take turns doing sth. 轮流做某事 Since we took turns driving, we didn't find the trip tiring. 由于我们轮流驾驶.所以我们并没有觉得旅途劳累. [短语] by turns 轮流地 in turn 依次地 at every turn 到处 [考点2]turn构成的短语 ① turn on 打开.使感兴趣 ② turn off 关掉 ③ turn down 关小.凋低.拒绝.转入 ④ turn around 转过身.转过来 ⑤ turn...into... 把--变成 ⑥ turn to 开始干.求助于 ⑦ turn over 转身.翻转.把某人交给.移交.营业额达 ⑧ turn up 调大.出现.使某物朝上 ⑨ turn out 结果是.证明是.出席 ⑩ turn against 背叛 [例句] Mozart's music always turns me on. 莫扎特的音 乐总是让我感兴趣. Be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room. 离开房间时一定要把灯关了. I applied for the job but they turned me down because I didn't know German. 我申请了这份工作.但是因为我 不懂德语他们拒绝了我. He turned around to find a policeman eyeing him suspi- ciously. 他转过身发现警察在怀疑地看着他. A vast crowd turned out t0 watch the match. 大群的观 众到场观看比赛. The car skidded, turned over and burst into flames. 那 汽车一打滑.翻倒后起火了. [考例2] We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn't quite as planned. A. make OUt B. turn out C. go on D. come up [考查目标] 此题主要考查四个短语的用法. [答案与解析] B make out 弄明白,turn oat 结果是.证 明是,go on 继续进行,come up 上来.过来.来吧.本句 话意思是“我们希望在天黑前到家.但是结果并不像计 划的那样 . [考例3] The forest guards often find camp- fires that have not been completely. A. turned down B. put out C. put away D. turned over [考查目标] 此题主要考查 turn 与 put 构成的短语的用 法. [答案与解析] B turn down关小.调低.拒绝.转入, turn over 翻转.移交.营业额达--,put out 扑灭,put away 收拾.整理.本句话意思是“森林看护人员经常 发现野营的火没有完全被扑灭 . 查看更多



A youngster’s social development has a deep effect on his academic(学术的)progress. Kids who have trouble getting along with their classmates can end up behind academically as well and have a high chance of stopping attending school. In the early grades especially, experts say youngsters should be encouraged to work in groups rather than alone so that teachers can spot children who may be having problems making friends. "When children work on a project", says Lillian Kate, an educational professor at the University &Illinois, "they learn to work together, to disagree, to think, to take turns and lighten tensions These skills can’t be learned through lecture. We all know people who have wonderful technical skills but don’t have any social skills.”
At certain age, children are also learning to judge themselves in relation to others. For most children, school marks the first time that their goals are not set by a home clock but by the outside world. Just as the 1-year-old struggles to walk, the 6-year-old is struggling to meet adult expectations. Young kids don’t know how to tell effort and ability apart, says Tynette Hills, coordinator(协调员)of early-childhood education for the state of New Jersey. If they try hard to do something and fail, they may conclude that they will never be able to finish a particular task. The effects of obvious methods of comparison such as posting grades, can be serious. Says Hills, “a child who has had his confidence really damaged needs a rescue operation.”
72.The writer seems to think that a kid’s poor relationship with his classmates would _______.
A.have a lot of side effects on his study 
B、develop his independence but limit his brains
C.certainly lead to his stopping attending school  
D.have nothing to do with his progress in a course
73.The underlined word “spot” means ____________.
A.teach      B.help    C.find   D.treat
74.For most children, school makes them understand_________.
A.that social needs and their own needs have nothing in common
B.how they can meet social needs
C.that one’s effort and ability can be two quite different matters
D.that it is society not they themselves that decides their future
75.Which of the following is most unlikely for the writer to do?_______.
A.To talk to students who have mental problems
B.  To help students develop a feeling of self-respect.
C.To announce a student’s scores in public
D.To keep a student from playing alone
76.Which of the following does a student most need according to the passage? __________.
A.Independence and co-operation.
B.Academic success and independent thought.
C.Ability and self-respect.  
D.Socialization and technical skills.


We are always told that TV is not good for us. If it is true, how come the TV-addicted kids of our young generation nowadays are much smarter than we are? In my family, the only persons who can work the TV remote control well are the children.

Probably TV really educates us. For example, we can learn a very useful medical fact: A man that has been shot always has time to speak a broken sentence when he is dying. “The killer was…” (dies)

But I suppose the biggest things that we learn from TV can be regarded as “Life Skills”. Bad things simply happen on either stormy or dark nights. Emotional breakdowns make people wander in the heavy rain without raincoats or umbrellas. And contrary to the scientists, the crack of lightning and the accompanying flash come on at exactly the same time, wherever the scenes are.

I’ve even got to know useful geographical facts from science-fiction shows: Aliens only speak the language of English no matter which planet they come from.

To make good use of something that we learn from TV can make our security better. Consider these truths. When you are really attacked by 20 bad guys, you needn’t worry about your being outnumbered. The criminals will hang back and take turns to approach you in ones and twos just so you can conveniently defeat them all. Bad guys who are completely covered in black clothes always remove their black masks to reveal that they are in fact, aha, women.

TV often teaches us a lot of important information as well about escaping from danger. Watch and learn. (1) If anyone is running after you down a passage, you will find that boxes have been conveniently placed near all the walls you need to jump over. (2) If you are tall and handsome, you can run from any number of armed criminals, and every shot will miss you.

Be warned, however, if your name card says “henchman” (帮凶) and you are part of a group of plain-looking people trying to catch a handsome individual, a single shot will kill you. But don’t be anxious: TV also delivers useful information for bad guys. All cars are inflammable (易燃的) and have amazing shock absorbers that enable them to fly into the air and land without damage — except police cars.

TV even teaches us about TV. Whenever anyone turns on a TV, it shows a news flash about someone they know. They then turn the box off immediately after that news item.

1. When the writer says “A man that has been shot always has time to speak a broken sentence when he is dying” (Paragraph 2), he shows his________.

A. humor            B. sympathy          C. deep concern        D. medical knowledge

2. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that in the real world________.

A. bad things cause people to break down in the rain

B. bad things never happen on dark and stormy nights

C. people with emotional problems like to walk in the rain without umbrellas

D. you can’t hear the crack of lightning and see the accompanying flash exactly at the same time

3. On TV what usually happens when a person turns it on?

A. The program shown is always about the importance of TV.

B. The person always turns off the TV when it’s time for news.

C. The news shown is always about someone the person knows.

D. TV always shows news about famous people.

4. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Life skills can be learned from TV.

B. What happens in TV is quite different from reality.

C. Watching TV makes people more creative.

D. TV plays an important role in society.

5. The writer of this passage takes a(n) ________ attitude towards TV plays.

A. positive         B. casual          C. negative           D. indifferent



The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and lives in Antarctica. The male and female are similar in size, reaching 122 cm in height and weighing anywhere from 22 to 45 kg. The back and head are black, contrasting sharply with the pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ears. Like all penguins, it is flightless, with a streamlined body and their wings stiffen and flatten into flippers(鳍状肢) for a marine habitat.

Its diet consists primarily of fish, but can also include animals with hard shells. In hunting, the species can remain underwater up to 18 minutes, diving to a depth of 535 m. Its unusually structured hemoglobin(血红蛋白)allows it to function at low oxygen levels.

The emperor penguin is perhaps best known for the journeys adults make each year in order to mate and to feed their babies. The only penguin species that breeds(繁殖) during the Antarctic winter, it goes on a long journey of 50-120 km over the ice to breeding areas which may include thousands of individuals. The female lays a single egg, which is incubated(孵化)by the male while the female returns to the sea to feed; parents take turns searching for food at sea and caring for their chick. They both care for the chick until it is able to enter the water to find food on its own. During the process of incubation, the male can lose up to 1/3 to 1/2 of his body weight. One of the coolest things about the male is that if the chick comes out its egg before the female returns, the male can actually produce a special liquid to feed the chick. He can only do this for a short time. If the female doesn’t return, he must leave the chick to go on with his own life. The emperor penguin can typically live for 20 years in the wild, although observations suggest that some individual may live to 50 years of age.

1.We can learn from paragraph 1 that ____.

  A. the emperor penguin is the world’s largest kind of penguin

  B. the emperor penguin has pale-yellow ears

  C. the male and female emperor penguins are of different sizes

  D. the emperor penguin lives in the most northern area on the Earth

2.The emperor penguin can stay underwater for a long time mainly because of its ____.

  A. strong wings     B. streamlined body     C. structured hemoglobin     D. special diet

3.The emperor penguin differs from other penguin species in that ____.

  A. it gives birth in the Antarctic winter        B. it feeds mainly on fish

  C. the male won’t search for food on his own   D. it can only live for a short time

4.According to the passage, ____.

  A. the egg of the emperor penguin is mainly incubated by the female

  B. many emperor penguins will stay together to breed

  C. the male emperor penguin will give up his own life to feed the chick

  D. the female emperor penguin will leave the chick forever once it lays an egg



I remember the first time that I was extremely happy. I was about 8 years old when for the first time, there was a computer in the classroom. I remember that my teacher allowed each student to take turns playing various educational games on the computer. One day, I found the source code (密码) for one of these games. Without knowing or being taught any programming language, I was able to figure out some portions of the BASIC code.

Anyone who knows a bit of programming can tell you that I just give myself an infinite (无穷大) number of lives in the game, so I can continue playing forever. This was also my first introduction to algebra (代数), and I didn’t even know it at the time. This was a decisive (决定性的) moment in my life. For the first time that I can remember, I was quite happy because of what I was learning and what I was able to do. As a result, I became enthusiastic for the rest of my life about self-learning and computers, and I was quite happy doing them, too.

I’ve noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic in what they do. This enthusiasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy. It also leads to self-confidence and fulfillment in life, too. It may also lead to success, wealth, and achievements.

Yes, success, wealth, or achievements seem to bring some people happiness, too. Yet, I don’t think they can indeed make people happy. I know plenty of people who are successful and wealthy. However, I also know several of the people with successful businesses are not happy with what they are doing. I know people who continuously buy themselves new toys, cars, computers, and televisions, yet they never seem content for too long.

Please remember that happiness comes from enthusiasm, and happiness is the journey of life, not the destination.

1.What did the writer’s teacher ask the students to do on the computer?

A.To play various educational games.          B.To figure out the BASIC code.

C.To get the knowledge of algebra.            D.To read some latest news.

2.The underlined word in Paragraph 1 probably can be replaced by ______.

A.danger           B.parts             C.health            D.value

3.According to the author, what can lead a person to be happy?

A.Success and wealth

B.Education and self-confidence.

C.Knowledge and achievements

D.Enthusiasm and good health.

4.The author uses his own experience of being happy in order to tell us ______.

A.it’s very easy to learn the BASIC code

B.he has always been happy since his childhood

C.concentrating on what you love makes you happy

D.one can solve any problem in life by himself

5.What’s the main idea of the last but one paragraph?

A.Wealth cannot bring any people any happiness.

B.Rich people easily feel unhappy nowadays.

C.One will become unhappy once he gets what he wants.

D.Success, wealth, or achievements can’t indeed make people happy.



. How to test best

It’s back to school, which means it’s back to tests. Which might also mean it’s back to being majorly stressed out . __1.__ Here are some simple ways to prepare thoroughly for tests.

Schedule study time. 

Trying to do all studying the night before a test makes it impossible to master all the material. __2.__ Instead, prepare for a test by scheduling study time each day for several days before.

Use your time wisely.

 __3.__  Also, make sure you have all the supplies you need to study so you don’t lose focus.

   While studying, be sure to make regular short breaks. Get a snack, take a bathroom break or play a quick computer game when it feels as if your brain is about to explode.


Studying with a parent or friends can help you understand the material better and to learn from one another. Have every person or pair take a part of the material, and come up with questions to quiz the group.

   Keep the group small. Have everyone take turns as the group leader, who will assign the material, and make sure that conversation stays on what is being studied.

Don’t forget last-minute prep. 

Have your sharpened pencils and other things in your bag ready the night before the test. It’s important to get a good night’s sleep and then eating a healthy breakfast the next morning. __5.__.

  Also, studying all the way up until test time can only create more anxiety. Stop studying an hour beforehand.

A. Form a study group.

B. Stay cool before the test.

C. It doesn’t have to be this way.

D. This will help you store important information.

E. This way, both your mind and body are fully prepared.

F. Before studying , clear your desk so you can concentrate.

G. It will also make you tired and stressed on the day of the test.


