词汇 单词 *consist state powerful mistaken narrow unknown republic Europe form *Atlantic general *influence basis *inland *conquer *upper union judge queen cigarette proof own foot employ sheet grain westwards *approach historical *prediction exact *forecast ensure *system *consumer *reform necessity crowded goods tiny *cashre main importance regular medical deal *physician cure educator distance lifelong hopeful well-prepared *cheat *wrist programme reality 词组 *consist of be made up of make the most of hold together in general keep in touch with... pay attention to deal with in store 语法 名词性从句 查看更多



请根据句子逻辑, 从模块四课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。 
【小题1】He will r_______________ our class to take part in the meeting.
【小题2】I won’t trust you until you give me the c__________ evidence to support what you say.
【小题3】We are lucky that all our classrooms are very well e______________.We have computers, fans, air-conditioners etc.
【小题4】This dictionary is for the a_______________ English learners while that one is for the beginners.
【小题5】Jim is so c____________________ that he always gets everything ready for the teacher before each lesson.
【小题6】We are sure to o____________ all difficulties on our way to success if we are mentally strong.
【小题7】Only a m__________ of students are against this plan while most of them support it.
【小题8】Jack and Ben had a quarrel yesterday.But now they have found that the quarrel happened because of a m________________ and they have forgiven(原谅) each other.
【小题9】Your c_________ on him that he is not an honest person really hurts him.
【小题10】What the hero has done will i______________ more people to follow him and offer help to others when necessary.


单词拼写(共10小题,分值为1分,共10分). 请根据句子逻辑, 从模块二课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。

1. According to the new standard, p_________ health and mental health are equally important.

2. To enter a university, all Chinese students should take part in the college e_____________ examinations which take place in June every year.

3. The number of students who leave school because of financial difficulty has d___________ with the help of the government and society.

4. This room used to be very dirty and old. But after we have designed it again and d__________ it, it now looks like a new one.

5.I would a_____________ it if you could give me an early reply.

6. Such romantic story only happens in films. In r_________, it will never happen.

7. When I came into the room, she p____________ to be asleep. As soon as I stepped out of the room, she got up again.

8. There are too many steps to operate this machine and they are very confusing (容易混淆的). You had better s__________ the steps so that they can be easily understood.

9. When kids step into this toy shop, it is not easy to take them out because there are too many things that are a____________ to them.

10. Whoever breaks the window should take the r___________________ and should pay for it.





1.My history teacher is very a____________. He always makes us laugh in his class.

2.Please read the i_____________ first before taking the medicine.

3.I’d a__________ it if you could turn the radio down. I’m doing my homework.

4.The teacher has built a good r__________ with his students. All his students respect and like him.

5.He is busy preparing for a job i____________.

6.The problem is very important. You should take it ____________(严肃地,认真地).

7.I was ____________(尴尬的)by his comments about my clothes.

8.The poet gave a vivid ____________(描述)of the beautiful scenery.

9.Doing enough ____________(翻译)exercises can improve your writing.

10.The long cycle ride made him ____________(疲惫不堪的).



【小题1】Her music is very popular with _____________(青少年)
【小题2】_________(事实上),China may have the largest number of English learners
【小题3】The little boy is just starting to talk ;he has a ____________ (词汇量)of about ten words.
【小题4】The options were History and Geography. I chose the             (后者)
【小题5】We         (逐渐地)get used to getting up early in the morning and going to bed late at night.      
【小题6】Judging from his a_______, he must be from North East of China .
【小题7】What is _______ (标准的) English?
【小题8】He i__________ the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking.



注意:1.文章的起始句已给出;        2.词数:100词左右(不包括已给的起始句)。
参考词汇:基础foundation汉语拼音Chinese pinyin
The students of Class 2 had a discussion about whether it would be necessary to start learning English from childhood_____________________________________________________      __

