53. 54. 55. 查看更多



 I am 54,and enjoying every minute I have left. Each day I wake up feeling 36 to be  here.

I have to tell the truth that I am likely to 37 very soon. Three years ago,I was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. The doctor said I wouldn’t die “hard”.The  38  would close down my brain gradually,then 39,I would die unconsciously(无意识地).Several days ago,the doctor told me a piece of 40 news that the cancer had spread like wildfire And he also said that I probably had just two months to live. This latest news about the cancer really 41 me. It was also not easy for my 42.My youngest son,Henry,shut himself in his room 43  he heard the news. But now,at least,we are closer than ever.He does a funny dance to entertain me and thinks up jokes to make me 44 .In readiness I have made him a calendar with every reminder a mother would normally 45:“Take your dirty clothes off”,and “Remember Dad’s birthday!”

   I’ve 46  myself for death.I gave people lots of my hooks.I gave my clothes to a young working mother. I wrote 47 birthday and Christmas cards for my three boys,making sure they would hear from their old 48  for years from now.I also 49  my 55th birthday party in December.though I might be dead that day.

   50,I can enjoy life and still live. When you’re told you will die much 51 than you have expected,every second is meaningful. I am trying hard to make full use of every 52 left.

   I am 53 and have self—published several books,and I hope I can 54 my detective novel in the limited time.I don’t want to leave an uncompleted work. I will cherish(珍惜)the 55 of my life.

  36.A.pressured    B.proud     C.grateful    D.safe

  37.A.return        B.die       C.forget     D.retire

  38.A.cancer       B.Pain       C.medicine  D.machine

  39.A.reasonably    B.immediately  C.basically D.finally

  40.A.terrible     B.exciting    C.interesting   D.false

  41.A.amused    B.shocked    C.controlled    D.touched

  42.A.audience    B.assistant    C.foxily     D.body

  43.A.since      B.before       C.if        D.after

  44.A.cry        B. move      C.wait      D.laugh

  45.A.make      B.check       C.change   D.keep

  46.A.blamed    B.prepared    C.punished  D. praised

  47.A.beautiful    B.plastic    C.future     D.expensive

  48.A.mother    B.partner     C.classmate  D. tutor

  49.A.celebrated    B.held     C.hosted    D.planned

  50.A.Strangely    B.Simply    C.Luckily   D.Directly

  51.A.1ater     B.earlier      C.better     D.harder

  52.A.opportunity    B.second    C.dollar  D.friend

  53.A.writing    B.reading    C.collecting  D.buying

  54.A.publish    B.translate    C.1ike     D.finish

  55.A.quietness   B.memory    C.rest     D.dream





A. Liu Xiang teaches quake students hurdling

Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang Monday visited students in a primary school in Bei Chuan County, a hard-hit area in last year’s devastating May 12 earthquake, and showed them how to run hurdles. 

B. Experts: 3G still has a long way to go

While China’s three leading telecom operators are playing up the third generation(3G)telecom technologies, it is likely to take years for 3G services to become popular in China. 

C. China table tennis team swept all 5 golden medals

Yesterday China team swept all 5 golden medals at World Table Tennis Championships in Yokohama. Beside these 5  golds, China also gain all 5 silver medals and other 8 bronze medals.  The 2 rest bronzed medals are respectively won by Japan and China Hong Kong. 

D. Sleeping too much or too little increases your risk of Diabetes (糖尿病)

Middle-aged or old people who get too little sleep, or too much, are far more likely to develop diabetes, says scientists. A study has found that those who did not enjoy the optimum level of seven to eight hours sleep a night were two and a half times more likely to develop a blood sugar abnormality linked to type 2 diabetes. 

E. Obama seeks to block release of abuse (滥用) photos

US President Barack Obama declared Wednesday he would try to block the court-ordered release of photos showing US troops abusing prisoners, abruptly (突然) reversing (转换、互换) his position out of concern that the pictures would “further inflame anti-American opinion” and endanger US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

F. Prospects of flu outbreak remain unclear

US public health expert Laurie A. Garrett said Wednesday that how serious the A(H1N1)influenza situation is going to develop remains unclear. A Washington state man with H1N1 influenza died last week, health officials said, the third U.S. sufferer to die as the new flu strain confirmed in more than 2,200 Americans appeared in Japan and Australia. 


______ 51. Liu Ming works as a chairman of a local Ping Pong club in Fo Shan. He shows great concern for sports news especially the news about Ping Pong. He has never missed a single Ping Pang match of China Ping Pang Team.  [

______ 52. Han Yiwei is a successful CEO of a big International Company in Guangzhou.  He usually flies to other countries for business, so he would like to equip himself with the most advanced communication appliances and know the news concerning the development in the communication area. 

______ 53. Han Lei is an 18-year-old girl, studying in a High School. She is a sports enthusiast and is good at tennis and jumping. Besides, she has a particular interest in those sports celebrities (名人). 

______ 54. Chen Lirong just retired from a state enterprise, living with her husband, who is retired too. They want to arrange their life without work in a better way and enjoy the life with a healthy body and high spirits. So she particularly pays more attention to their health. 

______ 55. Li Hongyu studies in China Foreign Affairs University, majoring in International Relationship, and especially he shows great concern for the relationship between America and the Middle East countries. 



Woman’s Day

Published by ACP Magazines Ltd, 54 Park St, Sydney

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51.Which of the following is included in the requirements for the manuscripts?

A. They should be handwritten.

B. They should have no empty lines between lines.

C. They should be on the front of the page only.

D. They should include contributor’s age.

52.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The contributors must keep copies of their manuscripts.

B. Woman’s Day is most probably a monthly magazine.

C. The editor will pay for the damage or loss of the manuscripts.

D. It takes several weeks before the manuscripts are published.

53.The underlined part “be reproduced” probably means “__________”.

A. be produced again       B. be published again   C be rewritten          D. be printed again

54.How many ways can people gain information from the magazine?

A. Three.        B. Four.          C. Five.            D. Six.

55. In which section of a newspaper can you find this passage?

A. Newsletter   B. Fashion  C. Advertisement  D. Health



Woman’s Day

Published by ACP Magazines Ltd, 54 Park St, Sydney

● Manuscripts (稿件) should be type-written and double-spaced (双倍行距), using only one side of the page.

● Your name and address must be included.

● The manuscripts must be accompanied by a self- addressed envelope with stamps of the proper value (including registered mail if required).

● Please keep copies of your text, pictures or photos.

● Allow several weeks for acceptance/return.

● ACP Magazines Ltd does not accept responsibility for damage to, or loss of, material sent to the editor.

● Material content in Woman's Day is protected under the Commonwealth Copyright Act (英联邦版权法案) 1968.

● No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without written agreement from the copyright holders.

Subscription (订阅) rate: Australia for one year (52 issues) $150.00 or six months (26 issues) $ 75.00.

Tel. (02) 9213 6116           Fax: (02) 9267 4363

E-mail: womansday@aepmagazines.com.au

Website: www.magshop.com.au

P.O. Box: 5252, Sydney, NSW 2001 (Postage free within Australia)

51.Which of the following is included in the requirements for the manuscripts?

A. They should be handwritten.

B. They should have no empty lines between lines.

C. They should be on the front of the page only.

D. They should include contributor’s age.

52.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The contributors must keep copies of their manuscripts.

B. Woman’s Day is most probably a monthly magazine.

C. The editor will pay for the damage or loss of the manuscripts.

D. It takes several weeks before the manuscripts are published.

53.The underlined part “be reproduced” probably means “__________”.

A. be produced again     B. be published again   C be rewritten       D. be printed again

54.How many ways can people gain information from the magazine?

A. Three.      B. Four.       C. Five.        D. Six.

55. In which section of a newspaper can you find this passage?

A. Newsletter   B. Fashion  C. Advertisement  D. Health



I was on a bus one March evening. The driver didn’t  36  to start the bus soon because it was not yet   37 . A middle-aged woman got on. Tired and sad, she told her story   38 , not to anyone in particular. On her way to the station, half of her   39  was stolen. The other half was hidden under her blouse, so she   40  still had some left. A few minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked   41  .

When all the seats were taken, the driver started the engine. The conductor began to collect fares(车费). When she came to an old man in worn-out clothes, he   42  that he had spent all his money when he had accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. On hearing this, she ordered the old man to   43  the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he   44  her to let him take the bus home. The driver took the conductor’s side and repeated the conductor’s   45  .

The woman was watching the incident.  46  the driver and the conductor raised their voices at the old man, she interfered(干预).

“Stop   47  him! Can’t you see he’s only trying to get home?”

“He doesn’t have any money! ” the driver   48  .

“Well, that’s no   49  to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.

Then she reached inside her blouse, took out her   50  money, and handed it to the conductor. “Here’s his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a   51  time.”

All heads turned to the woman. “It’s only money,” she shrugged.

She rode the rest of the way home   52  a happy smile, with the money she’d lost earlier   53  .

On the road of life, the help of strangers can   54  our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the   55  will be when we make it a little smoother for others!

36. A. try                    B. care          C. decide             D.  intend 

37. A. empty               B. full                 C. crowded  D. ready 

38. A. tearfully     B. seriously  C. carefully  D. calmly 

39. A. fare                   B. possession        C. money             D. wealth 

40. A. strangely     B. happily            C. secretly   D. fortunately 

41. A. unsatisfied         B. weak              C. unhappy          D. excited 

42. A. explained  B. declared    C. admitted         D. found 

43. A. get off              B. start                C. get on             D. stop 

44. A. begged              B. scolded            C. praised     D. thanked 

45. A. request              B. action             C. suggestion       D. command 

46. A. Unless               B. Although         C. Until              D. When 

47. A. attacking    B. bothering         C. blaming          D. wronging 

48. A. warned              B. whispered        C. shouted            D. repeated 

49. A. problem     B. need                C. matter             D. reason 

50. A. spending    B. collected         C. remaining       D. borrowed 

51. A. busy          B. cold                C. hard               D. fearful 

52. A. giving               B. wearing          C. taking             D. forcing 

53. A. forgotten    B. used               C. earned             D. returned 

54. A. move                B. increase          C. lighten            D. carry 

55. A. world                B. journey   C. smile              D. friendship

