at present 目前,presently 副词.相当于soon.意思是“不久 ,for the present 眼下.暂时 .At present, he is on holiday. 目前.他在度假. / I will finish the work presently. 我就要完成这个工作./ He is busy writing a book for the present. 他眼下正忙于写书. 另外.be present at 到场.出席.反义词 be absent from 缺席,present 还作后置定语.意思是“到场的.在座 的 ,present 用作名词“礼物.赠品 .All but one were present at the meeting last night. 除了一人外.大家都出席了昨天晚上的会议.Present at the meeting were the leading members of the departments concerned. 有关部门的负责人出席了会议. 查看更多


