3.发表自己的观点和看法 [参考范文] We call see in the picture a child is burdened with heavy schoolbags as well as huge mental pressure.When he was young.he was expected to be able to go to a key elementary school.and later a key high school.And now he is expected to be admitted to a key university.Under such distress and difficulties.how can he seek dynamic and active self-development? Reducing the children’s heavy burden requires efforts from the schools.the society, as well as the parents.Education that breaks the natural rules of children’s development in body and mind is bound to fail.In short.parents as well as teachers should become active supporters of all-round character education and work closely with each other in guiding the students towards a balanced development. Passage 31 (东北育才.天津耀华.大连育明.哈三中四校2008届高三第二次联合模拟考试) 假设你叫李华.下面海报是你校英语角的一次活动安排.请根据海报内容用英语写一封电子邮件.邀请你的外校朋友李明前来参加. 注意:①邮件要涵盖海报中全部信息.并可适当增加细节. ②要写成一篇连贯的短文.不可照抄海报内容. ③单词数:100左右(已给句子中的单词不计入总词数), 参考词汇:subtitle字幕,popcorn爆米花 The English Corner invites you to come and see an English movie February 26,2008 No. 1 Lecture Hall 3:30~5:30 p.m Free popcorn & soft drinks! Ready help from native speakers of English Good chance to learn English & make friends! Dear Li Ming, Good news for you! Yours, Li Hua [参考范文] Dear Wang Ming, Good news for you! An English movie called Uncle Tom’s Cabin will be shown in No. 1 lecture Hall in my school on February 26. It is a great movie by Gezavon Rad vanyi. Don’t be afraid you might not understand the story because there are Chinese subtitles and there will be native speakers ready to help you, too. Besides, free popcorn and soft drinks will be offered! The event is organized by the English Corner in my school. I think it’s a great chance to learn English and make new friends. The movie starts at 3:30 p.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. If you come, I’ll meet you at the school gate at 3:20 p.m. Yours, Li Hua Passage 32 (黑龙江省哈九中2008届高三第二次模拟考试) 根据下图所示写一篇作文.字数:100字至120字左右 注意:开头语已为你写好 Do you know anything about my family? [参考范文] Do you know anything about my family? Believe it or not, my father is simply like the sun, while my mother is like the moon. You may be puzzled at my words. As you know, I have a lot of homework to do as a pupil. But what surprises you most is that my father is always standing behind me with a duster, which is frightening. In the evening, my father goes to bed to have a sound sleep, while my mother comes to stay with me, watching me working as hard as in the day. But the difference between them is that she is tender to me with many fruits to reward me. They relax themselves by turns but I have to work from morning till night. It is unfair. Passage 33 (湖南省长郡中学2008届高三第二次模拟考试) 一组题为在网上广为流传. 以下是其中的一幅.请你根据图片和文字说明,结合你的感想写一篇文章. 图片说明: 雪深没膝.归途迢迢. 勇敢的母亲面前没路.乐观的母亲心里只有微笑. [参考范文] From the picture I can see that a smiling mother, with a baby on her back, is struggling her way home through the deep snow. Although it is very difficult to move forward, the woman is still wearing a smile on her face. It’s just the smile of being fearless and optimistic that affects and impresses me the most. Our life journey is just like this: now and then we are to undergo winds, rains, or snowstorms on the way to the destinations.However, we are never supposed to give in to those setbacks or obstacles. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is a sorrow, overcome it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Bravery, courage and optimism are the very things that we should bear in our mind. Only in this way are we able to reach the good of our life. Passage 34 (宁夏银川一中2008届高三第二次模拟考试) 请根据下表提供的信息写一篇文章向外宾介绍国家体育馆“鸟巢 . 字数:100字左右 提示词汇:标志性建筑 symbol.鸟巢 Bird’s Nest 地点 北京北部 建筑面积 25.8万平方米.可容纳9万多名观众 开/竣工时间 2003年12月-2008年 外观 犹如树枝搭成的鸟巢 用途 奥运会期间可举办田径.足球比赛 奥运会后可用于举办各种大型活动 专家评价 奥运史上一个难以置信的标志性建筑 [参考范文] The Bird’s Nest, the national stadium, is located in the north of Beijing, with an area of 258,000 square meters, able to hold more than 90,000 audience members. Started in December 2003 and to be completed in 2008, it will be used for track and field events and football matches during the Beijing Olympic Games. After that it will be used to hold all kinds of grand activities. Seen from the outside, it resembles a real bird nest made of branches, which explains where it’s name came from. No wonder experts regard it as an incredible symbol for Olympic history. Passage 35 (北京市崇文区2007-2008学年度第二学期高三统一练习 请根据下面提示.写一篇短文.词数不少于50. In your English class, the teacher shows this picture and asks the class to discuss the implied meaning in it and support it with a good example in everyday life. Now it’s your turn to describe the picture and tell the class how you understand it. [参考范文] In the picture, we can see it rains hard. But to our surprise, a gentle man is watering flowers, holding an umbrella in his hand! The picture reminds me a lot. In everyday life, a lot of people take an unnecessary action just like the man in the picture. For example, some parents of middle school students care too much about their children. Some even accompany the children to and from their school, which makes them more and more dependent. This is really unnecessary and will leads to an undesirable result in the long run. Passage 36 (广西省柳州玉林梧州三市2008届高三第一次模拟考试) 根据下面几幅图画.用英语写一篇短文.介绍Jack在妈妈的帮助下学炒菜的过程及感受. 注意: 查看更多



观察下面的一幅漫画,用英语写一篇100-120左右题为"Birds with Weak Wings"的短文。

要求:1、简要描述漫画内容;    2、说明图示所反映的社会现状;

3、发表自己的观点和看法;4、参考词汇:农民工(off-farm workers)。






1. 存在问题:


父母:处理问题的方式简单,把自己的想法强加(impose . . . . . . on)给孩子……

2. 解决办法:







观察下面的一幅漫画,用英语写一篇100-120左右题为"Birds with Weak Wings"的短文。

要求:1、简要描述漫画内容;    2、说明图示所反映的社会现状;

3、发表自己的观点和看法;4、参考词汇:农民工(off-farm workers)。





1. 存在问题:
父母:处理问题的方式简单,把自己的想法强加(impose . . . . . . on)给孩子……
2. 解决办法:




1. 存在问题:


父母:处理问题的方式简单,把自己的想法强加(impose . . . . . . on)给孩子……

2. 解决办法:





