---What would you say about the new book? --- . A. Nothing about it B. Nothing in particular C. Not at all D. Nothing at all 查看更多



— What would you say about the new book?
— _____.
[     ]
A. Nothing about it
B. Nothing in particular
C. Not at all
D. Nothing at all



  Wherever you go, there you are.This is the title of a fantastic book by JonKabat Zinn.Often when going through a difficult time, some think about making a major change, a change of a job or residence.Will this really help? Of course if you are being abused or stressed, such action may work.But for the most part, if we change nothing about ourselves, we merely take what is inside of us wherever we wander.

  In therapy(心理疗法), I have seen individuals who have literally taken geographic treatment, making a major change out of their city or state.What was most discovered was that at first, the change was fun and exciting.But after a period of time, after the“newness”wore off they still saw people as they had seen them before.If they felt taken advantage of, they still felt that way.If they had low self-esteem, they felt the same way.

  Is there an answer to this problem? Work on yourself first.In 12-step programs, we say no major changes for a year.That is because people need to see who they really are without their addiction.And it takes about a year to give up your system and to find out who you really are emotionally.

  Taking some time to clearly focus and see what the real issues are is very important.A quick change without any forethought is often merely an escape from reality.

  And remember, happiness is an inside job.


According to the author, you can change your job if ________.

[  ]


you are going through difficult times


you are ill-treated or stressed


you don't want to change yourself


you want to live a new life


By saying“happiness is an inside job”, the author really means that ________.

[  ]


happiness remains inside wherever you go


you can't find happiness even if you change your job or residence


you can't find happiness unless you change the inside of yourself


giving up your addiction can lead to happiness


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Work on Yourself First


Don't Change Your Job or Residence in a Hurry


Don't Escape From Reality


Join in 12-step Programs and Give up Your System



  George Prochnik would like the world to put a sock in it.He makes his case in a new book.Listening for meaning in a World of Noise.Here he explain himself(using his voice);

  “We've become so accustomed to noise, there's almost a deep prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial, if you tell someone to be quiet ,you sound like an old man.But it's never been important to find continuing quiet.Silence focuses us, improves our health, and is a key to lasting peace and satisfaction.”

  “We need to excite people about the sounds you start to hear, if you merely quiet things down a little.During a Japanese tea ceremony ,the smallest sounds become a kind of art the spoons making a light ringing sound on a bowl, the edges of a kimono(和服)brushing against the floor.

  “Deaf people are very attentive(专注的)in almost every aspect of life.If two deaf people are walking together, using sign language, they constantly watch out for each other and protect each other by paying steady attention to the other.They are connected yet also fully aware of their surroundings.Even deaf teenagers! We in the hearing world can learn from them.If we remove the powerful blasts(一阵阵)of noise.we become aware of an extraordinarily rich world around us-of little soft sounds and the sound of footsteps, of bind songs and ice cracking(开裂声).It's astonishing how beautiful things sound when you can really listen..”


What does the phrase “to put a sock in it ”in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

[  ]


to be quiet


to be colorful


to be full of love


to be attentive to someone


What does Proehnik say about us?

[  ]


We are used to quietness


We have to put up with noise


We do not think silence to be beneficial


We do not believe lasting peace to be available


Which of the following is true according to Prochnik?

[  ]


We need more sounds in our lives.


There is nothing to be learned from the deaf


We are not aware how rich the world around us is.


There is too much noise at Japanese tea ceremony.


It can be inferred from the text that

[  ]


we can benefit a lot from old people


it is a good idea to use sign language.


there is no escape from the world of sound


it is possible to find how beautiful things sound



  George Prochnik would like would like the world to put a sock in it.He makes his case in a new book, listening for Meaning in a World of Noise, Here he explains himself(using his indoor voice):

  “We’ve become so accustomed to noise, there’s about almost a deep prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial.If you tell someone to be quiet, you sound like an old man.But it’s never been more important to find continuing quiet.Silence focuses us, improves our health, and is a key to lasting peace and satisfaction.”

  “We need to excite people about the sounds you start to hear if you merely quiet things down a little.During a Japanese tea ceremony, the smallest sounds becomes a kind of art-the spoons making a light ringing sound on a bowl, the edges of a kimono(和服)brushing against the floor.”

  “Dear people are very attentive(专注的)in almost every aspect of life.If two deaf people are waling together, using sign language, they constantly watch out for each other and protect each other by paying steady attention to the other.They are connected yet also fully aware of their surroundings.Even deaf teenagers!We in the hearing world can learn from them.If we remove the powerful blasts(一阵阵)of noise, we become aware of an extraordinarily rich world around us-of little soft and the sound of footsteps, of bird songs and ice cracking(开裂声).It’s astonishing how beautiful things sound when you can really listen.”


What does the phrase “to put a sock in it” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

[  ]


to be quiet


to be colorful


to be full of love


to be attentive to someone


What does Prochnik say about us?

[  ]


We are used to quietness


We have to put up with noise


We do not think silence to be beneficial


We do not believe lasting peace to be available


Which of the following is true according to Proehnik?

[  ]


We need more sounds in our lives


There is nothing to be learned from the deaf


We are not aware how rich the world around us is


There is too much noise at a Japanese tea ceremony


It can be inferred from the text that ________

[  ]


we can benefit a lot from old people


it is a good idea to use sign language


there is no escape from the world of sound


it is possible to find how beautiful things sound


What you give your relatives and friends can help you know yourself better. Also, what they give you can tell you something about their personality. Most gift―giving (and getting) shows nothing more than the spirit of love and friendship. But it is possible to form some connections between the kinds of things brought and the people who buy them. Here is a guide to who gives what and why.

       The clothes you wear tell something about your personality. They tell the world not only how you want to be seen but how you see yourself as well. When someone gives you something to wear that agrees with your self-image, they’re saying, “I agree with you. I like you the way you are. ” Such a gift should be taken as a form of compliment(赞美). On the other hand, a gift of clothing that doesn’t match your personality could be an insult(侮辱)to your character.

       Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today. If you receive a homemade gift, you’re lucky. It may not be made perfectly, but it will show a certain quality of love. They’ve given time and emotion, two important characteristics of being creative.

       A person who thinks of food when thinking of gifts is a good example of what human warmth means. Whether you give a box of chocolate, a bag of oranges, or a ball of cheese, all carry the same message of comfort and support.

       People who give books as gifts either like reading or would like everyone to think they do. If you happen to receive a large heavy book, its giver may be much more interested in the way things appear than in the way they actually are. Of course, reading is a way of new things. Giving a book can be a way of sharing a feeling or newly learned meaning. The giver is probably trying to say to you what the book said to him.


56. The first paragraph is written mainly to tell readers that___________.

  1. the gifts you give can help you understand yourself better than any other way
  2. there is a certain relationship between the gifts and the people who give them
  3. the gifts you receive help you learn your personality
  4. between relatives and friends a gift may show friendship and love

57. A person who likes the self-image of another person will give the latter a gift_________.

A.   fashionable and expensive

B.   made at home by himself

C.   that agrees with the personality of the receiver

D.  that matches the character of the giver

58. If you give a large book as a gift, it may show that_______________.

  1. you enjoy reading and will be successful in writing
  2. the receiver is interested in reading and hopes to be a writer
  3. you want to share with others a certain feeling
  4. you are more interested in the appearance than in its contents

59. What kind of gifts would people give if they want to show their love toward others?

A. Homemade gifts                                      B. Delicious food                

C. Expensive clothes                                    D. An interesting book

