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Visiting a new place can be a scary experience for a lot of people because it could include speaking in a language that most people are not comfortable with ---- English. So how can you keep away form this kind of situation? Learn how to speak English fluently. Here are 4 English speaking tips you must know to become a more confident English speaker.

1. Listen first.

One of the best English speaking tips is to listen carefully to understandable English EVERY DAY. Most people turn to textbooks to study English grammar rules, but you cannot learn the correct English pronunciation of the words merely by reading them. You do not need to learn grammar in detail because this can prevent you from speaking English fluently.

Instead, listen to how native English speakers pronounce and observe their mouth movements. Also watch English shows and movies to build on your English accent and improve your vocabulary.

2. Practice makes perfect.

Studies show that you’ll probably spend three months of practice every day in order to have strong mouth muscles. Read aloud in English for 15 to 20 minutes a day in front of the mirror, which helps in accent reduction and improves your English communication skills.

Also, practice with your friends and family. Talking with a good English speaker can help improvise (即兴发挥) your usage of words and formation of sentences.

3. Think in English.

One of the most effective English speaking tips is to think in English. What most English learners do in the early stages of learning is that they think of what they have to say in their native language, translate and then say it in English. This can be mentally tiring.

If your goal is to speak English fluently, you need to learn “thinking” in English. Make up the sentences in English as you think about them before saying them. With practice, you will be able to respond automatically in English.

4. Be more confident.

All these English speaking tips will be in vain if you are not that confident in your English speaking skills. It is quite natural to commit errors when learning a new language.

Try to relax if you’re speaking in English. When you speak at a normal speed, you’ll discover that you will be able to pronounce the words correctly and people will understand you. Most of the time, the person you are talking to is not even aware of your errors.

In a word, learning English does not happen overnight. It takes a lot of time, effort and practice. Don’t get too frustrated and never give up. Follow these English speaking tips and practice daily. Soon, you would learn to speak English fluently as if it is your own language.

English speaking tips you must know


It’s many people’s dream to 1._____ the discomfort from being unable to speak English in a new place.



Listen first.

v Seeking help from textbooks won’t enable you to learn the 2._____ English pronunciation.

v Listen to how native English speakers pronounce and observe how their mouths 3._____.

v Watch English shows and movies to improve your English accent and 4._____.

Practice makes perfect.

v Practice three months to 5._____ your mouth muscles.

v Regular reading 6._____ can reduce accent and improve your English communication skills.

v Practice with your friends and family.

Think in English.

v Thinking in your native language makes you 7._____ mentally.

v Thinking in English will reward you with automatic 8.____ in English.

Be more confident.

v Committing errors is a necessary part of language learning.

v Try to relax to speak at a normal speed and make yourself 9._____.


Learning English does not happen overnight.





    Besides calling 911, here is what to do in some life-threatening emergencies when no one is

around to help.

Lost in the wilderness

First, you’ve got to acknowledge you’re in trouble. Stay where you can be seen clearly and remember to rest. Keeping a sense of humor helps too—it reduces stress and helps creative thinking.

In a wide open area, make a colorful cross out of rocks to show your present position.


 Aim to hit the top of the chair against your stomach, in the soft part below the bony upside-down V of the ribs(肋骨). Make a sudden push against the chair. If you still can’t breathe after six tries, call 911, even if you can’t talk. Write the word choking somewhere nearby, and leave the line open until help arrives.

Severe bleeding

Use your hand or clean cotton, or paper towels, or a scarf, or any cloth you can find, and push down on the wound until the bleeding stops. But if you put a band around your leg tightly, you’re going to close the vessels(血管)to the entire leg. In this way, you could lose your foot.

Bear attack

If you surprise a bear, don’t run away. That invites an attack. Instead, stand up and back away slowly, without looking the bear in the eyes. If it does charge at you, stick out your chest, raise your arms, and spread your legs. Shout at the bear, to frighten it. If it’s going to attack, lie facedown, with your handsheld firmly behind your neck. Play dead until you’re sure the bear is gone.

60. When you see a colorful cross made of rocks in the wilderness, you know     .

         A. someone is bleeding             B. someone is choking

         C. someone is attacked by a bear   D. someone is lost  

61. If you are still choking after six tries, you should          .

         A. call 911 and leave the line open  B. keep a sense of humor

         C. use your hand our clean cotton  D. lie down with your hands behind your neck

62. Don’t tie around your bleeding leg tightly, or you could         .

        A. stop bleeding                B. reduce stress            C. cause breathlessness         D. lose our foot       

63. The passage is mainly teaching us how to       .

         A. avoid a bear attack      B. survive the emergencies

         C. deal with a choke                  D. find our way 



Visiting a new place can be a scary experience for a lot of people because it could include speaking in a language that most people are not comfortable with ---- English. So how can you keep away form this kind of situation? Learn how to speak English fluently. Here are 4 English speaking tips you must know to become a more confident English speaker.
1. Listen first.
One of the best English speaking tips is to listen carefully to understandable English EVERY DAY. Most people turn to textbooks to study English grammar rules, but you cannot learn the correct English pronunciation of the words merely by reading them. You do not need to learn grammar in detail because this can prevent you from speaking English fluently.
Instead, listen to how native English speakers pronounce and observe their mouth movements. Also watch English shows and movies to build on your English accent and improve your vocabulary.
2. Practice makes perfect.
Studies show that you’ll probably spend three months of practice every day in order to have strong mouth muscles. Read aloud in English for 15 to 20 minutes a day in front of the mirror, which helps in accent reduction and improves your English communication skills.
Also, practice with your friends and family. Talking with a good English speaker can help improvise (即兴发挥) your usage of words and formation of sentences.
3. Think in English.
One of the most effective English speaking tips is to think in English. What most English learners do in the early stages of learning is that they think of what they have to say in their native language, translate and then say it in English. This can be mentally tiring.
If your goal is to speak English fluently, you need to learn “thinking” in English. Make up the sentences in English as you think about them before saying them. With practice, you will be able to respond automatically in English.
4. Be more confident.
All these English speaking tips will be in vain if you are not that confident in your English speaking skills. It is quite natural to commit errors when learning a new language.
Try to relax if you’re speaking in English. When you speak at a normal speed, you’ll discover that you will be able to pronounce the words correctly and people will understand you. Most of the time, the person you are talking to is not even aware of your errors.
In a word, learning English does not happen overnight. It takes a lot of time, effort and practice. Don’t get too frustrated and never give up. Follow these English speaking tips and practice daily. Soon, you would learn to speak English fluently as if it is your own language.
English speaking tips you must know

It’s many people’s dream to 【小题1】_____ the discomfort from being unable to speak English in a new place.
Listen first.
v Seeking help from textbooks won’t enable you to learn the 【小题2】_____ English pronunciation.
v Listen to how native English speakers pronounce and observe how their mouths 【小题3】_____.
v Watch English shows and movies to improve your English accent and 【小题4】_____.
Practice makes perfect.
v Practice three months to 【小题5】_____ your mouth muscles.
v Regular reading 【小题6】_____ can reduce accent and improve your English communication skills.
v Practice with your friends and family.
Think in English.
v Thinking in your native language makes you 【小题7】_____ mentally.
v Thinking in English will reward you with automatic 【小题8】____ in English.
Be more confident.
v Committing errors is a necessary part of language learning.
v Try to relax to speak at a normal speed and make yourself 【小题9】_____.
Learning English does not happen overnight.


Besides calling 911, here is what to do in some life-threatening emergencies when no oneis


around to help.

Lost in the wilderness
First, you’ve got to acknowledge you’re in trouble. Stay where
you can be seen clearly and remember to rest. Keeping a sense
of humor helps too—it reduces stress and helps creative thinking.
In a wide open area, make a colorful cross out of rocks to show
your present position.



Aim to hit the top of the chair against your stomach, in the soft part
below the bony upside-down V of the ribs(肋骨). Make a sudden
push against the chair. If you still can’t breathe after six tries, call 911,
even if you can’t talk. Write the word choking somewhere nearby, and
leave the line open until help arrives.

Severe bleeding

Use your hand or clean cotton, or paper towels, or a scarf,
or any cloth you can find, and push down on the wound
until the bleeding stops. But if you put a band around
your leg tightly, you’re going to close the vessels(血管)
to the entire leg. In this way, you could lose your foot.
Bear attack

If you surprise a bear, don’t run away. That invites an attack.

Instead, stand up and back away slowly, without looking the
bear in the eyes. If it does charge at you, stick out your chest,
raise your arms, and spread your legs. Shout at the bear, to
frighten it. If it’s going to attack, lie facedown, with your hands
held firmly behind your neck. Play dead until you’re sure the bear
is gone.
【小题1】When you see a colorful cross made of rocks in the wilderness, you know    .
A.someone is bleedingB.someone is choking
C.someone is lostD.someone is attacked by a bear
【小题2】If you are still choking after six tries, you should         .
A.keep a sense of 911 and leave the line open
C.use your hand our clean cottonD.lie down with your hands behind your neck
【小题3】Don’t tie around your bleeding leg tightly, or you could        .
A.stop bleedingB.reduce stress
C.lose your footD.cause breathlessness
【小题4】The passage is mainly teaching us how to      .
A.survive the emergenciesB.avoid a bear attack with a chokeD.find our way


China’s second manned(人造的) space flight will be done by two astronauts(宇航员) over five days in 2005. “Shenzhou-VI will be sent into space sometime in 2005,” said Zuo Saichun, a spokesperson of the China Aerospace Science and Technology (CAST). “The spacecraft(宇宙飞船) will make new breakthroughs(突破性进展) in China’s manned space technology.”
Unlike Shenzhou-V, a little more than a year ago (in October, 2003), the next flight will see two astronauts fly in space for five days. Their capsule (太空舱) is designed to be capable(能够)of orbiting(绕轨道运行) for a whole week, the spokesperson said. “For the first time, astronauts will enter and live in the orbital module(舱) of the spacecraft to do scientific experiments,” said a statement from CAST. CAST did not say what those experiments will be.
In Shenzhou-VI, scientists have changed the spacecraft’s configuration (构形) to reduce its weight, and tried to improve the performance of on-board equipment. They have also worked to make sure of the energy supply of the spacecraft and further improve its safety. So far, scientists have worked out ways to solve problems on environmental control and life support. Shenzhou-VI will be sent into orbit atop(在……顶上) a Long March 2F rocket.
Meanwhile, a model of the Chang’e-1 satellite is expected to be sent to orbit the moon in two years. The satellite, part of the three-stage programme, would be followed by the landing of an unmanned vehicle on the moon in the second stage by 2010 and collecting samples(样品) of lunar soil by 2020 in the final stage, according to Sun Laiyan, director of the China National Space Administration.
【小题1】. Which of the following about Shenzhou-VI is NOT true?

A.It will be sent into space in 2005.
B.It is capable of orbiting for two weeks.
C.It will be sent into orbit atop a Long March 2F rocket.
D.It will be sent into space with two astronauts.
【小题2】. According to the passage, the following problems should be solved before Shenzhou-VI is sent into space EXCEPT ______.
A.environmental control supply supportD.lunar soil collecting
【小题3】. Which of the following does NOT belong to the three-stage programme?
A.Shenzhou-VI’s being sent into space.
B.A model of the Chang’e-1 satellite will be sent to orbit the moon.
C.The landing of an unmanned vehicle on the moon.
D.Collecting samples of lunar soil.
【小题4】. The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.some problems need solving before Shenzhou-VI is sent into space
B.Shenzhou-VI will be sent into space in 2005
C.what China’s space programme is China’s three-stage programme is carried out

