free 释放 查看更多



It is often necessary to release(释放)a fish, that is, set it free after catching, because it is too small, or you just don’t want to take it home to eat. In some cases, releasing fish is a good measure that will help keep fish variety and build their population size. The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) encourages fishermen who practice catch-and-release fishing to use a few simple skills when doing so. The advice provided below will help make sure that the fish you release will survive (存活) to bite again another day.

—When catching a fish, play it quickly and keep the fish in the water as much as possible.

  Don’t’ use a net in landing the fish and release it quickly to prevent it from dying.

—Hold the fish gently. Do not put your fingers in its eyes. Don’t wipe the scales (鱼鳞) off the   fish because it might cause it to develop a disease and reduce its chance of survival.

—Remove your hook (鱼钩) quickly. If the hook is too deep or hooked in the stomach, cut the   line and leave the hook in. The hook left inside will cause no serious problem to the fish.

—Take good care of the fish by moving it gently in water. Release the fish when it begins to   struggle and is able to swim.

—Do not hold fish in a bucket or some other containers and later decide to release it. If you are   going to release a fish, do so right away.

With a little care and by following the suggestions given above, you can give the released fish a better chance of survival.

60. People sometimes set a fish free after catching it because they _________

   A. don’t want it to die                B. hope it will grow quickly

   C. don’t want to have it as food         D. want to practice their fishing skills

61. Which of the following will probably make a fish ill?

   A. Taking the hook off it.             B. Removing its scales.

   C. Touching its eyes                 D. Holding it in your hand.

62. A proper way to release a fish is to _________.

   A .move it in water till it can swim          B. take the hook out of its stomach

   C. keep it in a bucket for some time         D. let it struggle a little in your hand

63. What is the purpose of the test?

   A. To show how to enjoy fishing.          B. To persuade people to fish less often.

   C. To encourage people to set fish free.    D. To give advice on how to release fish.


China needs to set absolute restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions(释放) if it is to fulfill its aim to set up a carbon market over the next five years, a cabinet office think tank said in a paper.
“It is only under an absolute emissions cap that carbon emission permits will become a scarce resource and possess the qualities of a commodity,” the State Council?s Development and Research Center said in a paper in Seeking Truth, a magazine published by the ruling party.
China has traditionally baulked(犹豫) at the idea of emissions caps either on a regional basis or for industrial sectors, invoking a key Kyoto protocol principle that puts most of the burden of cutting green-house gases on developed countries.
China, the world ‘s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, has also been under external pressure to make stronger commitments in the battle against global warming .The country has been the biggest beneficiary(受益人) of the Clean Development Mechanism, a UN-backed scheme that allows industrialized countries to meet their CO2 reduction targets by purchasing certified emission reductions or CERs from low-carbon projects launched in developing nations.
However, the European Union, the biggest buyer of CERs, has said it will not accept CERs generated by Chinese projects once the first phase of its Emissions Trading Scheme ends in 2012, though projects already registered will remain valid

  1. 1.

    What does China hope to do in the next five years?

    1. A.
      to cut its emissions by 45%
    2. B.
      to set up a carbon market
    3. C.
      to have lower emissions than other countries
    4. D.
      to increase both emissions and production
  2. 2.

    China agreeing to limit emissions now because______

    1. A.
      they care about the environment
    2. B.
      emissions harm people’s health
    3. C.
      of pressure from other countries
    4. D.
      they want more profit for their factories
  3. 3.

    How does the CER scheme work?

    1. A.
      Countries can buy the right to produce as much carbon emissions as they like
    2. B.
      All countries are required to set a carbon emissions cap and can then get certificates on how developed their environmental programme is
    3. C.
      Developed countries are allowed to produce more emissions than industrial countries
    4. D.
      Developed countries can buy the right to produce more carbon emissions from developing countries that produce less
  4. 4.

    What is the main idea of this passage?

    1. A.
      Air pollution is still increasing the problem of climate change all over the world
    2. B.
      China is still resisting cutting emissions as it is necessary for the manufacturing industry
    3. C.
      China believes that it is free from meeting international standards on emissions
    4. D.
      China will need to cut its emissions in the near future in order to keep up with the international community


96.   There ________________, the suspect was set free. (evidence)


97.   The door opened, out ___________.(come)


98.   Initial investigation suggested that overspeed driving ____________________ the accident. (cause)


99.   _______________ jumping the queue in the dining-hall is welcomed by all of them. (ban)


100. He is always honest and doesn’t talk much. Never did it occur to me that he _____________ me at yesterday’s party. (trick)



1 .我们大家都认为他是诚实的.(consider)
2 .我们把小偷释放了.(set …free)
3 .他叫我们参加做游戏.
4 .每天早晨,我们都听到他大声朗读英语.
5 .那可怕的声音把孩子们吓坏了.(make …frightened )


The Kyoto Protocol is a plan created by the United Nations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.The plan aims to reduce the amount of industrial gases released(释放)into the environment.Some scientists say carbon dioxide and other industrial gases are to blame for climate change around the world.The scientists say such gases build up in the atmosphere and trap heat below.They say this results in increasing temperatures and rising sea levels.

The plan is called the Kyoto Protocol because it was negotiated(商订)in Kyoto,Japan in December,1997.The goal of the agreement is to reduce the amount of emissions(排放物)--industrial gases released to below the levels of 1990.

Nations responsible for at least 55%of the world's industrial carbon dioxide emissions had to approve the agreement before it could go into effect.The European Union and many other industrial nations quickly approved the Kyoto Protocol.They receive credit for their own emissions if they invest in cleaned technologies in developing nations.Developing nations do not have to meet the emissions requirements of the agreement.

The United States produced 36%of the world's carbon dioxide emissions in 1999.But the United States refused to approve the Kyoto Protocol.Before the Protocol was negotiated,the United States Senate(美国参议院)voted that any treaty(条约)harmful to the economy of the United States could not be signed.President Bush has said that he supports the general idea of the treaty but will not send the treaty to the Senate for approval.Mr. Bush said that the agreement sets unfair differences between industrial and developing nations.He also said that the treaty could cause some Americans to lose their jobs.

After the United States rejected(拒绝)the Kyoto Protocol,approval by Russia was necessary for the agreement to come into effect.Russia approved the Protocol in November,2004 and the Kyoto Protocol went into effect on February 16th,2005.157 countries have approved the agreement.


60.What’s the purpose of this passage?

A.To note the importance of environmental protection.

B  To provide information about the Kyoto Protocol.

C.To show the results caused by global climate change.

D.To criticize the US for its response to the Kyoto Protocol.

61.How many years was the Kyoto Protocol negotiated before its coming into effect?

A.Nearly 1 year.                                         B.Nearly 6 years.

C.Nearly 8 years.                                        D.Nearly 15 years.

62.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.The US Senate has more power than President Bush.

B.The Kyoto Protocol will really do some harm to the US economy.

C.The worry of President Bush about signing the Kyoto Protocol is reasonable.

D.The US views its interest more important than environmental protection.

63.It can NOT be learned from this passage that          

A.the Kyoto Protocol was created to solve global pollution problems

B.the developed countries are mainly responsible for industrial gases

C.the developing countries can be free from the Kyoto Protocol

D.the Kyoto Protocol finally took effect without America's approval

