25.belong to属于 The house belongs to me. 查看更多



1. They invited us to visit their company, which____(他 们太友善了).( kind)
2. — It's great that Jane is coming to attend our English evening. 
    — I never doubted _____(她会来). (come)
3. — Dorothy is seldom late for her class. Why is she absent today? 
    — Something____(一定发生了)her.( happen)
4. That is a very good suggestion. It is worth____(考 虑).( think)
5. Look at the beautiful big house over there, _____ (它属 于)an old woman.( belong)
6. The problem is____(我们能找到谁)to replace her. ( get)
7. I don't like them and _____(我姐姐也不喜欢).  ( nor)
8. My grandmother was born in 1943,____(当时中日正 交战). ( when, at)
9. He is the only one of the teachers____(懂法语)in our school.( know)
10. The way____(那位科学家解决)the problem was different from those the other scientists used
      to employ. ( solve)

