with Class Two, ours has more boy students. 查看更多





I had a very special teacher many years ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his  36 , she shared her insights(顿悟) with the students. When the class was nearly over, she  37  and said, “I would like to  38  with all of you a thought that has  39  to do with class, but which I feel is very  40 .

“Each of us is put here on the  41  to learn, share, love and appreciate ourselves. None of us knows when this  42  will end. At any moment it can be  43 . Perhaps this is life’s way of telling us that we must make good  44  of every day.” Her eyes beginning to  45 ,she went on saying, “So I would like you all to  46  me. From now on, on your way home, find something 47 to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see- it could be  scent(香味) of fresh bread, or it could be the  48  of the wind slightly rustling(发出沙沙声) the leaves.”

“Please look for these things, and  49  them. The little things we are put here on the earth to enjoy. They are   50   observing , for at any time they can all be taken away.”

The class was totally quiet. We all picked up our books and went out of the room  51 . That afternoon, on my way home I noticed  52  things than before. Every time I think of that teacher and remember what a(n)  53  she made on all of us, I try to  54  all of those things that sometimes we all ignore. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret,  55  the things we didn’t do.

36. A. disease      B. death         C. arrival         D. appearance

37. A. paused      B. continued      C. focused       D. broke

38. A. argue       B. communicate   C. share          D. whisper

39. A. something   B. nothing        C. everything     D. anything

40. A. improper    B. important      C. attractive      D. unbelievable

41. A. earth       B. farm           C. road         D. ground

42. A. disaster     B. schedule       C. experience     D. custom

43. A. put away    B. gone out       C. handed out     D. taken away

44. A. fun        B. difference       C. sense         D. use

45. A. smile       B. shut           C. water         D. glare

46. A. permit      B. promise        C. forgive       D. respect

47. A. strange     B. beautiful        C. powerful      D. different

48. A. signal       B. sound         C. action         D. direction

49. A. support     B. receive         C. remember      D. value

50. A. easy        B. harmful         C. worth        D. puzzling

51. A. silently      B. curiously       C. slowly         D. secretly

52. A. more      B. smaller        C. fewer           D. larger

53. A. result      B. chance        C. pain            D. impression

54. A. produce    B. taste         C. appreciate       D. change

55. A. or         B. and          C. for             D. but



I had a very special teacher many years ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his  36 , she shared her insights(顿悟) with the students. When the class was nearly over, she  37  and said, “I would like to  38  with all of you a thought that has  39  to do with class, but which I feel is very  40 .
“Each of us is put here on the  41  to learn, share, love and appreciate ourselves. None of us knows when this  42  will end. At any moment it can be  43 . Perhaps this is life’s way of telling us that we must make good  44  of every day.” Her eyes beginning to  45 ,she went on saying, “So I would like you all to  46  me. From now on, on your way home, find something 47 to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see- it could be  scent(香味) of fresh bread, or it could be the  48  of the wind slightly rustling(发出沙沙声) the leaves.”
“Please look for these things, and  49  them. The little things we are put here on the earth to enjoy. They are   50   observing , for at any time they can all be taken away.”
The class was totally quiet. We all picked up our books and went out of the room  51 . That afternoon, on my way home I noticed  52  things than before. Every time I think of that teacher and remember what a(n)  53  she made on all of us, I try to  54  all of those things that sometimes we all ignore. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret,  55  the things we didn’t do.
36. A. disease      B. death         C. arrival         D. appearance
37. A. paused      B. continued      C. focused       D. broke
38. A. argue       B. communicate   C. share          D. whisper
39. A. something   B. nothing        C. everything     D. anything
40. A. improper    B. important      C. attractive      D. unbelievable
41. A. earth       B. farm           C. road         D. ground
42. A. disaster     B. schedule       C. experience     D. custom
43. A. put away    B. gone out       C. handed out     D. taken away
44. A. fun        B. difference       C. sense         D. use
45. A. smile       B. shut           C. water         D. glare
46. A. permit      B. promise        C. forgive       D. respect
47. A. strange     B. beautiful        C. powerful      D. different
48. A. signal       B. sound         C. action         D. direction
49. A. support     B. receive         C. remember      D. value
50. A. easy        B. harmful         C. worth        D. puzzling
51. A. silently      B. curiously       C. slowly         D. secretly
52. A. more      B. smaller        C. fewer           D. larger
53. A. result      B. chance        C. pain            D. impression
54. A. produce    B. taste         C. appreciate       D. change
55. A. or         B. and          C. for             D. but



The weather is awful. If it gets _________, we can go out and have a basketball game with Class 2.

    A. good          B. well             C. better            D. best



五月四日,高三年级一班和二班之间将进行一次有关环保问题的演讲比赛(a talk show on environment protection)。此前,二班邀请清华大学的Dr Li做相关内容的报告。







地  点


时  间

四月三十日,星期三下午 2:00

目  的






May I have your attention, please?

As you know, our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One on May 4th. Before it takes place, we                          __________________





五月四日,高三年级一班和二班之间将进行一次有关环保问题的演讲比赛(a talk show on environment protection)。此前,二班邀请清华大学的Dr Li做相关内容的报告。







地    点


时    间

四月三十日,星期三下午 2:00

目    的






May I have your attention, please?

As you know, our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One on May 4th. Before it takes place, we


