9.--Tony.how are you feeing now? --Much .I think I can go to school tomorrow. A.worse B.bad C.well D.better 查看更多




---He is a policeman.

A. How is Tony                    B. How old is Tony      

C. What is Tony                   D. Where is Tony from





Dear Tony,

How are you? Thanks very much  1  your last letter.I’ve finished all my exams.The last one was history yesterday.I think history is really difficult  2  there are lots of facts and dates to remember.I have a poor memory and I hate to remember things.I’m afraid I didn’t  3  the examination.

This term,I took eight  4  in total(总计).The worst were history and French.I found them boring and hard to learn.I’ve already forgotten most  5  teachers taught me.I need to study  6  than before.

I liked geography best,but we only had it  7  a week.Our geography teacher.Mr. Hill,was great.He taught us very  8  .He didn’t give us too much homework   

We did a project with Mr. Hill about a few countries in Europe and Asia.Some of my classmates went to the library to  9  for photos and I used the Internet to search for(查找)some information.Mr. Hill gave us a lot of  10  advice.We could finish our report easily.

Please write and tell me about your year at school.





Sue: Hey Tony, do you want to go to a __1__?

Tony: Yeah sure, Sue.

Sue: There __2__ lots of movies on show now. What kinds of movies do you like?

Tony: Well, I like action movies. Action movies are so exciting!

Sue: Yeah, I like __3__ movies, too. What about this one?

Tony: Oh yeah, that's a thriller(恐怖片). It sounds great.

Sue: Oh, but I don't like thrillers. They're too __4__.

Tony: Okay, how about a comedy(喜剧)? This one looks __5__.

Sue: Yes, I hear that one's really funny. Let's go.

1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________


1. Who thinks that the girl is a little bit heavy?
A. The girl herself and her father.
B. Doctor.
C. Tony.
2. How often does the girl play tennis?
A. Four times a week.
B. Three times a week.
C. Twice a week.
3. What does the girl think about the junk food?
A. She doesn't like it.
B. She likes it very much.
C. She doesn't mind it.
4. What does the girl eat twice a day?
A. Milk and eggs.
B. Fruit and vegetables.
C. Meat and fruit.
5. How often does the girl go to see her doctor?
A. Never.
B. Once a year
C. Twice a year.


从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话 .
(Wang Mei and Tony plan to join (参加) Chen Ruohan's birthday party)
Tony: What's your present for Chen Ruohan's birthday?
Wang Mei: Guess! 
Tony: 1______
Wang Mei: No, guess again.
Tony: 2______
Wang Mei: It's a rectangle.
Tony: How wide is it?
Wang Mei: 3______
Tony: And how long is it?
Wang Mei: It's 9 cm long.
Tony: 4______
Wang Mei: We can use it to listen to music and watch movies.
Tony: 5______
Wang Mei: You are right.
A. What's the shape of it?
B. What do we use it for?
C. Oh, I know. It must be an MP4.
D. Is it a football?
E. It's 6 cm wide.

