realize.come true realize 和 come true都有“实现 之意. 但两者用法不同.realize是及物动词.常用于sb. realize sth. 这种结构,come true 是不及物动词词组. 通常用来表示“理想.愿望等 的名词作句子的主语. The Chinese people ale working hard to realize the meAemizations. 中国人民正在为实现现代化而努力工作. His dream of becoming a teacher came true. 他当教师的理想实现了. 查看更多



On October 23, 2011, David Pologruto, a high school physics teacher, was stabbed (刺) by his smart student Jason Haffizulla. Jason got straight A’s and was determined to study medicine at Harvard, yet this was his downfall. His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine (损害) his entrance to Harvard. After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed his physics teacher.
How can someone as smart as Jason do something so dumb? Studies show there is little or no correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence.
During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy. I got good marks in mathematics, physics, and other subjects. I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future. After one year of study with decent marks, I began to see two major classes of students. The first category of students turned up to few lectures, partied every weekend, enjoyed a great social life, and did minimal work to pass courses. The second category of students were intelligent and hard workers who got good grades and were very focused on their studies. Surely would these intelligent and hard-working students find the great jobs before the other lazier class of students?
Not so. Students are often shocked upon graduation that their qualifications are not as important as they once thought. Graduates enter the workforce only to realize that co-workers hate them and less intelligent people are the ones receiving promotions.
Educational skills are useless in some industries when interpersonal skills are absent. You can have great ideas, theories, and solve complex problems, but if you cannot effectively communicate in a persuasive and exciting manner by relating to your fellow humans, you will face an uphill battle in whatever challenges you encounter. It’s not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it’s that people dislike you because you’re rude and not understanding. The intelligent person with poor communication skills is insensitive or unaware of others’ emotions.
【小题1】Jason Haffizulla stabbed his physics teacher because       .

A.he was unfairly treated by his teacher
B.he was disappointed with his downfall
C.he was not smart enough at studies
D.he got a worse mark than usual
【小题2】We can infer from the third paragraph that the author        in his early university years.
A.didn’t think communication skills were as important as intelligence
B.didn’t work hard
C.belonged to the first category of students
D.could keep a balance between social life and studies
【小题3】Intelligent people are hated because       .
A.they can solve more complex problems
B.they can’t settle the challenges they meet
C.they are envied for their intelligence
D.they are not understanding enough
【小题4】The main purpose of the text is to tell us       .
A.the relationship between IQ and emotional intelligence
B.what kind of students can succeed in college people may have poorer communication skills
D.intelligent students will meet more challenges at work


On October 23, 2011, David Pologruto, a high school physics teacher, was stabbed (刺) by his smart student Jason Haffizulla. Jason got straight A’s and was determined to study medicine at Harvard, yet this was his downfall. His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine (损害) his entrance to Harvard. After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed his physics teacher.
How can someone as smart as Jason do something so dumb? Studies show there is little or no correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence.
During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy. I got good marks in mathematics, physics, and other subjects. I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future. After one year of study with decent marks, I began to see two major classes of students. The first category of students turned up to few lectures, partied every weekend, enjoyed a great social life, and did minimal work to pass courses. The second category of students were intelligent and hard workers who got good grades and were very focused on their studies. Surely would these intelligent and hard-working students find the great jobs before the other lazier class of students?
Not so. Students are often shocked upon graduation that their qualifications are not as important as they once thought. Graduates enter the workforce only to realize that co-workers hate them and less intelligent people are the ones receiving promotions.
Educational skills are useless in some industries when interpersonal skills are absent. You can have great ideas, theories, and solve complex problems, but if you cannot effectively communicate in a persuasive and exciting manner by relating to your fellow humans, you will face an uphill battle in whatever challenges you encounter. It’s not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it’s that people dislike you because you’re rude and not understanding. The intelligent person with poor communication skills is insensitive or unaware of others’ emotions.

  1. 1.

    Jason Haffizulla stabbed his physics teacher because       .

    1. A.
      he was unfairly treated by his teacher
    2. B.
      he was disappointed with his downfall
    3. C.
      he was not smart enough at studies
    4. D.
      he got a worse mark than usual
  2. 2.

    We can infer from the third paragraph that the author        in his early university years.

    1. A.
      didn’t think communication skills were as important as intelligence
    2. B.
      didn’t work hard
    3. C.
      belonged to the first category of students
    4. D.
      could keep a balance between social life and studies
  3. 3.

    Intelligent people are hated because       .

    1. A.
      they can solve more complex problems
    2. B.
      they can’t settle the challenges they meet
    3. C.
      they are envied for their intelligence
    4. D.
      they are not understanding enough
  4. 4.

    The main purpose of the text is to tell us       .

    1. A.
      the relationship between IQ and emotional intelligence
    2. B.
      what kind of students can succeed in college
    3. C.
      smart people may have poorer communication skills
    4. D.
      intelligent students will meet more challenges at work


     On October 23, 2011, David Pologruto, a high school physics teacher, was stabbed (刺) by his
smart student Jason Haffizulla. Jason got straight A's and was determined to study medicine at Harvard,
yet this was his downfall. His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine (损害) his entrance to Harvard. After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed
his physics teacher.
     How can someone as smart as Jason do something so dumb? Studies show there is little or no
correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence.
     During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy. I got good marks in
mathematics, physics, and other subjects. I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future.
After one year of study with decent marks, I began to see two major classes of students. The first
category of students turned up to few lectures, partied every weekend, enjoyed a great social life,
and did minimal work to pass courses. The second category of students were intelligent and hard
workers who got good grades and were very focused on their studies. Surely would these intelligent
and hard-working students find the great jobs before the other lazier class of students?
     Not so. Students are often shocked upon graduation that their qualifications are not as important as
they once thought. Graduates enter the workforce only to realize that co-workers hate them and less
intelligent people are the ones receiving promotions.
     Educational skills are useless in some industries when interpersonal skills are absent. You can have
great ideas, theories, and solve complex problems, but if you cannot effectively communicate in a
persuasive and exciting manner by relating to your fellow humans, you will face an uphill battle in
whatever challenges you encounter. It's not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it's
that people dislike you because you're rude and not understanding. The intelligent person with poor
communication skills is insensitive or unaware of others' emotions.
1. Jason Haffizulla stabbed his physics teacher because _____  .
A. he was unfairly treated by his teacher
B. he was disappointed with his downfall  
C. he was not smart enough at studies
D. he got a worse mark than usual
2.We can infer from the third paragraph that the author  ____  in his early university years.
A. didn't think communication skills were as important as intelligence
B. didn't work hard
C. belonged to the first category of students
D. could keep a balance between social life and studies
3. Intelligent people are hated because _____   .
A. they can solve more complex problems
B. they can't settle the challenges they meet
C. they are envied for their intelligence
D. they are not understanding enough
4. The main purpose of the text is to tell us ____  .
A. the relationship between IQ and emotional intelligence
B. what kind of students can succeed in college
C. smart people may have poorer communication skills
D. intelligent students will meet more challenges at work  




  On October 23, 2011, David Pologruto, a high school physics teacher, was stabbed (刺) by his smart student Jason Haffizulla.Jason got straight A's and was determined to study medicine at Harvard, yet this was his downfall.His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine (损害) his entrance to Harvard.After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed his physics teacher.

  How can someone as smart as Jason do something so dumb? Studies show there is little or no correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence.

  During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy.I got good marks in mathematics, physics, and other subjects.I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future.After one year of study with decent marks, I began to see two major classes of students.The first category of students turned up to few lectures, partied every weekend, enjoyed a great social life, and did minimal work to pass courses.The second category of students were intelligent and hard workers who got good grades and were very focused on their studies.Surely would these intelligent and hard-working students find the great jobs before the other lazier class of students?

  Not so.Students are often shocked upon graduation that their qualifications are not as important as they once thought.Graduates enter the workforce only to realize that co-workers hate them and less intelligent people are the ones receiving promotions.

  Educational skills are useless in some industries when interpersonal skills are absent.You can have great ideas, theories, and solve complex problems, but if you cannot effectively communicate in a persuasive and exciting manner by relating to your fellow humans, you will face an uphill battle in whatever challenges you encounter.It's not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it's that people dislike you because you're rude and not understanding.The intelligent person with poor communication skills is insensitive or unaware of others' emotions.


Jason Haffizulla stabbed his physics teacher because ________.

[  ]


he was unfairly treated by his teacher


he was disappointed with his downfall


he was not smart enough at studies


he got a worse mark than usual


We can infer from the third paragraph that the author ________ in his early university years.

[  ]


didn't think communication skills were as important as intelligence


didn't work hard


belonged to the first category of students


could keep a balance between social life and studies


Intelligent people are hated because ________.

[  ]


they can solve more complex problems


they can't settle the challenges they meet


they are envied for their intelligence


they are not understanding enough


The main purpose of the text is to tell us ________.

[  ]


the relationship between IQ and emotional intelligence


what kind of students can succeed in college


smart people may have poorer communication skills


intelligent students will meet more challenges at work


It is not a secret that these are turbulent times that put everyone on edge all the time and it makes people angry with their families, co-workers, friends and relatives, frustrated (沮丧的)and highly annoyed just for the noise of the neighbors or the music coming from the opposite house. Anger and negative energy have a strong influence on everyone’s life, even when they don’t realize it.

Being in a calm state of mind is simply wonderful. Results of this can be seen when parents no longer shout at their children over any small thing and when one can keep him cool when bad things happen and doesn’t let the situation become worse by his negative influence.

Also results can be seen on a larger scale. In 1993 a very interesting scientific experiment called The US Transcendental Meditation experiment was conducted in Washington. A company called TM got 4,000 calm and relaxed people to simply sit and meditate (冥想) in a central Washington convention center. The results of this experiment showed that during those particular 8 weeks, violent crimes, such as murder, rape, assaults, clearly decreased by as much as 23%.

This is evident proof that meditation can change the state of mind, bring back peace of mind and collective meditation is contagious (蔓延的), just as anything done collectively is contagious. For example, a person has the urge to become aggressive (while in normal circumstances that person is very calm and normal), just because he is sitting at a stadium watching a football game and everyone around is shouting and is aggressive.

Isn’t increasing the quality of life worth spending 20 minutes of time on meditation? Yes, very few people follow through with a meditation method that should be a joy to do. Many start and leave it after only a few sessions.

So if collective meditation has proven that meditation works, that it calms people down and that it brings their levels of stress down, why not employ it in everyday life?

1.The underlined word “turbulent” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “     ”.

A.changeless        B.disorderly         C.perfect           D.expected

2.According to Paragraph 3, the scientific experiment      .

A.was to test whether meditation is useful

B.was conducted throughout America

C.asked the participants to do a lot of sports

D.had no particular requirements on the participants

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Violent crimes are closely related to aggressive characters.

B.People are sometimes easily annoyed by small things.

C.Many people fail to carry out a meditation method.

D.Meditation can cure people of many illnesses.


