---- is Tom like? ---Oh, he is short and fat. A.How B.Where C.What D.Which 查看更多



  High school students have always spread gossip(传言) in the halls, on the walls and on the phone. Now it’s on the Internet, too. On various message boards, kids write about whom they hate, whom they think have fallen in love with each other and record other often hurtful things that may or may not be true.

Sixteen- year-old Jessica remembers once when some kids at her school wrote cruel things about her on the web. “ They were just making fun of me,” she says. They said she’s really ugly, she’s this, she’s that, blah-blah-blah.

 Jessica’s 11-year-old sister, Emma, admits she’s used the web to write bad things about another girl, though she regrets it now. “After a while, you may feel like, how could I have been so mean? Or, why did I do that?” she says.

Experts say gossip on the Inernet can be more harmful than the old fashioned kind. It lasts longer and is taken more seriously. And, unlike ugly words on the bathroom wall, there’s no way to get rid of it.

If your kids are victims of online gossip, Dr. Commanday suggests putting the gossip into perspective(正确看待). “Point out to them how what’s being said on the screen differs from what everyone knows about you as a person,” Dr. Commanday says.

You can also try what worked for Emma: Keep your kids off the offensive website! “ When she was using it all the time, her name was there all the time. People were writing things about her,” explains Patti Thrift, Emma’s mother, “ Since she has no longer had access to that, she’ s no longer a topic of conversation.”

Experts say that any time your child is on the Internet , you should know what he or she is doing there. Online gossip is just another reason why.

From the examples of Jessica and her sister, we can learn that ________.

A. ugly girls like to spread gossip online  

B. ugly girls easily become victims of online gossip

C. gossip-makers can regret what they do 

D. online gossip is mailny some jokes on others

According to the passage, why is online gossip more hurtful?

A. It can not be removed.   

B. It is written words. 

C. It is much uglier.      

D. It is easier to believe.

If you are a victim of online gossip, you’d better_______

A. ask your parents to stop it    

B. try to stay away from there 

C. make it known to the police 

D. speak ill of the gossip-maker

 The purpose of the passage is to _____

A. introduce different kinds of hurt students might meet with

B. advise students to keep away from the Internet

C. list the bad influence gossip on the Internet brings

D. give some tips on how to prevent hurt of gossip on the Internet

The passage is mainly written for____

A. experts               B teachers               C. parents               D. students


More American people take their troubles with them on holiday, according to a new survey. Although 40 percent said that the main reason for going away is to escape pressure (压力) from work, almost all said they worry more than they do at home. Only four in every 100 said that they are happy and free of care.

The most common worry is burglary ( 入室盗窃), with four out of 10 worrying about their homes being broken into while they’re abroad. More than a quarter fear they will feel crazy with some other noisy and rough holiday-makers and 22 percent worry they may be attacked or their possessions will be missing. One in five think the car may break down; and the same number worry about the chances of bad weather.

The survey also showed that the stay-at-home Americans are no more. Three out of every five want to have a holiday abroad, a great increase from the figures only three years ago. The hotel holiday is still a winner, with about one third of all Americana preferring to go on a self-catering ( 自助 ) holiday.

56. The underlined word “survey” in the first paragraph most probably means ______.

A. research                B. review            C. exhibition        D. examination

57. According to the text, about ______ of people worry more on holiday than when they are at home.

A. 25%             B. 40%               C. 80%             D. 95%

58. The third most common worry of American holiday-makers is that they may ______.

A. be attacked or lose their possessions  B. have problems with their cars on the road

C. have bad weather on holiday      D. get mixed with some rough fellow holiday-makers

59. Where do American holiday-makers like to stay most?

A. At a hotel.                  B. In a quiet place.         

C. At a friend's house.            D. Where they can cook for themselves.


 We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money, but most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim, as a friend, really feel good about it? Or did he envy my luck?” “And was Paul friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad.?

But when we look back, it is too late.?

Why do we go wrong about our friends, or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meanings. And if we do not really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog!”(你真幸运!) Is he really on your side? If he says, “You're a lucky guy(人,家伙)!”,that is being friendly. But “a lucky dog”, there is a bit of envy in those words. What he may be saying is that he does not think you deserve your luck.?

“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another phrase that says one thing means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem. But this phrase contains the thought that your problem is not at all important.?

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Is what he says shown by the tone of voice? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save your another mistake.?

When the writer recalls(回想) some of the things that happened between him and his friends, he _______.?

A. feels happy, thinking how nice his friends were to him?

B. feels he might not have understood his friends' true feelings?

C. think it a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend?

D. is sorry that his friends let him down

When the writer talks about someone saying, “You're a lucky dog!”, he is saying that _______.?

A. the speaker is just friendly?

B. this sentence suggests the same as “You're a lucky guy!”?

C. the word “dog” should not be used to apply to people?

D. sometimes the words show that the speaker is a bit envious

This passage tries to tell you how to _______.?

A. avoid(避免) mistakes about money and friends?

B. get an idea of friendly people?

C. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you?

D. keep people friendly without trusting them


The earthquake affected the students of the destroyed areas in many ways: losing parents, being scared(害怕) and feeling lonely. How can we help them? Teens reporter talked with Lin Dan. the program director of the Sunshine in Your Heart Project at the Red Cross Society of China.

How will the earthquake affect the teenagers mentally?

They’ll have feelings of fear, anger and feel they are not safe. They will find it hard to focus. They will tend to cry and shout and tremble. And they might be afraid to be alone.

What will happen if they are not helped?

The teenagers will find it hard to live in a balanced way. If things get worse they might not be able to focus on their studies. They might give up on life.

How can we help them overcome these problems?

The first thing is to build up trust with them. Show your sympathy and sadness, and be their friend. Then you have to give them a sense of safety. Tell them that there’s a solution to every problem. Thirdly, try to satisfy their psychological needs. Be a good listener if he or she needs to talk.

Some of us were not directly affected by the quake but have seen images on TV and feel scared. What should we do?

Talk with an adult and/or share your feelings with someone who might feel similar. If this doesn’t help then you should see a doctor for professional help.

What’s the best title of the passage?

A. The scare caused by the earthquake

B. Dealing with the pain left behind after the earthquake

C. How to get a sense of safety

D. The psychological needs

The earthquake will affect the teenagers mentally. Which of the following statements is not included?

   A. They’ll tend to cry and shout and tremble.

   B. They may be afraid to be alone.

   C. They’ll feel unsafe.

   D. They’ll feel sympathetic.

The underlined word “psychological” in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to “      ”.

   A. mental      B. physical     C. material       D. professional

From the passage, we can infer that         .

   A. the scare caused by the earthquake can be relieved(解除) quickly

   B. seeing a doctor is the most important measure to deal with the problem

   C. the images on TV can also affect people and even cause problems

   D. to help them overcome these problems, we should always talk with them

To help them overcome the problems, we should not      .

   A. build up trust with them           B. give them a sense of safety

   C. solve every problem they have      D. be a good listener if they need to talk


       HANS Christian Andersen put Denmark on the map of the world literature with his stories The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼) and The Ugly Duckling.Now Copenhagen, the country's capital, has become the center of the world political map, with 190 world leaders attending the climate talks there, not to mention thousands of reporters.

Just how much do you know about the Scandinavian country?

Denmark is famous for its design culture.At the heart of “Danish Design” is the idea that, as poet and designer Piet Hein puts it: “There is one art, not more, nor less, [and that is] to do all things with artlessness (朴实)”.

      Danish design places equal emphasis on practicality and quality.From Lego toys to furniture, Danish products are known for their clean lines, simplicity and functionality.“Remove material where it's not needed.Keep things simple and functional and make them carefully,” explained Hans J.Wegner, the first Danish designer to achieve worldwide fame: “The aim is not to create a work of art, but to produce a good chair.”

       “The Danes have done a better job than most in promoting arts in Europe, considering their country's size and population, in the fields of architecture, sculpture and design,” writes Helena Smith, reporter with British newspaper the Guardian.

       The simplicity of Danish design may extend to the quality of life there.Some even claim that the Danes have the highest quality of life of any nation in the world.

       Kate Vial, a 55-year-old American who has lived and worked in Denmark for more than 30 years, explaining why she chooses to live in Denmark rather than the US, told Germany's biggest news weekly Der Spiegel: “I just chose a simpler lifestyle, one where I could ride my bike all over and where I don't have to make a great living to survive.”

What’s the writer’s purpose of mentioning Denmark’s literature?

     A.To show the readers that Denmark is best known for its stories.

     B.To arouse readers’ interest in Denmark.

     C.To tell the readers that this passage is related to literature.

     D.To show why Denmark can attract so many political leaders.

What is Denmark famous for according to the passage?

     A.Design culture      B.Making chairs      

       C.Writing poems      D.Climate prediction

Which statement is true according to the passage?

     A.Danish design pays more attention to arts than its function.

     B.Danish products don’t need much material.

     C.Danish people like to keep simple life.

     D.Compared with other countries in Europe, Denmark does little in promoting arts.

In Piet Hein’s opinion, the characteristic of Danish culture is _____________.

     A.Creative            B.Complicated         C.Impractical      D.Simple

What is the best title for the passage?

     A.Danes conquer the world with simple designs.

     B.Denmark—a new political center.

     C.Life in Denmark.

     D.Designer’s idea of Denmark.

