6.登陆火星似乎只是个梦想. 查看更多




1.我今天不方便去逛街.(convenient)  ________________to go shopping.

2.可能会下雨,把伞带上以防万一.(in case)  It may rain. You’d better ________________

3.微笑能帮助我们渡过难关。(get)   A smile can help us __________________________

4.他们正和另一家公司联合建造这座大坝。(association) They __________ with another firm.

5.学好英语不容易,但只要坚持你最后会成功的.(hang on)

It’s not easy to learn English well, _____, you will succeed in the end.

6.你所说的的确是做白日梦.( truth)   What you are saying____________


Although he is only an eight –year- old child, he can _______________


Not until my teacher pointed out my shortcoming_________________


I was just about to answer the phone when it _________  


She ate a light lunch _________a good dinner.



1. Being painted, her house was ______________ (是一团糟).
2. People used to drink the water from the lake, but now they ______________ (再也不能那么做了)
    because of the pollution from the factory.
3. Today more and more parents are _______________ (学着像朋友一样对待孩子).
4. It is rude to sit ______________ (跷着二郎腿坐着).
5. It was _____________ (我的错) your cell phone was stolen.
6. _____________ (既然他承认他错了), you should have forgiven him.
7. There is not a school _____________ (对不良习惯听之任之的).
8. Don't _____________ (让水一直流着) while you brush your teeth.
9. He _____________ (本该成为医生) but he chose to be a teacher.
10. "I will forgive him. _____________ (毕竟, 他只是个孩子)." the mother said.


----It is understandable for him to make such mistakes.

---- You are right, ________________________(考虑到他只是个新手).(condider)




   11.Along the way children          (穿着)long wool coats stopped to look at us.

   12.He                        (做了个梦)last night.

   13.I don’t want to          (记下)a series of facts in a diary              (像大多数人那样)

   14.As the moon gave                 (太亮),I didn’t dare open a window.

   15.The film            (以……为蓝本)a novel written by Robert.

   16.They               (决心)drive the enemy from their land.

   17.I’m thinking of moving and      my house      (换成)a larger one.

18.The old man lived on his own and had a dog               (作伴).

19.As I was about to go out and search for him, he           (恰巧)come in.

   20.At one point we were so high that we                 (发现自己仿佛骑车穿越)clouds.




  11.Along the way children      (穿着)long wool coats stopped to look at us.

  12.He             (做了个梦)last night.

  13.I don’t want to     (记下)a series of facts in a diary       (像大多数人那样)

14.As the moon gave         (太亮),I didn’t dare open a window.

15.The film       (以……为蓝本)a novel written by Robert.

  16.They        (决心)drive the enemy from their land.

17.I’m thinking of moving and   my house    (换成)a larger one.

18.The old man lived on his own and had a dog       (作伴).

19.As I was about to go out and search for him, he      (恰巧)come in.

  20.At one point we were so high that we          (发现自己仿佛骑车穿越)clouds.

