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第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Ads found almost everywhere. Ads can help companies                      76.________
make lots of money. As has been proved that frequent advertising               77._________
increases product sales. So many companies often spent much                  78.________
money in advertising their new products. No doubt ads                       79.________
are played a more important role in our daily life. In fact, some                 80.________
ads are truthful to provide many good information about the products.            81.________
They can help customers to make a wise choice. So some ads spread             82.________
some false messages, that mislead customers. As for this, customers             83._______
should learn how to protect them from false ads. The government               84._______
also should pass laws to punish those offering false ads serious.                 85._______




第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Ads found almost everywhere. Ads can help companies                      76.________

make lots of money. As has been proved that frequent advertising               77._________

increases product sales. So many companies often spent much                  78.________

money in advertising their new products. No doubt ads                       79.________

are played a more important role in our daily life. In fact, some                 80.________

ads are truthful to provide many good information about the products.            81.________

They can help customers to make a wise choice. So some ads spread             82.________

some false messages, that mislead customers. As for this, customers             83._______

should learn how to protect them from false ads. The government               84._______

also should pass laws to punish those offering false ads serious.                 85._______




第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Ads found almost everywhere. Ads can help companies                       76.________

make lots of money. As has been proved that frequent advertising               77._________

increases product sales. So many companies often spent much                  78.________

money in advertising their new products. No doubt ads                        79.________

are played a more important role in our daily life. In fact, some                 80.________

ads are truthful to provide many good information about the products.            81.________

They can help customers to make a wise choice. So some ads spread             82.________

some false messages, that mislead customers. As for this, customers             83._______

should learn how to protect them from false ads. The government               84._______

also should pass laws to punish those offering false ads serious.                 85._______


第二卷(共35分) 非选择题 .




W: What do you hope to do after graduating?

M: I’d like to go into management.I’ve (76)a_______ for several jobs    76.________

already.How about you?

W: After I finish (77)u_______, I have to do some more studies to pass     77.________

exams to become a lawyer.I think I’ve got a good chance of passing.

There’s a (78 )p______ of getting a job with a firm in London, 78.________

provided that I do well.

M: We both have to (79)o_______ many difficulties if we are to achieve   79.________

our ambitions.

W: If life were easy, then we would achieve our ambition (80)q_______    80.________

and then get bored.

M: Unfortunately, some people (81)w_______ hard have yet not succeeded.    81.________

W: You can’t achieve something that’s totally unrealistic.

That’s why ambition needs to be (82) r_______.                     82.________

M: As long as you plan carefully, most things are possible.It’s always

good to have a backup plan in (83)c        things go wrong. 83.________

W: I think it’s important to be successful in a field you are truly

(84)i_______ in, not something that other people force you to do.     84.________

M: My father wanted me to become a doctor, but I knew it would be

impossible for me.

W: I hope my (85)p_______ don’t try to interfere in my choice of career.      




1.After the interview, the employer concluded _______________ (她胜任这工作).(fit)

2.__________________ (穿着马甲),the guide monkeys are all ready to be of your service.(dress)

3.It is believed that girls don’t have a _________________ (好的方向感)so they are easily lost in a new place.(sense)

4.To keep physically fit, modern people should ________________ (作出正确选择) about what they eat every day and exercise regularly.(choice)

5.The girl’s parents are overprotective, so I wonder what_________________ (会变成啥样) the little girl in the future.(become)

6.What a terrible air crash it was! You know I ______________ (本打算) to take this plane to Paris! (intend)

7._______________ (追溯到) the Tang Dynasty, the old tower has attracted millions of tourists all over the world.(date)

8._______________________ (没有吃) anything since the night before, he felt very hungry now.(eat; v-ing)

9.When I got home, _______________________ (我突然想起) that I had forgotten to inform my friend of my arrival.(occur)

10.In our school we make __________________________ (规定 )to do the spring cleaning on Friday afternoon.(it)

