He have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn't be enjoying hirnself by the seaside. A. should B. must C. wouldn't D. can't [解析]选A 根据下文“否则他在海边没法玩得痛 快. 可以推出上一句“他本应该要完成他的工作. should have done表示后悔或责备.意为“本应该做了(但事实上 没做) . 查看更多



. Not until _______ smoking ________ healthy lungs.

A.did he five up, he had

B.did he give up, did he have

C.he gave up, he had

D.he gave up, did he have



Such a fierce dog __ that we had to wait outside before we could get into his yard.

A.has he had                            B.did he have

C.he had                               D.he has had



Such a fierce dog _____ that we had to wait outside before we could get into his yard.

A.has he had        B.did he have        C.he has            D.he has had



Find out a mistake in the following sentence and correct it(找出句中的错误,并改正)

[  ]

Neither A you nor B he have C been to D London.


 Such a fierce dog ________ that we had to wait outside before we could get into his yard.

   A. has he had      B. did he have     C. he had        D. he has had

