defeat 的用法 ▲ 构词:defeatist n. 失败主义者 ▲ 搭配:suffer a defeat战败,遭受挫败 ▲ 辨析:defeat,beat,conquer 这组动词的一般含义是“打败 . defeat 的含义是“打败 .但被打败者不一定服输.例如:The public bet a lot of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. 公众为门杜萨下了一大笔赌注.但是他被击败了. beat则表示彻底“打败 .而且被打败者完全服输了. 例如:It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and become Champion of England. 直到1790年第三次比赛时.他才最后打败汉弗莱斯.而成为英国的冠军. conquer 更可强调“把对方征服 .而且被征服者或被征服的国家为征服者所有.可以任意支配.特别指“获得 对人.物或感情的控制.例如:Some countries may be defeated but can never be conquered. 有的国家可能被打败.但决不能被征服. [考例]-- Who the team from No. 2 Middle school? -- I'm not sure. Perhaps the team from the nearby county. A. defeated B. won C. beat D. gained [考查目标]本题考查defeat的常见用法. [答案与解析]A defeat 意思是“打败 .后面跟的是表示“人 或“组织 的名词或代词. 查看更多


