also one of her favorites. Annie, a graduate from a famous university, is thinking of looking for a job which can further develop her skills.

57.David studies in a senior high school. Not wanting to spend much time on the way to school every day, he is now looking forward to renting a room near his school. He also hopes to have a roommate to share the cost together.

58.Susan is a caring old English woman and English is the only language she can speak. As an experienced grandmother who has brought up some grandchildren, it’s her best choice to look after children now. But Susan doesn’t want to work fulltime, she can only spare several hours every day.

59.John studied hotel management when he was at school. After graduation, he once worked in a 4 star hotel as a telephonist for 2 years. Now he feels the need to improve himself by having a better job.

60.May is a good—natured girl. Hard—working, patient and warm—hearted—that is what she is like in our eyes. Because of all her efforts, she was once the best waitress for her best service in her restaurant. Now she is seeking the chance to work for a better restaurant.

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When a storm is coming, most people leave the area as quickly as possible and head for safety…But there are a few people who will get into their cars and go straight for the center of the storm.These people are willing to risk (冒…危险) being killed by floods or 100-Kilometer- an-hour winds for the excitement of watching the storm close up.
“Storm chasing (追逐)”is becoming an increasingly popular hobby (喜好) ,especially in the Midwest of the United States, where there are frequent storms between March and July.A storm chaser begins the day by checking the Internet for the latest weather reports, and then drives up to l,000 kilometers to where the storm will be and waits for it to develop.
Although anyone can do it,storm chasing is extremely dangerous.The power of a big storm  can throw a cow into the air or destroy a whole house in seconds.Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents caused by driving in a heavy rain.If you are a beginner, it is much safer to join a group for storm - chasing vacations during the storm season.
Even then,storm chasing is not all adventure and excitement.“Storm chasing is 95%driving,”says Daniel Lynch,who spends most of his summer storm-chasing.“Sometimes you
Can sit around for hours waiting for something to happen,and all you get is blue sky and a few light showers.”
However,for storm chasers,it is all worth it. “When you get close to a storm,it is the most exciting sight you will ever see in your life,”says Jasper Morley.“Every storm is an example of the power of nature.It is the greatest show on Earth.”
57.For storm chasing,the first thing storm chasers do is to       
A.head straight for the center of the storm   
B.get into the car for safety
C.wait patiently for the storm to develop
D.collect information about a coming storm
58.Beginners of storm chasing are advised_______
A.not to drive in a heavy rain   
B.to do it in an organized way
C.not to get too close to a storm
D.to spend more time on it in summer
59.By saying“it is all worth it”in the last paragraph,the author means that______
A.storm chasing costs a lot of money
B.storm chasing is worth hours of waiting
C.efforts in storm chasing are well paid
D.a storm presents the greatest show on Earth
60.What can we learn from the text?
A.Sometimes storm chasers get nothing but disappointment. 
B.Many storm chasers get killed in the storms.
C.Storm chasing is becoming popular around the world.
D.Storm chasing is only fit for young people


A student went to college after 41__ all his school examinations. There he put his name down for world geography. 42_ after the first day, he did not go to 43_ any more. The teacher noticed that this student was 44_ absent and thought that he had changed to 45 class. He was very 46_ when he saw the boy's name on the list(名单) of students 47_ wanted to take the geography examination 48_ the end of the year.

The teacher had prepared a difficult examination paper, which covered 49 he had taught, and he was eager to see 50 this student answered the questions. He expected that his answers would be very 51_; but when he examined his paper carefully, he found only one small mistake in them. 52_ this surprised him very much, he went through the paper 53_, but was still not able to find 54 one mistake, so he sent 55 the student to question him about his work after the exam..

When the student had 56 the room, the teacher said to him, “I know that you came to my class only once on the first day and that you have been absent from all the others. Yet I have found only one small mistake in your paper. 57_ is that?”

“Oh, I'm sorry about that mistake, sir, ”answered the student. “After the examination, I realized 58 I ought to have written. I would not have made that mistake 59 I had been confused(弄糊涂) by your 60_ lecture.”

1.                A.having         B.taking          C.passing   D.failing


2.                A.So             B.But            C.However  D.And


3.                A.it             B.lesson          C.college   D.class


4.                A.always         B.once           C.never    D.sometimes


5.                A.another        B.the other       C.other D.others


6.                A.angry          B.happy          C.sorry D.surprised


7.                A.that he         B.he             C.who D.whom


8.                A.by             B.at             C.after D.in


9.                A.everything      B.something       C.anything  D.nothing


10.               A.what           B.when          C.how  D.why


11.               A.good          B.full            C.nice  D.bad


12.               A.For            B.As             C.So   D.Though


13.               A.two times       B.twice          C.once D.again once


14.               A.more than      B.another        C.the other  D.second


15.               A.with           B.to             C.x D.for


16.               A.reached to      B.arrived to       C.arrived into D.come into


17.               A.Why           B.What          C.How  D.Which


18.               A.where         B.why           C.what  D.when


19.               A.unless         B.if             C.because   D.as


20.               A.first           B.last            C.latest D.certain




A true apology is more than just acknowledgement of a mistake. It’s recognition that something you’ve said or done has damaged a relationship—and that you care enough about that relationship to want it __46__ .

It’s never __47__ to acknowledge you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look back and think how __48__ you’ve judged roughly, said __49__ things, pushed yurself ahead at the expense of a friend. Some deep thought lets us know that when __50__ a small mistake has been made, your __51__ will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is __52__.

I remember a doctor friend, telling me about a man who came to him with __53__ illnesses: headache, insomnia, stomachaches and so on. No physical __54__ could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man, “__55__ you tell me what’s on your conscience, I can’t help you.”

After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he __56__ all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was __57__. His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The doctor made the man write to his brother making an __58__ and enclosing a __59__. In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box. As the letter disappeared, the man burst into tears. “Thank you, doctor,” he said, “I think I’m all right now.” And he __60__.

1.                A.built           B.formed         C.repaired  D.damaged


2.                A.difficult         B.easy           C.foolish   D.shy


3.                A.long           B.often           C.much D.soon


4.                A.unusual        B.harmful         C.worthless D.unkind


5.                A.hardly          B.even           C.only D.such


6.                A.sense          B.brain           C.weight   D.feeling


7.                A.apologized      B.explained       C.offered   D.expressed


8.                A.strange         B.fatal           C.various   D.dangerous


9.                A.sign           B.injury          C.cause    D.symptom


10.               A.Whenever      B.Unless         C.Suppose   D.Although


11.               A.neglected       B.accepted       C.seized D.wasted


12.               A.mad           B.lost            C.abroad    D.dead


13.               A.order          B.excuse         C.agreement D.apology


14.               A.note           B.card           C.check D.photo


15.               A.should         B.did            C.had  D.was



