同位语从句 教材原句 (1)The idea that England stands for Fish & Chips,Speakers’ Corner,Big Ben and the Tower of London is past. 用炸鱼土豆条.演讲角.大本钟和伦敦塔象征英国的时代已经过去了. (2)The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many. 大不列颠本土由三个国家组成.这一事实许多人还不知道. 补充例句 (1)Along with the letter was his promise that he would visit me this coming Christmas. 他在信中许诺这个圣诞节将来看我. (2)The news that the plane would take off on time made everybody happy. 飞机将会按时起飞.这消息使得大家非常高兴. (3)The suggestion that students should learn something practical is worth considering. 学生们应该学实际东西.这个建议值得考虑. (4)I have no idea when he will be back. 我不知道他何时回来. 特别提示 和定语从句不同.同位语从句的that只起连接作用.不作句子成分.但不能省略. 查看更多





101. I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own. _______.

102. I found the wallet where you left it. _________________.

103. She sang as she walked home all the way. _________________.

104. Many people, as you know, are learning foreign languages. _________________.

105. He set out to work the moment he got to the office. _________________.

106. This is the reason he gave me. _________________.

107. The news that our team has won the game was true. _________________.

108. I met some foreigners yesterday, two of whom are from the USA. _________________.

109. The news that he told me was not true. _________________.

110. It was obvious that you’ve made a big mistake. _________________.

111. He will talk to us about what he saw in the school. _________________.

112. He looks as if he was going to cry. _________________.

113. Give me your promise that you will come to our party this evening. _________________.

114. What can be done has been done. _________________.

115. The question is who is responsible for what has happened. _________________.

116. I don’t think they will win the game. ___________________.

117. Whatever you do, you must do it well. _____________________.

118. Whatever I have now will be yours in the future. _________________.

119. The book can be of help to whoever wants to do the job. ________________.

120. It remains doubtful whether this is an important discovery. ________________.





 101. I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own. _______.

 102. I found the wallet where you left it. _________________.

 103. She sang as she walked home all the way. _________________.

 104. Many people, as you know, are learning foreign languages. _________________.

 105. He set out to work the moment he got to the office. _________________.

 106. This is the reason he gave me. _________________.

 107. The news that our team has won the game was true. _________________.

 108. I met some foreigners yesterday, two of whom are from the USA. _________________.

109. The news that he told me was not true. _________________.

110. It was obvious that you’ve made a big mistake. _________________.

111. He will talk to us about what he saw in the school. _________________.

112. He looks as if he was going to cry. _________________.

113. Give me your promise that you will come to our party this evening. _________________.

114. What can be done has been done. _________________.

115. The question is who is responsible for what has happened. _________________.

116. I don’t think they will win the game. ___________________.

117. Whatever you do, you must do it well. _____________________.

118. Whatever I have now will be yours in the future. _________________.

119. The book can be of help to whoever wants to do the job. ________________.

120. It remains doubtful whether this is an important discovery. ________________.



1)The proposal that he put forward is to be discussed at the meeting.

2)The proposal that we should hold sports meeting is to be discussed.




例如:The report that he was going to resign was false.他将辞职的传闻是假的。因为the report was that he was going to resign句意通顺,所以,that he was going to resign是同位语从句。


. It didn’t surprise us at all ________ he was post to Hong Kong.





. It didn’t surprise us at all ________ he was post to Hong Kong.

A) why          B) how             C) what         D) that

