M: Can you spell eraser, please? W: Yes. E-R-A-S-E-R. 查看更多



1. Can you t_____ this English sentence into Chinese?
2. Which kind of English study m_____ can you learn from this passage? Remember to choose one that
     fits you best.
3. It is important for you to buy a g_____ book when you learn a foreign language.
4. Do you learn anything else b_____ Chinese at school?
5. — Whenever you need help, telephone me.
    — Good idea. I wish I wouldn't meet any d_____.


Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue. (选择适当的句子完成对话。)
A. How time flies!
B. When are you going to have the party?
C. What are you going to do?
M: It's December 30th today.
W: 1.________ A new year is coming.
M: 2.________ 
W: I am going to the shop to buy something for our evening party.
M: 3.________ 
W: On New Year's Eve. We'll have our teachers and students get together until New Year's Day comes.
M: Can you tell me something about your party?
W: Of course.


Complete the dialogue.

M: What's your favourite sport, Han Mei?

W: (1)

M: Can you play volleyball(排球)?

W: I'm sorry, I can't. (2)

M: OK. Let's go to the school gym. Now frost you must jump very high and hit the ball like this. (3)

W: Sure. (4)

M: Yes, but we can play volleyball every Friday after school.

W: (5)

ADo you want to have a try?

BThat's great.

CWould you like to teach me?

DI like roller-skating.

ECan we often play volleyball here?



  M: Can you stay for dinner?

  W: I'd love to. But I have to go to send a letter first.

  Q: Where will the woman go?

[  ]

A.Restaurant.    B.Hotel.    C.Post office.



How many m________ can you see?

