Lei Feng us a good example and we should it. A.follow; set B.gave; learn from C.sets; follow D.set; follow 查看更多



 What is quoted from famous people in history always encourages us in our work, our studies and our life.

 First, just have a look at what David J. Firestone, whom few Chinese 1 , has got to say about Lei Feng, who 2 famous in China ever since 1963 ---- :“... the 3 of Lei Feng typified to the Chinese people were 4 5 soldier --- American or Chinese, Egyptian or Russian---- could 6 the virtues of patriotism, bravery, loyalty, and humility. Now 7 then these ideas transcend 8 boundaries ;they are 9 of a larger bond between soldiers of different national and cultural backgrounds . This is 10 the posters were on the walls 11 West Point . ”

 Which is more important, words or deeds ? The answer can be 12 in a quotation from William Shakespeare 13 follows : “Action is 14 .”

John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the U. S.A. , once stressed : “My fellow Americans, 15 what your country can do for you;ask 16 you can do for your country . ”

 Martin Luther , the famous German leader of religion reformation , said: “ 17 that is done in the world is done by hope .”

 Talking about the value of life, D. H. Lawrence said: “Life is ours to 18 , not 19 .”

 Ralph Waldo Emerson, a 19th century American writer, pointed out: “Nothing great was 20 achieved without enthusiasm .”

1.A.know B.know of C.Are aware of D.Are familiar with

2.A.has been B.was C.is D. had been

3.A.prices B.praises C.prizes D. values

4.A.unity B.universal C.universe D. university

5.A.A B.the C.Any D. some

6.A.Appreciate B.know C.realize D. thank

7.A.like B.As C.As if D.As though

8.A.nature B.natural C.nation D. national

9.A.part B.Any part C.the part D. some part

10.A.how B.why C.when D. where  

11.A.At B.on C.to the D. within

12.A.found B.discovered C.described D. searched for

13.A.As B.that C.which D. what

14.A.eloquence B.eloquent C.eloquences  D. eloquently

15.A.better not ask B.had better ask C.Ask not D. not ask

16.A.how B.what C.who D. why

17.A.Everything B.Nothing C.Something D. The thing

18.A.spend B.be spent C.be spending D. have been spent

19.A.save B.be saved C.be saving  D. have been saved

20.A.ever B.even   C.yet    D. never


新闻内容, 选项中有一项是多余选项。
     1. Designer Giambattista Valli, Stella McCartney and Christophe Lemaire offered a visual feast of
different styles for their fall and winter collections. At Paris Fashion week on Monday, Giambattista Valli
showed-off his ready-to-wear collection.
     2. After a number of rounds of competition, two of China’s best women shooters had a chance to
punch their ticket to the London Olympics today as a solid day from the favorites in the 25m pistol event. Zhang Jingjing and Chen Ying would see them earning their spot on the Chinese Summer Games team.
     3. March 5th is the official "Learning from Lei Feng Day" when various organizations and institutions
call on people to learn from Lei Feng, a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness, modesty and dedication.
As time passes, the values and beliefs that the Lei Feng spirit represents continue to spread throughout
     4. As China passes the Olympic Torch to the UK, the two nations are marking 40 years of diplomatic
ties with a seven-month long showcasing British arts and creative industries. Seventeen cities across
China will enjoy a variety shows sponsored by the project "UK NOW". Upcoming highlights scheduled
for April and May were announced at the British Embassy.
     5.On the issue of local government debt, Finance Minister Xie Xuren said at Tuesday's press
conference that China will step up its management to prevent potential risks. The minister said local
governments are required to repay their debts and ensure funding for projects that are under construction. Local government debts had risen to 10.7 trillion yuan, or 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars by the end of 2010.
That accounts for about 17 percent of China’s GDP that year.

A. Fashion designers highlight Paris catwalk
B. National Art Museum promotes Lei Feng Spirit
C. Lei Feng spirit undergoes revival in China
D. "UK NOW" art festival to tour China
E. China to enhance management of local government debt
F. Zhang, Chen earn 25m pistol spots on Chinese Summer Games team

