period n. 一段时间 查看更多




Leisure and Private Life in England



    In Englandfactory holidays are much concentrated in the period between mid- July and mid-AugustState schools usually only have six weeks off in summerfrom about mid-July to the end of August

The coast is the most popular objective of English people for their annual holidaybut there are few new seaside hotelsFood in British hotels and restaurants is reasonably cheap, but rooms are notFew English people rent houses or flats for their holidaysbut one of the traditional ways of spending a summer holiday is in a boarding houseSome boarding-house keepers provide all meals for their guestsOthers provide breakfast only

The British may be conservative about the times at which they take their holidaysbut they have shown themselves very ready to take to new placesThey have always been pioneers in traveling far away, and Englishmen were among the first to climb many of the great Alpine summitsNow foreign travel is within reach of most working peopleand each year more English menwomen and children become familiar with some part of continental EuropeMany take their carsoften with tentscrossing the Channel by ferryothers use the travel agents’ plans for group travel. When they get home againthey talk endlessly of how they spent their leisure and private life


leisure n.& adj.休闲();空闲()

objective n.目标;目的

    conservative adj.保守的

    boarding-house n.供膳的寄宿处

    summit n.顶点;首脑

continental adj.大陆的;大陆性的

pioneer   n.先驱者;先锋

Comprehension questions

1State Schools in England usually have ________for summer holidays

Aa month           Btwo month

C42 days           Dfifty days

2The prices of food in British hotels and restaurants are reasonably ________.

    Acheap     Bexpensive      Chigh      Dlow

3The British people are fond of ________

Atraveling far away for their holidays

Bstaying at home for their holidays

Crenting houses for their holidays

Dtalking about their work when they get home




Leisure and Private Life in England



    In Englandfactory holidays are much concentrated in the period between mid- July and mid-AugustState schools usually only have six weeks off in summerfrom about mid-July to the end of August

The coast is the most popular objective of English people for their annual holidaybut there are few new seaside hotelsFood in British hotels and restaurants is reasonably cheap, but rooms are notFew English people rent houses or flats for their holidaysbut one of the traditional ways of spending a summer holiday is in a boarding houseSome boarding-house keepers provide all meals for their guestsOthers provide breakfast only

The British may be conservative about the times at which they take their holidaysbut they have shown themselves very ready to take to new placesThey have always been pioneers in traveling far away, and Englishmen were among the first to climb many of the great Alpine summitsNow foreign travel is within reach of most working peopleand each year more English menwomen and children become familiar with some part of continental EuropeMany take their carsoften with tentscrossing the Channel by ferryothers use the travel agents’ plans for group travel. When they get home againthey talk endlessly of how they spent their leisure and private life


leisure n.& adj.休闲();空闲()

objective n.目标;目的

    conservative adj.保守的

    boarding-house n.供膳的寄宿处

    summit n.顶点;首脑

continental adj.大陆的;大陆性的

pioneer   n.先驱者;先锋

Comprehension questions

1State Schools in England usually have ________for summer holidays

Aa month           Btwo month

C42 days           Dfifty days

2The prices of food in British hotels and restaurants are reasonably ________.

    Acheap     Bexpensive      Chigh      Dlow

3The British people are fond of ________

Atraveling far away for their holidays

Bstaying at home for their holidays

Crenting houses for their holidays

Dtalking about their work when they get home


