The duties of a policeman are than . A. dangerouser ; a teacher B. more dangerous ; a teacher C. greater danger ; those of a teacher D. more dangerous ; those of a teacher 答案是D项.英语中由构词法派生出的形容词或副词比较级与最高级一律前面加more各the most构成.dangerous是由danger派生出的形容词.因此其比较级是more dangerous ; 在比较句中.一定要使比较的东西是一致的.为了避免重复.需比较的对象如果是单数.应该使用that of-代替.如果需比较的对象是复数.则用those of -.请看以下两个例句.并理解上述说法:The climate in Florida is as mild as in California . (佛罗里达州的气候与加州的气候一样暖和.) Classes in universities are more difficult than those in colleges . (大学本科的课程比大学专科的课程更难.) 查看更多



The duties of a policeman are _____ than ____ .

       A. dangerouser ; a teacher                  B. more dangerous ; a teacher

       C. greater danger ; those of a teacher          D. more dangerous ; those of a teacher


The duties of a policeman are _____ than ____ .

       A. dangerouser ; a teacher                  B. more dangerous ; a teacher

       C. greater danger ; those of a teacher          D. more dangerous ; those of a teacher

