易混淆的词或词组 易混淆的词既包括词意相同或相近的同义词.近义词.也包括外形相似.意义有别的词组.易混淆词或词组的辨析也是高考改错题中不容忽视的部分. (1)...but now I am interesting in football. interested (2)We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead∧ourselves. of (3)Now I can't watch television.but a few years ago I was used to watch it every night. was (4)Unfortunately.there are too many people among my family. in (5)They did not want me to do any work at family,they want me to... home (6)Do they really understand their daughter?What things are in other homes.I wonder. How (7)Evening came down. down 连词及与并置问题 连词连接的前后两部分是否合乎逻辑,并列连词所连接的前后两部分结构是否等同.这两点是解答与连词及其相关问题的高考英语改错题的关键所在. (1)It was very kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home. drive (2)Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. gives (3)She was smiling but nodding at me. and (4)I remembered her words and clam down. calmed (5)It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. or (6)The food was expensive and the service was good. But (7)As we climbed the mountain.we fed monkeys.visiting temples and told stories. visited 怎样的流程?审题--草稿--成文--检查 第一步.审题. 拿到题目后.手中拿铅笔.手脑眼嘴并用.开始审题.看题目的要求是什么.要点是什么.特殊要求是什么.譬如你是叫李华.还是随便一个名字?要议论文还是记叙文?对分几段写有无要求?等等.诸如此类的硬性要求信息.都最好用铅笔划下来.以免出错.也许你一开始会记得.可随着时间的流逝.你会不会因紧张而遗忘这些信息呢?还是小心为妙.边看最好边张嘴默读.这样就不会遗漏或忽略任何一个字了. 第二步.草稿. 有的同学怕出错.全文都打草稿再誊写.我姑且认为不太可取.毕竟考场时间宝贵.即使我有四十分钟时间写作文也不敢贸然这么做.更何况考场时我们留给作文的时间往往一再被压缩.有的同学不打草稿.我认为更不太可取.一来容易出错.二来边写边想思维不连贯.即使思维连贯也无法审词酌句.展现自己最好的一面.容易后悔. 草稿怎么打.我的做法是.一打结构.二打关键词.三打句式. 查看更多


